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Last active March 3, 2021 07:08
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Fetch the stock prices from yahoo and save the data frame to the local machine. For more detailed explanation, check out my blog post
1. Fetch the stock prices using pandas_datareader libray.
2. Use pandas to save the data frame to csv file or xlsx file.
3. Fetch and save for the desired ticker symbol between any date range.
# Get the dates
import datetime
# Find relative dates of the past or of the future
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from stock_price import StockPrice
def stock_price():
# Assign a ticker symbol
# Create an instance of the class
stockPrice = StockPrice()
# Fetch the stock price
df_ts = stockPrice.fetch(
ts, - relativedelta(years=10),
# Print the first 5 rows
# Print the last 5 rows
# Save the stock price, ts.replace(".", "_"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create files in the operating system
import os
# Convert data frames to file formats
import pandas as pd
# Fetch the stock prices
import pandas_datareader as web
# Find relative dates of the past or of the future
class StockPrice:
Provide functionality to fetch the historical stock prices and save it to a path
def __init__(self):
Entry point to the class
self.data_source = 'yahoo'
self.path = 'data/'
def fetch(self, ticker_symbol, start, end):
Fetch the data from pre-defined source between the start and end time
:param ticker_symbol:
:param start: start time in yyyy-mm-dd
:param end: end time in yyyy-mm-dd
:return: data frame with the historical stock prices
return web.DataReader(ticker_symbol, self.data_source, start, end)
def save(self, df, file_name):
Save the data frame to a csv file in the local folderz
:param df: data frame with historical stock prices
:param file_name: name of the csv files
# Create the path
created = self.create_path()
print('New Path created', created)
# Create and write to the csv file
self.write_csv(df, file_name)
self.write_excel(df, file_name)
def create_path(self):
Create a path in the system
:return: True if the path was created because it doesn't exist and false otherwise
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
# Path doesn't exists, create the path
return True
return False
def write_excel(self, df, file_name):
Create a file of format xlsx
:param df: data frame with historical stock prices
:param file_name: name of the csv files
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(self.path + file_name + ".xlsx", datetime_format='dd/mm/yyy')
def write_csv(self, df, file_name):
Create a file of format csv
:param df: data frame with historical stock prices
:param file_name: name of the csv files
df.to_csv(self.path + file_name + ".csv")
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