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Created June 23, 2020 19:30
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Example Date Time Formatting
//Creates a formated string from a start and end date DateTime, a start and end time DateTime, and optional DateTimeZone.
function formatDateRange($d1, $d2, $t1, $t2, $tz=false) {
if(gettype($t1) === 'object' && gettype($t2) === 'object'){
$formatted_time = "";
if($tz && preg_match('/(\-|\+)[0-9]*/', $tz->getName() )){
//use 24 hour time for EMEA
$hour_format = 'G';
$ampm = false;
$time_zone = $tz->getName();
$t1->display_minutes = ':i';
$t2->display_minutes = ':i';
$hour_format = 'g';
$ampm = ' A';
$time_zone = ($tz ? ' '.$tz->getName() : false);
$t1->display_minutes = ($t1->format('i') === '00' ? '' : ':i');
$t2->display_minutes = ($t2->format('i') === '00' ? '' : ':i');
if ($d1->format('Y-m-d') === $d2->format('Y-m-d')) {
//if it's the same day, show the time
if ($t1->format('h:i') === $t2->format('h:i')){
//same hour and minute
$formatted_time = $t1->format('g'.$t1->display_minutes.' ');
}elseif($t1->format('h') === $t2->format('h')){
//same hour of the day
$formatted_time = $t1->format($hour_format.$t1->display_minutes).' - '.$t2->format($hour_format.$t2->display_minutes.$ampm);
elseif($t1->format('a') === $t2->format('a')){
//same meridian
$formatted_time = $t1->format($hour_format.$t1->display_minutes).' - '.$t2->format($hour_format.$t2->display_minutes.$ampm);
$formatted_time = $t1->format($hour_format.$t1->display_minutes).' - '.$t2->format($hour_format.$t2->display_minutes.$ampm);
//different_days -
$formatted_time = false;
if(gettype($d1) === 'object' && gettype($d2) === 'object'){
if ($d1->format('Y-m-d') === $d2->format('Y-m-d')) {
# Same day
return $d1->format('M j, Y').(isset($formatted_time) ? ' | ' : '').$formatted_time.$time_zone;
} elseif ($d1->format('Y-m') === $d2->format('Y-m')) {
# Same calendar month
return $d1->format('M j') . $d2->format(' – j, Y');
} elseif ($d1->format('Y') === $d2->format('Y')) {
# Same calendar year
return $d1->format('M j') . $d2->format(' – M j, Y');
} else {
# General case (spans calendar years)
return $d1->format('M j, Y') . $d2->format(' – M j, Y');
return false;
//Example with start and end date and time ACF fields and a timezone acf field.
$dt_array = array(
'start_date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('F j, Y', get_field('start_date', $post_id)),
'end_date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('F j, Y', get_field('end_date', $post_id)),
'start_time' => DateTime::createFromFormat('g:i a', get_field('start_time', $post_id)),
'end_time' => DateTime::createFromFormat('g:i a', get_field('end_time', $post_id))
if(get_field('time_zone', $post_id)){
$tz = new DateTimeZone( get_field('time_zone', $post_id));
$tz = '';
$date_str = formatDateRange($dt_array['start_date'], $dt_array['end_date'], $dt_array['start_time'], $dt_array['end_time'], $tz);
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