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Created November 3, 2017 15:58
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import { Right, Future, pipe, curry2, ifElse, isNotNil, memoize, chain, map } from "../fp"
// mssql.js
import sql from "mssql"
const createPoolAsync = memoize(connectionString =>
new Future( ( reject, resolve ) => {
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(
ifElse( isNotNil, reject, () => resolve( pool ) )
} );
export const connectAsync = curry2((connectionString, dbName ) =>
createPoolAsync(connectionString.replace( "%dbName%", dbName ));
export const query = curry2(( connection, text ) =>
pipe( [
chain( pool => Future.tryP( () => pool.request().query( text ) ) ),
map( result => result.recordset )
], connection )
// serviceManagement.js
import { query, connectAsync } from "../data/mssql"
export const getActiveServicesAsync = connection =>
query( connection, "<Some SELECT query text here>" )
// somewhere.js
import { connectAsync } from "../data/mssql";
import { getActiveServicesAsync } from "./serviceManagement";
const connection = connectAsync("connection string", "db name");
getActiveServicesAsync(connection).fork(err => {
// Stuff
}, services => {
// Stuff
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