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Last active May 26, 2018 20:02
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Scorm player grabber and decoder
var request = require("request");
var fs = require("fs");
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
'Cookie': "MoodleSession=bd84957dad9ea0a2939fbcb0ffbd7116;",
'Accept': '/',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
var r = (url,root) => request({ url: url, headers:headers}, (a, b)=>
quiz = b.body.match("quizJson = \"(.*)\"")[1];
FC(quiz, (o) => add(root, o));
function getTestId(i)
console.log("test nr:"+i);
request({url:"" + (120+i), headers:headers},
(a, b)=>
var id = b.body.match('"contextid":(\\d+)')[1];
var scoid=b.body.match("name=\"scoid\" value=\"(.*?)\"")[1];
var cm=b.body.match("name=\"cm\" value=\"(.*?)\"")[1];
getRedir(scoid, cm);
function getRedir(scoid, cm)
console.log("scoid="+scoid+" cm="+cm);{
url: '',
headers: headers,
form: { mode:"normal", newattempt:"on", display:"popup", scoid:scoid, cm:cm, currentorg:"mKmy0QaoJ66sI_organization" }
}, function(error, response, body){
var sesskey = body.match('"sesskey":"(.*?)"')[1];
var url = body.match('\\\\"url\\\\":\\\\"(.*?)\\\\"')[1];
var target = ""+url+"&sesskey="+sesskey;
var target = ""+url;
function getPlayer(url)
request({url:url, headers:headers}, (a,b)=>
target = b.body.match("location = \"(.*?)\"")[1];
var root = target;
root = root.replace("/res/index.html", "/");
if (target.indexOf("/index.html") == -1)
target += "res/index.html";
console.log("test target:"+target);
r(target, root);
var all = {};
function add(id, json)
var json = JSON.parse(json);
console.log("got "+id + " name = "+json.T)
var current = 1;
function done()
current ++;
if (current >61)
fs.writeFileSync("quiz.js", "quiz="+JSON.stringify(all), "utf8");
function main()
if (current == 3)
// decoder
var Ye = null;
function FC(a, b) {
for (var c = gf(a), c = (new EC(c)).NT(), d = [], e = 0, g, h, k, m = -1, p = c.length; e < p; )
(g = c[e]) ? 128 > g ? (d[++m] = String.fromCharCode(g),
++e) : 191 < g && 224 > g ? (h = c[e + 1],
d[++m] = String.fromCharCode((g & 31) << 6 | h & 63),
e += 2) : (h = c[e + 1],
k = c[e + 2],
d[++m] = String.fromCharCode((g & 15) << 12 | (h & 63) << 6 | k & 63),
e += 3) : ++e;
c = d.join("");
var EC = function() {
function a() {
throw Error("stream error");
function b(a) {
return "undefined" == typeof a
function c(b) {
var c = 0
, d = b[c++]
, e = b[c++];
(-1 == d || -1 == e || 8 != (d & 15) || 0 != ((d << 8) + e) % 31 || e & 32) && a();
this.aF = b;
this.Hr = c;
this.Su = this.Yu = this.Zu = 0;
this.oF = !1;
this.My = null
var d = [], e = [], g = [], h, k;
(function() {
var a = [], b, c = 2;
for (b = 0; 8 > b; ++b)
c += 1 << (b >> 1);
for (b = 0; 3 > b; ++b)
d.push(b + 16);
for (b = 0; 7 >= b; ++b)
d.push((8 - b) % 8),
d.push(8 + b);
for (b = 1; 3 > b; ++b)
for (b = 0; 28 > b; ++b) {
var h = b >> 1 << 16
, c = b % 8
, h = h + ((a[c] << (b - c) / 2) + 1);
for (b = 3; 7 > b; ++b)
c = 7;
for (b = 0; 24 > b; ++b)
a = b >> 2,
h = (a << 16) + c,
c += 1 << a,
for (b = 0; 3 > b; ++b)
c.prototype.nF = function(a) {
var b = this.My
, c = b ? b.length : 0;
if (a < c)
return b;
for (var d = 1024; d < a; )
d <<= 1;
a = Array(d);
for (d = 0; d < c; ++d)
a[d] = b[d];
return this.My = a
c.prototype.NT = function() {
for (; !this.oF; )
return this.My.slice(0, this.Su)
c.prototype.Rm = function(c) {
for (var d = this.Zu, e = this.Yu, g = this.aF, h = this.Hr, k; d < c; )
b(k = g[h++]) && a(),
e |= k << d,
d += 8;
this.Yu = e >> c;
this.Zu = d - c;
this.Hr = h;
return e & (1 << c) - 1
c.prototype.vF = function(c) {
var d = c[0]
, e = c[1];
c = this.Zu;
for (var g = this.Yu, h = this.aF, k = this.Hr; c < e; ) {
var m;
b(m = h[k++]) && a();
g |= m << c;
c += 8
e = d[g & (1 << e) - 1];
d = e >> 16;
e &= 65535;
(0 == c || c < d || 0 == d) && a();
this.Yu = g >> d;
this.Zu = c - d;
this.Hr = k;
return e
; = function(a) {
for (var b = a.length, c = 0, d = 0; d < b; ++d)
a[d] > c && (c = a[d]);
for (var e = 1 << c, g = Array(e), h = 1, k = 0, m = 2; h <= c; ++h,
k <<= 1,
m <<= 1)
for (var Ba = 0; Ba < b; ++Ba)
if (a[Ba] == h) {
for (var zf = 0, br = k, d = 0; d < h; ++d)
zf = zf << 1 | br & 1,
br >>= 1;
for (d = zf; d < e; d += m)
g[d] = h << 16 | Ba;
return [g, c]
c.prototype.VU = function() {
function c(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (a = a.Rm(c) + d; 0 < a--; )
b[O++] = e
var p = this.Rm(3);
p & 1 && (this.oF = !0);
p >>= 1;
if (0 == p) {
var t = this.aF, v = this.Hr, y;
b(y = t[v++]) && a();
var z = y;
b(y = t[v++]) && a();
z |= y << 8;
b(y = t[v++]) && a();
p = y;
b(y = t[v++]) && a();
(p | y << 8) != (~z & 65535) && a();
this.Zu = this.Yu = 0;
y = this.Su;
p = this.nF(y + z);
this.Su = z = y + z;
for (var I = y; I < z; ++I) {
if (b(y = t[v++])) {
this.oF = !0;
p[I] = y
this.Hr = v
} else {
if (1 == p) {
if (!h) {
for (var t = Array(288), O = 0; 143 >= O; ++O)
t[O] = 8;
for (; 255 >= O; ++O)
t[O] = 9;
for (; 279 >= O; ++O)
t[O] = 7;
for (; 287 >= O; ++O)
t[O] = 8;
h =;
p = Array(31);
for (O = 0; 32 > O; ++O)
p[O] = 5;
k =;
k[0][15] = 0;
k[0][31] = 0
v = h;
y = k
} else if (2 == p) {
p = this.Rm(5) + 257;
y = this.Rm(5) + 1;
v = this.Rm(4) + 4;
t = Array(d.length);
for (O = 0; O < v; )
t[d[O++]] = this.Rm(3);
v =;
O = t = 0;
y = p + y;
for (z = Array(y); O < y; )
I = this.vF(v),
16 == I ? c(this, z, 2, 3, t) : 17 == I ? c(this, z, 3, 3, t = 0) : 18 == I ? c(this, z, 7, 11, t = 0) : z[O++] = t = I;
v =, p));
y =, y))
} else
z = (p = this.My) ? p.length : 0;
for (I = this.Su; ; ) {
var ca = this.vF(v);
if (256 > ca)
I + 1 >= z && (p = this.nF(I + 1),
z = p.length),
p[I++] = ca;
else {
if (256 == ca) {
this.Su = I;
var ca = ca - 257
, ca = g[ca]
, Ba = ca >> 16;
0 < Ba && (Ba = this.Rm(Ba));
t = (ca & 65535) + Ba;
ca = this.vF(y);
ca = e[ca];
Ba = ca >> 16;
0 < Ba && (Ba = this.Rm(Ba));
ca = (ca & 65535) + Ba;
I + t >= z && (p = this.nF(I + t),
z = p.length);
for (Ba = 0; Ba < t; ++Ba,
p[I] = p[I - ca]
return c
function gf(a) {
var b = [];
ff(a, function(a) {
return b
function ff(a, b) {
function c(b) {
for (; d < a.length; ) {
var c = a.charAt(d++)
, e = Ze[c];
if (null != e)
return e;
if (!/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(c))
throw Error("Unknown base64 encoding at char: " + c);
return b
for (var d = 0; ; ) {
var e = c(-1)
, g = c(0)
, h = c(64)
, k = c(64);
if (64 === k && -1 === e)
b(e << 2 | g >> 4);
64 != h && (b(g << 4 & 240 | h >> 2),
64 != k && b(h << 6 & 192 | k))
function df() {
if (!Ye) {
Ye = {};
Ze = {};
for (var a = 0; 65 > a; a++)
Ye[a] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(a),
Ze[Ye[a]] = a,
62 <= a && (Ze["ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.".charAt(a)] = a)
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