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Created May 23, 2020 11:07
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## Send message to Slack
## script by Maxim Krusina,
## based on:
## created: 2017-08-21
## updated: 2018-09-22
## usage:
## in another script, first setup global variable then call this script:
## :global SlackMessage "my message"
## :global SlackChannel "#my-channel"
## :global SlackMessageAttachements "url encoded attachements or empty string for none"
## /system script run MessageToSlack;
## PS: unfortunately, right now there is no better way to pass script parameters than via global variables
:global SlackChannel;
:global SlackMessage;
:global SlackMessageAttachements;
:local slackHookUrl "";
## Replace ASCII characters with URL encoded characters
## Call this function: $urlEncode "string to encode"
:global urlEncode do={
:local string $1;
:local stringEncoded "";
:for i from=0 to=([:len $string] - 1) do={
:local char [:pick $string $i]
# :if ($char = " ") do={ :set $char "%20" }
:if ($char = "\"") do={ :set $char "-" }
#:if ($char = "#") do={ :set $char "%23" }
#:if ($char = "\$") do={ :set $char "%24" }
#:if ($char = "%") do={ :set $char "%25" }
#:if ($char = "&") do={ :set $char "%26" }
#:if ($char = "+") do={ :set $char "%2B" }
#:if ($char = ",") do={ :set $char "%2C" }
#:if ($char = "-") do={ :set $char "%2D" }
#:if ($char = ":") do={ :set $char "%3A" }
#:if ($char = "[") do={ :set $char "%5B" }
#:if ($char = "]") do={ :set $char "%5D" }
#:if ($char = "{") do={ :set $char "%7B" }
#:if ($char = "}") do={ :set $char "%7D" }
:set stringEncoded ($stringEncoded . $char)
:return $stringEncoded;
:local channel [$urlEncode $SlackChannel];
:local message [$urlEncode $SlackMessage];
:local attachements [$urlEncode $SlackMessageAttachements];
:local dataForMsg "{\"text\":\"$message\n$attachements\"}";
## Send the message to Slack
/tool fetch http-data=$dataForMsg url=$slackHookUrl;
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