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Created July 26, 2016 08:04
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Example solution for Exercises from the Elm guide chapter on Forms
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
import List exposing (..)
import String exposing (..)
import Char exposing (..)
main : Program Never
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
type alias Model =
{ name : String
, age : String
, password : String
, passwordAgain : String
, validationErrors : List String
model : Model
model =
Model "" "" "" "" []
type Msg
= Name String
| Age String
| Password String
| PasswordAgain String
| Validate
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Name name ->
{ model | name = name }
Age age ->
{ model | age = age }
Password password ->
{ model | password = password }
PasswordAgain password ->
{ model | passwordAgain = password }
Validate ->
{ model | validationErrors = validate model }
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ input [ type' "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] []
, input [ type' "text", placeholder "Age", onInput Age ] []
, input [ type' "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] []
, input [ type' "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] []
, viewValidation model
, button [ onClick Validate ] [ text "Submit" ]
type alias Validator =
{ f : Model -> Bool, error : String }
checkValidator : Model -> Validator -> String
checkValidator model validator =
if not (validator.f model) then
validate : Model -> List String
validate model =
isPositiveInt =
(\s -> (Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt s)) > 0)
ageIsInt =
Validator (\m -> isPositiveInt m.age) "Age must be a positive integer!"
passwordsMatch =
Validator (\m -> m.password == m.passwordAgain) "Passwords do not match!"
passwordLength =
Validator (\m -> String.length m.password >= 8) "Password must be at least 8 characters!"
passwordHasCapital =
Validator (\m -> String.any isUpper m.password) "Password must have a capital letter."
passwordHasLowercase =
Validator (\m -> String.any isLower m.password) "Password must have a lowercase letter."
passwordHasNumber =
Validator (\m -> String.any isDigit m.password) "Password must have a number."
validators =
[ ageIsInt, passwordsMatch, passwordLength, passwordHasCapital, passwordHasLowercase, passwordHasNumber ]
|> (checkValidator model)
|> List.filter (not << String.isEmpty)
viewValidation : Model -> Html msg
viewValidation model =
( color, errorLIs ) =
if List.length model.validationErrors > 0 then
( "red", (\e -> li [] [ text e ] ) model.validationErrors )
( "green", [] )
div [ style [ ( "color", color ) ] ] [ ul [] errorLIs ]
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