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Last active December 29, 2021 18:11
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ACF Block with Innerblocks
import { Fragment } from "@wordpress/element";
import { InnerBlocks } from "@wordpress/editor";
* Changes the edit function of an ACF-block to allow InnerBlocks
* Should be called like this on `editor.BlockEdit` hook:
* ` addFilter("editor.BlockEdit", "namespace/block", editWithInnerBlocks("acf/block-name"));`
* @param {string} blockName the name of the block to wrap
* @param {object} innerBlockParams params to be passed to the InnerBlocks component (like allowedChildren)
const editWithInnerBlocks = (
append = true,
hideBlockEdit = false
) => BlockEdit => props => {
if ( !== blockName) {
return <BlockEdit {...props} />;
if (append) {
return (
{!hideBlockEdit && <BlockEdit {...props} />}
<InnerBlocks {...innerBlockParams} />
// put before block edit
return (
<InnerBlocks {...innerBlockParams} />
{!hideBlockEdit && <BlockEdit {...props} />}
* Changes the save function of an ACF-block to allow InnerBlocks
* Should be called like this on `blocks.getSaveElement` hook:
* `addFilter("blocks.getSaveElement", "namespace/block", saveWithInnerBlocks("acf/block-name"));`
* @param {string} blockName the name of the block to wrap
const saveWithInnerBlocks = blockName => (BlockSave, block) => {
if (typeof block === "undefined") {
return BlockSave;
if ( !== blockName) {
return BlockSave ||;
return (
<InnerBlocks.Content />
export { editWithInnerBlocks, saveWithInnerBlocks };
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terence1990 commented Feb 19, 2020

Hey guys, this I is a standardisation I am using to move Inner Blocks in the editor:

import editWithInnerBlocks from './editWithInnerBlocks'
import saveWithInnerBlocks from './saveWithInnerBlocks'
import moveInnerBlocks from './moveInnerBlocks';

const { addFilter } = wp.hooks

const blocks = => block.has_inner_blocks) // this property explained further down

blocks.forEach(block => {
	addFilter("editor.BlockEdit", `with-inner-blocks/${}`, editWithInnerBlocks(
	addFilter("blocks.getSaveElement",  `with-inner-blocks/${}`, saveWithInnerBlocks(
	acf.addAction( `render_block_preview/type=${'acf/', '')}`, (preview) => moveInnerBlocks(preview, block) )
// moveInnerBlocks
export default ($preview, block) => {
	const preview = $preview[0]	
	const target = preview.querySelector('.js-inner-blocks') // this className explained further down
	if( target ) {
		// check cached innerBlocks first otherwise we lose them every time we make change to ACF field for the block
		if( block.innerBlocks ) {
		} else {
			const innerBlocks = preview.closest('.wp-block').querySelector('.editor-inner-blocks')
			// cache the innerBlocks for later otherwise we lose them every time we make change to ACF field for the block
			block.innerBlocks = innerBlocks 

These are my args for these kind of Blocks:

    'name' => 'example-block',
    'title' => 'Example Block',
    'category' => 'wp-kit-example-blocks',
    'icon' => 'welcome-widgets-menus',
    'description' => 'An example block',
    'has_inner_blocks' => true,
    'render_callback' => function($block, $inner_blocks) {	

By having has_inner_blocks set to true the iteration is handled in Javascript above

Here's my HTML for the block:

// views/example.block.php
<div class="example">
	<h1>Hello <?php the_field('text'); ?>!</h1>
	<div class="js-inner-blocks">
		<?= $inner_blocks; ?>

I always have a node with js-inner-blocks className wrapping where I want my inner blocks so Javascript above can target it in block editor. For the frontend the $inner_blocks is coming in from second argument of render_callback. Everything looks nice in the backend and the frontend.

I think these kind of standardisation could be worked into ACF directly, the code is not too opinionated.

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gaambo commented Feb 20, 2020

@terence1990 that looks great. I also thought about having a supports flag innerBlocks and den do everything automatically (also the supported innerblocks etc.). Thanks for your snippet :)

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@terence1990 really cool and thank you for your work. It works like a charm :-)

Please note, since the latest Gutenberg version the inner blocks container selector was changed from .editor-inner-blocks to .block-editor-inner-blocks.

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@gaambo and @terence1990 any idea how we can solve it with multiple inner blocks like different columns inside an ACF block and each column can include different inner blocks? :-)

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CreativeDive commented Mar 30, 2020

@gaambo and @terence1990 an other issue is, if you use the same block multiple times the selector class "js-inner-blocks" works only for on block, but not for multiple blocks. The selector class needs a unique identifier e.g. the ACF block id, but I don't know how I can get the ACF block id inside the react code. Is there a filter of ACF which provides the block id?

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gaambo commented Apr 1, 2020

Thanks for your inputs - I'll have to test & play with WordPress 5.4 in the following days and hopefully I can come up with an solution or at least an idea - I'll let you know :)

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gaambo commented Apr 1, 2020

@CreativeDive Regarding multiple inner blocks: AFAIK there's still no way to include multiple innerBlocks in a block (even via React) - so we'd have to gez creative here and a solution should be future-compatible.
Right now the only thing that comes into my mind is building multiple blocks:

  • "Container"/"Wrapper" block which allows only the following "Slots" block
  • "Slots" block which can only be inserted to certain parents and only allows single blocks
  • Single block which can only be inserted in the slots block.

Depending on the use case that's not really easiert then using the core group + columbs blocks.

For accordions I solved it like this:
Accordion-ACF-Block which only allows Accordion-Iten Blocks as innerBlocks.

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gaambo commented May 29, 2020

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@gaambo: Very exciting ;-)

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