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Last active September 9, 2021 02:15
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  • Save gabemarshall/cec452231db177f551599cd75df6268a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Modified version of the flare-vm installer to add a few additional installations
# FLARE VM Installation Script
# To execute this script:
# 1) Open powershell window as administrator
# 2) Allow script execution by running command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
# 3) Execute the script by running ".\install.ps1"
Write-Host " ______ _ _____ ______ __ ____ __ "
Write-Host " | ____| | /\ | __ \| ____| \ \ / / \/ |"
Write-Host " | |__ | | / \ | |__) | |__ _____\ \ / /| \ / |"
Write-Host " | __| | | / /\ \ | _ /| __|______\ \/ / | |\/| |"
Write-Host " | | | |____ / ____ \| | \ \| |____ \ / | | | |"
Write-Host " |_| |______/_/ \_\_| \_\______| \/ |_| |_|"
Write-Host " I N S T A L L A T I O N "
Write-Host " ________________________________________________________"
Write-Host " Developed by "
Write-Host " Peter Kacherginsky "
Write-Host " FLARE (FireEye Labs Advanced Reverse Engineering) "
Write-Host " _______________________________________________________ "
Write-Host " "
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() )
if ($currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
Write-Host "[ * ] Installing Boxstarter"
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')); get-boxstarter -Force
# Get user credentials for autologin during reboots
Write-Host "[ * ] Getting user credentials ..."
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds" -Name "ConsolePrompting" -Value $True
$cred=Get-Credential $env:username
if ($cred) {
Install-BoxstarterPackage -PackageName -Credential $cred
} else {
Install-BoxstarterPackage -PackageName
} else {
Write-Host "[ERR] Please run this script as administrator"
Read-Host " Press ANY key to continue..."
# FLARE VM - Malware Analysis Edition
Write-Host " ______ _ _____ ______ __ ____ __ "
Write-Host " | ____| | /\ | __ \| ____| \ \ / / \/ |"
Write-Host " | |__ | | / \ | |__) | |__ _____\ \ / /| \ / |"
Write-Host " | __| | | / /\ \ | _ /| __|______\ \/ / | |\/| |"
Write-Host " | | | |____ / ____ \| | \ \| |____ \ / | | | |"
Write-Host " |_| |______/_/ \_\_| \_\______| \/ |_| |_|"
Write-Host " M A L W A R E A N A L Y S I S E D I T I O N "
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " Version 1.0 "
Write-Host " ________________________________________________________"
Write-Host " Developed by "
Write-Host " Peter Kacherginsky "
Write-Host " FLARE (FireEye Labs Advanced Reverse Engineering) "
Write-Host " _______________________________________________________ "
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "This download configuration script is provided to assist cyber security analysts"
Write-Host "in creating handy and versatile toolboxes for malware analysis environments. It"
Write-Host "provides a convenient interface for them to obtain a useful set of analysis"
Write-Host "tools directly from their original sources. Installation and use of this script"
Write-Host "is subject to the Apache 2.0 License."
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "You as a user of this script must review, accept and comply with the license"
Write-Host "terms of each downloaded/installed package listed below. By proceeding with the"
Write-Host "installation, you are accepting the license terms of each package, and"
Write-Host "acknowledging that your use of each package will be subject to its respective"
Write-Host "license terms."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "List of package licenses:"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ",,"
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
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Write-Host ",,"
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Write-Host ",,"
Write-Host ",,"
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Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ","
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
# Configure system
# Boxstarter options
$Boxstarter.RebootOk=$true # Allow reboots?
$Boxstarter.NoPassword=$false # Is this a machine with no login password?
$Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true # Save my password securely and auto-login after a reboot
# Basic setup
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small
# Install Chocolatey packages
# Configure FLARE chocolatey feed
$flare = ""
$cache = "$env:userprofile\AppData\Local\ChocoCache"
New-Item -Path $cache -ItemType directory -Force
# Make a FLARE desktop folder
$startPath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FLARE"
if( -not (Test-Path -path $startPath) ) { New-Item -Path $startPath -ItemType directory }
$desktopShortcut = Join-Path ${Env:USERPROFILE} "Desktop\FLARE.lnk"
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath $desktopShortcut -targetPath $startPath
# Install packages
# Set up Chocolatey
cmd.exe /c choco sources add -n=flare -s "" --priority 1
cmd.exe /c choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
cmd.exe /c choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
cinst cmdermini.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache #
cinst vim
cinst ruby
cinst googlechrome
cinst nodejs.install
# Packages requiring reboot
cinst powershell --cacheLocation $cache
cinst dotnet4.7.2 --cacheLocation $cache
# Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
cinst vcredist2005 --cacheLocation $cache
cinst vcredist2008 --cacheLocation $cache
cinst vcredist2010 --cacheLocation $cache
cinst vcredist2012 --cacheLocation $cache
cinst vcredist2013 --cacheLocation $cache
cinst vcredist2015 --cacheLocation $cache
# Debuggers
cinst ollydbg -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDbg 1.10
cinst ollydbg.ollydump -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDump plugin
cinst ollydbg.ollydumpex -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDumpEx plugin
cinst ollydbg2 -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDbg 2.0
cinst ollydbg2.ollydumpex -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDumpEx plugin
cinst x64dbg -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # x64dbg
cinst -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Python Scripting Engine for x64dbg
cinst windbg -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # WinDbg x86, x64, .NET
cinst windbg.kenstheme -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Ken's WinDbg theme
cinst windbg.ollydumpex -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OllyDumpEx plugin
cinst windbg.pykd -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst scdbg -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst retdec -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# Disassemblers
if(Get-OSArchitectureWidth -Compare 64) {
# IDA 7.0 is only 64bit
cinst idafree70 -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # IDA Free 7.0
cinst idafree -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # IDA Free
cinst binaryninja -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Binary Ninja Demo
cinst radare2.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Radare2 framework
cinst cutter.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Cutter is a GUI for radare2
# .NET
cinst ilspy.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # ILSpy
cinst dnspy.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # dnSpy
cinst dotpeek.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # dotPeek
cinst de4dot -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # de4dot
# Java
cinst javaruntime --cacheLocation $cache # JRE
cinst jd-gui -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # JD-GUI
cinst bytecode-viewer.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # ByteCodeViewer
cinst dex2jar --cacheLocation $cache # dex2jar
# VB
cinst vbdecompiler -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # VB Decompiler Lite
# Delphi
cinst idr.small -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # IDR (small edition)
# Flash
cinst ffdec -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # FFDec
# Hex Editors
cinst fileinsight -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # FileInsight
cinst hxd.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # HxD
cinst 010editor -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # 010 Editor
# Web
cinst -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# PE
cinst peid -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # PEiD
cinst explorersuite -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # CFF Explorer
cinst peview -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # PEview
cinst die -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # DIE
cinst pestudio -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # PEStudio
cinst resourcehacker.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Resource Hacker
# Text Editors
cinst sublimetext3 -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Sublime Text 3
cinst notepadplusplus --cacheLocation $cache
# Utilities
cinst unxutils --cacheLocation $cache # Unix Utils
cinst checksum --cacheLocation $cache # Hash Calculator
cinst 7zip.install --cacheLocation $cache # 7-Zip
cinst putty --cacheLocation $cache # Putty
cinst wireshark.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # WireShark
cinst winpcap --cacheLocation $cache
cinst rawcap --cacheLocation $cache # RawCap
cinst wget --cacheLocation $cache # Wget
cinst upx --cacheLocation $cache # UPX
cinst processhacker.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Process Hacker
cinst sysinternals.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Sysinternals wrapper
cinst apimonitor -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # API Monitor
cinst spystudio.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # SpyStudio
cinst hashcalc -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # HashCalc
cinst regshot -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # RegShot
cinst exeinfope -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # ExeInfo PE
cinst hashmyfiles --cacheLocation $cache # HashMyFiles
cinst ncat -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # Ncat
cinst shellcode_launcher -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # shellcode_launcher
cinst xorsearch -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst xorstrings -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst yara.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst kmdloader.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst lordpe.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst cyberchef.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst py2exedecompiler -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst cygwin.flare -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# Malcode Analyst Pack
cinst MAP -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst SysAnalyzer -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# Practical Malware Analysis Labs
cinst pmalabs -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# Office
cinst offvis -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OffVis
cinst officemalscanner -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # OfficeMalScanner
cinst pdfid -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst pdfparser -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
cinst pdfstreamdumper -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache
# Android
cinst apktool -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # ApkTool
# Python
cinst python3
cinst python2 --package-parameters '/InstallDir:"C:\Program Files\Python27"' --cacheLocation $cache # Python 2.7 - Using private version
cinst python -s $flare --version 2.7.14 --cacheLocation $cache
choco pin add -n=python --version 2.7.14
cinst vcpython27 --cacheLocation $cache # Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
# PyKD requires installation of 32-bit Python in 64-bit systems in order to function properly
if(Get-OSArchitectureWidth -Compare 64) {
cinst python2.nopath -s $flare --x86 --package-parameters '/InstallDir:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python27"' --cacheLocation $cache
# Python Modules
cinst hexdump -source python --cacheLocation $cache
cinst pefile -source python --cacheLocation $cache
cinst winappdbg -source python --cacheLocation $cache
cinst pycrypto -source python --cacheLocation $cache # Cryptographic modules for Python
cinst cryptography -source python --cacheLocation $cache # Cryptography for humans
cinst -source python --cacheLocation $cache # Vivisect
cinst capstone-windows -source python --cacheLocation $cache
cinst unicorn -source python --cacheLocation $cache
# Python Tools
cinst oletools -source python --cacheLocation $cache # Python tools to analyze OLE and MS Office files
cinst fakenet-ng.python -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # FakeNet-NG
cinst floss.python -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # FLOSS
cinst -source python --cacheLocation $cache # FLARE-QDB
# clean up the cache directory
Remove-Item $cache -Recurse
# Install flarevm last to avoid cleaning up temporary resource used by flarevm
cinst flarevm -s $flare --cacheLocation $cache # FLARE VM specific configurations
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