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#dailySVG #Plus – Day 03 – Iceberg – #SVG #Animation by @mge_de
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" class="world">
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<stop offset="1" stop-color="#fff"/>
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<stop offset="0.85" class="ocean-shallow" stop-color="#9fc2ca"/>
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<clipPath id="icebergClip">
<path class="wave reverse" class="cls-2" d="M-399,0H1603V504c-115,3-147,58-250,58s-145-58-250-58-147,58-250,58-145-58-250-58-147,58-250,58-145-58-250-58-147,58-250,58-145-58-250-58C-397,356-399,0-399,0Z"/>
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<use class="beam" width="306" height="505.47" transform="translate(777 525) scale(0.46)" xlink:href="#beam"/>
<use class="beam" width="306" height="505.47" transform="translate(-50 485) scale(0.84)" xlink:href="#beam"/>
<use class="beam" width="306" height="505.47" transform="translate(93 500) scale(0.57)" xlink:href="#beam"/>
<div class="title">
@import url('');
$beam: #e9fef6;
$sky-dark: hsl(200,
$sky-bright: hsl(190,
$ocean-deep: #306b98;
$ocean-shallow: #9fc2ca;
$ocean-surface: hsl(190,
/*Gradients and Fills */
.sky-bright {
stop-color: $sky-bright
.sky-dark {
stop-color: $sky-dark
.beam-gradient {
stop-color: $beam
.ocean-surface {
fill: $ocean-surface
.ocean-shallow {
stop-color: $ocean-shallow
.ocean-deep {
stop-color: $ocean-deep
.ice {
fill: #f6f6ff
.ice-dark {
fill: #d7eef2
.ice-shade {
fill: #e8f7f9
/*Light Beams*/
@keyframes beams {
100% {
opacity: 0.8
.beam {
opacity: 0;
animation: beams 4s both infinite alternate;
@for $i from 1 through 14 {
&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
animation-delay: -2s * $i;
.wave {
animation: waves-move 5s infinite linear;
animation-fill-mode: backwards;
.reverse {
animation-direction: reverse;
@keyframes waves-move {
100% {
transform: translate(500px, 0);
/*Ice Berg Animation*/
.ice-berg {
transform: rotate(-2deg) translate(0, 0);
transform-origin: 400px 400px;
animation: ice-berg 3s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
@keyframes ice-berg {
100% {
transform: rotate(2deg) translate(10px, 30px)
/*Body Setup*/
$hue: 40;
body {
background: hsl($hue, 50%, 90%);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.title {
height: 10vh;
line-height: 10vh;
font-size: 8vh;
padding: 2.5vh;
margin: 0;
color: hsl($hue, 40%, 30%);
border-top: 1px solid;
border-bottom: 1px solid;
font-family: 'Unica One', cursive;
.world {
width: 100vw;
height: 80vh;
vertical-align: bottom;
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