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Last active June 1, 2020 15:44
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// Adapted from
// The `monad` argument has been added to avoid modifying the prototype of
// the yielded value to provide `pure` and `bind`.
// Note:
// This algorithm is not stack safe, and is inefficient due to the
// requirement that we bring the generator up to the previous state on each
// iteration.
// I suspect it's particularly bad for arrays. I may come back to this at
// some point to calculate just how bad it really is.
const Do = monad => genFn => {
const doRec = (value, state) => {
const gen = genFn();
// Bring the new generator to the appropriate state.
state.forEach(it =>;
const a =;
return a.done ?
// Lift the return value into the monadic context
monad.pure(a.value) :
// Call bind passing the value from the call to ``,
// add the value from the previous call to `doRec` to `state`, and
// call `doRec` recursively.
monad.bind(a.value)(value_ => doRec(value_, state.concat(value)));
return doRec(null, []);
// Array example
const ArrayMonad = {
pure: Array.of,
bind: xs => f => xs.flatMap(f)
Do(ArrayMonad)(function*() {
const x = yield [1,2,3];
const y = yield [x+1,x+2,x+3];
return x + y;
}); // [3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9]
// Promise example
// Note: JavaScript `Promise` is not a valid Monad as it doesn't obey
// the Monad laws (see
// However, promises can still be used with `Do` given the below definition
const PromiseMonad = {
pure: x => Promise.resolve(x),
bind: p => f => p.then(f)
Do(PromiseMonad)(function*() {
const x = yield Promise.resolve(1);
const y = yield Promise.resolve(2);
return x + y
}); // Promise(3)
// Helpers
const match = v => matcher => {
for (let case_ in matcher) {
if (case_ in v) { return matcher[case_](v[case_]); }
throw Error(`No case matched for ${v}`);
const flip = f => x => y => f(y)(x);
const compose = f => g => x => f(g(x));
// Maybe example
const Maybe = {
Nothing: {Nothing: undefined},
Just: x => ({Just: x}),
pure: x => Maybe.Just(x),
bind: m => f => match(m) ({
Nothing: () => Maybe.Nothing,
Just: x => f(x)
do: genFn => Do(Maybe)(genFn)
};*() {
const x = yield Maybe.Just(1);
const y = yield Maybe.Just(2);
return x + y;
}); // { Just: 3 }*() {
const x = yield Maybe.Nothing;
const y = yield Maybe.Just(2);
return x + y;
}); // { Nothing: undefined }
// List example
const List = {
Nil: {Nil: undefined},
Cons: head => tail => ({Cons: {head, tail}}),
reduce: f => {
const go = d => xs =>
match(xs) ({
Nil: () => d,
Cons: ({head, tail}) => go (f(d)(head)) (tail)
return go;
reduceRight: f => d => {
const reverse = List.reduce (flip (List.Cons)) (List.Nil);
return compose (List.reduce (flip(f)) (d)) (reverse);
concat: xs => ys => List.reduceRight(List.Cons)(ys)(xs),
pure: x => List.Cons(x)(List.Nil),
bind: xs => f => match(xs) ({
Nil: () => List.Nil,
Cons: ({head, tail}) => List.concat(f(head)) (List.bind(tail)(f))
do: genFn => Do(List)(genFn),
fromArray: xs => xs.reduceRight((acc, x) => List.Cons(x)(acc), List.Nil),
toArray: xs => List.reduce(acc => x => (acc.push(x), acc))([])(xs)
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