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Created May 5, 2015 20:25
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Mr S and Mr P: From and told to me by Mike Stringer. My answer in pure python.
"""From and
told to me by Mike Stringer. John McCarthy, who discovered Lisp,
attributes this puzzle to Hans Freudenthal:
We pick two numbers a and b, so that 100>a,b>1. We tell
Mr. P. the product ab and Mr. S. the sum a+b. Then Mr. S. and
Mr. P. engage in the following dialog:
Mr. P.: I don't know the numbers.
Mr. S.: I knew you didn't know. I don't know either.
Mr. P.: Now I know the numbers.
Mr. S.: Now I know them too.
Find the numbers a and b.
Here is my answer -- in pure python.
Gabriel Gaster, 2015
def products(n, N=100):
return set(tuple(sorted((i,n/i))) for i in xrange(2,n/2+1)
if (n%i == 0) and 1<i<N and 1<n/i<N)
def sums(n, N=100):
return set(tuple(sorted((i,n-i))) for i in xrange(n)
if 1<i<N and 1<n-i<N)
def know(possibilities):
return len(possibilities)==1
def a_and_b(N=100):
first = ((a,b) for a in xrange(2,N) for b in xrange(a,N)
if statement1(a*b, N=N))
second = set((a,b) for a,b in first if statement2(a+b, N))
third = set((a,b) for a,b in second
if statement3(a*b, second, N=N))
fourth = [(a,b) for a,b in third
if statement4(a+b, third, N=N)]
return fourth
def statement1(p, N=100):
return not know(products(p, N=N))
def statement2(s, N=100):
return not know(sums(s, N)) and all(statement1(a*b, N=N)
for a,b in
sums(s, N=N))
def statement3(p, second, N=100):
return know(products(p, N=N) & second)
def statement4(s, third, N=100):
return know(sums(s, N=N) & third)
if __name__=="__main__":
N = 100
the_numbers = a_and_b(N=N)
msg = "do" if know(the_numbers) else "do not"
print "we %s know the numbers <%i" % (msg, N)
print the_numbers
if know(the_numbers):
a,b = the_numbers.pop()
print "Nums:",a,b
print "Mr S: %i" % (a+b)
print "Mr P: %i" % (a*b)
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