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Last active December 5, 2021 07:58
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package main
import (
var maxConcurrency int
func main() {
flag.IntVar(&maxConcurrency, "p", 1, "")
roots := flag.Args()
if len(roots) == 0 {
roots = []string{"."}
now := time.Now()
fileSizes := make(chan int64)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var lock = make(chan struct{}, maxConcurrency)
for _, root := range roots {
go walkDirectory(root, &wg, fileSizes, lock)
go func() {
var nFiles, nBytes int64
for size := range fileSizes {
nBytes += size
fmt.Println("total time: ", time.Since(now))
printUsage(nFiles, nBytes)
func printUsage(files, bytes int64) {
fmt.Printf("%d files %.1f GB\n", files, float64(bytes)/1e9)
func walkDirectory(dir string, wg *sync.WaitGroup, fileSize chan<- int64, lock chan struct{}) {
defer wg.Done()
for _, entry := range getEntries(dir, lock) {
if entry.IsDir() {
subdir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
go walkDirectory(subdir, wg, fileSize, lock)
} else {
info, _ := entry.Info()
fileSize <- info.Size()
func getEntries(dir string, lock chan struct{}) []os.DirEntry {
lock <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-lock }()
entries, err := os.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
return entries
package main
import (
func main() {
roots := flag.Args()
if len(roots) == 0 {
roots = []string{"."}
now := time.Now()
var totalFiles, totalBytes int64
for _, root := range roots {
files, bytes := walkDirectory(root)
totalFiles += files
totalBytes += bytes
fmt.Println("total time: ", time.Since(now))
printUsage(totalFiles, totalBytes)
func printUsage(files, bytes int64) {
fmt.Printf("%d files %.1f GB\n", files, float64(bytes)/1e9)
func walkDirectory(dir string) (noOfFiles, totalSize int64) {
for _, entry := range getEntries(dir) {
if entry.IsDir() {
subDir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
files, bytes := walkDirectory(subDir)
noOfFiles += files
totalSize += bytes
} else {
e, err := entry.Info()
if err != nil {
totalSize += e.Size()
func getEntries(dir string) []os.DirEntry {
entries, err := os.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil
return entries
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