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Forked from jackhftang/http_client_pool.nim
Created March 20, 2021 06:10
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Nim HttpClientPool
import asyncdispatch
import deques
import options
import httpclient
import strformat
export httpclient # for AsyncResponse
Wrapping AsyncHttpClient for pooling and timeout, also see
## Use this when the number of resource is pre-defined
## and have to dequeue before use and enqueue afterward
ResourcePool*[T] = object
resources: Deque[T]
queuers: Deque[Future[T]]
proc rlen*[T](pool: ResourcePool[T]): int =
proc qlen*[T](pool: ResourcePool[T]): int =
proc dequeue*[T](pool: var ResourcePool[T]): Future[T] =
## Take one resource from pool. Wait if not available
result = newFuture[T]("ResourcePool.dequeue")
if pool.resources.len == 0:
pool.queuers.addLast result
result.complete pool.resources.popFirst()
proc tryDequeue*[T](pool: var ResourcePool[T]): Option[T] =
## Take one resource from pool. Do not wait if not available.
if pool.resources.len == 0:
result = none[T]()
result = some pool.resources.popFirst()
proc enqueue*[T](pool: var ResourcePool[T], item: T) =
## Add one resource to pool.
if pool.queuers.len > 0:
RequestTimeoutError* = object of CatchableError
HttpClientPool* = ref object
size: int
clients: ResourcePool[AsyncHttpClient]
proc newHttpClientPool*(size: int): HttpClientPool =
result.size = size
result.clients = ResourcePool[AsyncHttpClient]()
for i in 1..size:
result.clients.enqueue newAsyncHttpClient()
proc size*(pool: HttpClientPool): int =
proc len*(pool: HttpClientPool): int =
proc request*(
pool: HttpClientPool,
url: string,
httpMethod: string,
body = "",
headers: HttpHeaders = nil,
multipart: MultipartData = nil,
timeout = 5000,
): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
let client = await pool.clients.dequeue()
defer: pool.clients.enqueue(client)
let fut = newFuture[AsyncResponse]("request")
proc cb1(fut1: Future[AsyncResponse]) =
if not fut.finished:
if fut1.failed:
else: fut.complete(
proc cb2(fut2: Future[void]) =
if not fut.finished:
client.close() newException(RequestTimeoutError, fmt"timeout={timeout}ms")
let fut1 = client.request(url, httpMethod, body, headers, multipart)
let fut2 = sleepAsync(timeout)
fut1.addCallback cb1
fut2.addCallback cb2
return await fut
proc request*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string,
httpMethod = HttpGet, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil,
multipart: MultipartData = nil, timeout = 5000): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
result = await request(client, url, $httpMethod, body, headers, multipart, timeout)
proc responseContent(resp: AsyncResponse): Future[string] {.async.} =
## Returns the content of a response as a string.
## A ``HttpRequestError`` will be raised if the server responds with a
## client error (status code 4xx) or a server error (status code 5xx).
if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx:
raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status)
return await resp.bodyStream.readAll()
proc head*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient,
url: string): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a HEAD request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, HttpHead)
proc get*(client: HttpClientPool,
url: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a GET request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, HttpGet)
proc getContent*(client: HttpClientPool,
url: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a GET request.
let resp = await get(client, url)
return await responseContent(resp)
proc delete*(client: HttpClientPool,
url: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a DELETE request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, HttpDelete)
proc deleteContent*(client: HttpClientPool,
url: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a DELETE request.
let resp = await delete(client, url)
return await responseContent(resp)
proc post*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[AsyncResponse]
{.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a POST request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, $HttpPost, body, multipart=multipart)
proc postContent*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string]
{.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a POST request.
let resp = await post(client, url, body, multipart)
return await responseContent(resp)
proc put*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[AsyncResponse]
{.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a PUT request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, $HttpPut, body, multipart=multipart)
proc putContent*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string] {.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL andreturns the content of a PUT request.
let resp = await put(client, url, body, multipart)
return await responseContent(resp)
proc patch*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[AsyncResponse]
{.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a PATCH request.
## This procedure uses httpClient values such as ``client.maxRedirects``.
result = await client.request(url, $HttpPatch, body, multipart=multipart)
proc patchContent*(client: HttpClientPool, url: string, body = "",
multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string]
{.async.} =
## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a PATCH request.
let resp = await patch(client, url, body, multipart)
return await responseContent(resp)
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