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Last active May 27, 2019 03:58
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import * as React from "react";
import { Button } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { getWallet } from '../services/wallet';
import { useGlobalState } from '../services/global-state';
const WalletView: React.SFC = () => {
const setWallet = useGlobalState('wallet')[1];
const connectWallet = async (walletIndex: number) => {
const wallet = await getWallet(walletIndex);
await wallet.connect();
console.log('Successfully connected!');
await wallet.login();
console.log('Successfully logged in!');
console.log('wallet', wallet);
console.log('Error create eos transit wallet instance: \n');
alert('cannot connect to wallet');
return (
flexGrow: 1,
overflowX: "hidden",
overflowY: "auto",
<Button fluid content='Scatter' onClick={()=> connectWallet(0)}/>
<Button fluid content='Lynx' onClick={()=> connectWallet(1)}/>
<Button fluid content='Token Pocket' onClick={()=> connectWallet(2)}/>
export default WalletView;
import { initAccessContext, Wallet } from 'eos-transit';
import scatter from 'eos-transit-scatter-provider';
import lynx from 'eos-transit-lynx-provider';
import tokenPocket from 'eos-transit-tokenpocket-provider';
import config from '../config';
export const getWallet = async (walletIndex: number) : Promise<Wallet> => {
const accessContext = initAccessContext({
appName: 'MyApp',
network: {
host: config.eosApiHost || '',
port: parseInt(config.eosApiPort || '80'),
protocol: config.eosApiProtocol || 'http',
chainId: config.eosChainId || 'e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473'
walletProviders: [
const walletProviders = accessContext.getWalletProviders();
const selectedProvider = walletProviders[walletIndex];
const wallet = accessContext.initWallet(selectedProvider);
return wallet;
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