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Last active February 19, 2017 10:21
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AWS resource leakage finder
import boto.ec2
from collections import defaultdict
regions = { for region in boto.ec2.regions()}
class RegionPricingContext(object):
def __init__(self, region):
self.region = region
self.context = None
def populate_context(self):
conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(self.region)
print "Fetching Data for %s" % self.region
print "\tFetching instances..."
instances = [i for reservation in conn.get_all_reservations() for i in reservation.instances ]
print "\tFetching snapsots..."
snapshots = conn.get_all_snapshots()
print "\tFetching volumes..."
volumes = conn.get_all_volumes()
print "\tFetching eips..."
eips = conn.get_all_addresses()
self.context = {
'instances': instances,
'snapshots': snapshots,
'volumes': volumes,
'eips': eips
def init(self):
def analyse(self):
if self.context is None:
def get_unattached_eips(self):
eips = self.context['eips']
filter_unattached = lambda x: x.network_interface_id is None
return [eip for eip in eips if filter_unattached(eip)]
def get_unused_ebs(self):
volumes = self.context['volumes']
filter_unused = lambda x: x.status == 'available'
return [ebs for ebs in volumes if filter_unused(ebs)]
def print_summary(self):
unattached_eips = self.get_unattached_eips()
print_banner("Elastic Ips")
unattached_eips_summary = [{'public_ip': eip.public_ip, 'private_ip': eip.private_ip_address, 'network_interface_id':eip.network_interface_id} for eip in unattached_eips]
print_banner("Elastic Block Storage")
unattached_ebs = self.get_unused_ebs()
unattached_ebs_summary = [{'volume':, 'status': volume.status, 'size': volume.size} for volume in unattached_ebs]
print_banner("EBS Volume Snapshots")
all_snapshots = sorted([{'id':, 'volume_id': snap.volume_id} for snap in self.context['snapshots']], key=lambda x: x['volume_id'])
redundant_snapshots = get_redundant_snapshots(all_snapshots)
def get_redundant_snapshots(snaps):
index_by_volume = dict()
for snap in snaps:
if snap['volume_id'] not in index_by_volume:
index_by_volume[snap['volume_id']] = []
index_by_volume[snap['volume_id']].insert(-1, snap['id'])
return sorted([{'volume_id': key, '# snapshots': len(value)} for key, value in index_by_volume.items() if len(value) > 1], key= lambda x: x['# snapshots'], reverse= True)
def print_banner(label):
len_label = len(label)
print "="*(40+len_label)
print "|"+" "*19 + label+" "*19+"|"
print "="*(40+len_label)
def print_table(data):
# print data
if len(data) < 1:
print "No data"
row_format ="{:^30}" * (len(data[0]))
print row_format.format(*data[0].keys())
for row in data:
print row_format.format(*row.values())
if __name__ == '__main__':
for region in regions:
print_banner("REGION - %s"%(region))
rpc = RegionPricingContext(region);
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