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Last active December 16, 2015 20:19
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Save gabalese/5491305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Brain-dead simple utility to dump a HTML list out of a Sony Reader annot. db. (Made on a Mac, so it look for a /Volumes/READER mount. I'm way too lazy to amend that to accept a path argv[n])
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Brain-dead simple utility to dump a list of annotations from a Sony Reader .db
# Usage: $ python [int number of annot to fetch]
import sys
import sqlite3 as sql
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Mac-path!
file_db = sql.connect('/Volumes/READER/Sony_Reader/database/books.db')
cur = file_db.cursor()
query = r'SELECT books.title,, annotation.marked_text, annotation.mark FROM annotation INNER JOIN books on annotation.content_id = books._id'
rows = cur.fetchall()
#how many rows?
num = -int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 0
html = ET.Element('html')
head = ET.SubElement(html, 'head')
body = ET.SubElement(html, 'body')
for row in rows[num:]:
stuff = ET.Element('li')
stuff.text = row[2]+" "
aut = ET.SubElement(stuff, 'em')
aut.text = "("+row[0]+")"
stuff.set("href", str(row[3]))
doc = ET.ElementTree(html)
print ET.tostring(html)
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