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Last active October 11, 2019 19:34
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Cloud Run example.
FROM composer:latest as composer
COPY src /var/www/html
WORKDIR /var/www/html
RUN composer install && composer dump-autoload
RUN composer require google/cloud-language
FROM php:apache-stretch
COPY --from=composer /var/www/html .
RUN docker-php-ext-install bcmath
RUN sed -i 's/80/${PORT}/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/ports.conf
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Language\V1beta2\Document;
use Google\Cloud\Language\V1beta2\Document\Type;
use Google\Cloud\Language\V1beta2\LanguageServiceClient;
* Find the sentiment in text.
* ```
* analyze_sentiment('Do you know the way to San Jose?');
* ```
* @param string $text The text to analyze.
* @param string $projectId (optional) Your Google Cloud Project ID
function analyze_sentiment($text, $projectId = null)
$languageServiceClient = new LanguageServiceClient(['projectId' => $projectId]);
try {
// Create a new Document
$document = new Document();
// Pass GCS URI and set document type to PLAIN_TEXT
// Call the analyzeSentiment function
$response = $languageServiceClient->analyzeSentiment($document);
$document_sentiment = $response->getDocumentSentiment();
// Print document information
echo "<p><b>Full Sentence:</b> " . $text . "</p>";
echo "<ul>";
printf("<li>" . '<b>Document Sentiment:</b>' . "</li>");
printf("<li>" . '<b>Magnitude:</b> %s' . "</li>", $document_sentiment->getMagnitude());
printf("<li>" . '<b>Score:</b> %s' . "</li>", $document_sentiment->getScore());
$sentences = $response->getSentences();
echo "<li><b><i>Sentences:</i></b></li>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($sentences as $sentence) {
printf("<li>" . '<i>Sentence:</i> %s' . "</li>", $sentence->getText()->getContent());
printf("<li>" . '<i>Sentence Sentiment:</i>' . "</li>");
$sentiment = $sentence->getSentiment();
if ($sentiment) {
printf("<li>" . '<i>Entity Magnitude:</i> %s' . "</li>", $sentiment->getMagnitude());
printf("<li>" . '<i>Entity Score:</i> %s' . "</li>", $sentiment->getScore());
echo "</ul>";
echo "</ul>";
} finally {
if($_GET['text'] && strlen($_GET['text']) > 0) {
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