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Last active March 28, 2022 07:37
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React Stack 2022

React Stack 2022


  • Zustand state
  • SWR / React-Query
  • StandardJS linter config
  • Apollo client
  • React Hook Form
  • Emotion styled components
  • Framer Motion animations
  • Yup validations

React Web

  • NextJS
  • Vercel deployment

Other Tools

  • AG-Grid for tables
  • Tiny MCE
  • xlsx to import excel
  • sindresorhus/is type validations

React Native

  • Expo
  • Moti animations


  • eosio-core
  • eosio-hooks / useTransit
  • eosio-webauthn
  • abi-to-ts
  • chaingraph

Ethereum / EVM

  • useDapp
  • wagmi hooks
  • TheGraph
  • ether.js
  • TypeChain
  • Web3-React
  • Web3 modal
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