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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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xlsx parsing in ruby
XLSX file, 1.5 Mb, 10 000 rows
Benchmark.measure { }
Benchmark.measure { {|w| w.sheets.first.rows.first } }
Benchmark.measure { }
Benchmark.measure {, :copymerge => false) }
NoMethodError: undefined method name=' for #<Matrix:0x0000014bea92b8>
from /Users/g3d/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@gemsetname/gems/oxcelix-0.4.0/lib/oxcelix/workbook.rb:277:in `block in matrixto'
Benchmark.measure { }
Benchmark.measure { } # xlsx not support
Ole::Storage::FormatError: OLE2 signature is invalid
from /Users/g3d/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@isis/gems/ruby-ole- validate!
Benchmark.measure { ::RubyXL::Parser.parse([0].sheet_data[0] }
Benchmark.measure {[0].rows[0] }
Conclusion: dullard & saxlsx show best results, but:
- Saxlsx return Saxlsx::RowsCollection for rows
- Dullard return Enumerator for rows (return not correct string data for rows)
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