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Created April 27, 2015 09:59
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Hopper test pre Auru
class CJsFunctions
struct TTimer
INT nShots;
CString strCall;
INT lLast;
INT lInterval;
typedef CSharedPtr<TTimer> STimer;
static CMap2<DWORD, STimer>& GetTimers() { static CMap2<DWORD, STimer> mapTimers; return mapTimers;}
static CJavascript** GetJs() { static CJavascript *js = NULL; return &js; }
static INT AuraCallNative(LPVOID ctx)
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
CEval::CEvalOperand opAux = CSdkEval::Execute( Context );
if ( opAux.Is( CEval::CEvalOperand::eoNone ) )
return Context.Return;
else if ( opAux.Is( CEval::CEvalOperand::eoNumber ) )
return Context.Return.Set( opAux.GetFloat() );
return CJavascript::CContext(ctx).Return.SetFalse();
static INT CLowGrx_GrxGetAppSize(LPVOID ctx)
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
INT nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0;
CLowGrx::GrxGetAppSize( &nWidth, &nHeight );
Context.Return.Set( _T("cx"), nWidth );
Context.Return.Set( _T("cy"), nHeight );
return Context.Return;
static INT CContainer_EnableProcessMessageHandler(LPVOID ctx)
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
_ASSERT( Context.Arguments.GetSize() == 1 &&
Context.Arguments[0].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TBoolean );
if ( Context.Arguments[0].GetBoolean() )
CContainer::SetProcessMessageHandler( CJsFunctions::WndMessageHandler );
CContainer::SetProcessMessageHandler( NULL );
return Context.Return;
static INT Include(LPVOID ctx)
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
_ASSERT( Context.Arguments.GetSize() == 1 &&
Context.Arguments[0].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TString );
CString strPath = CContainer::GetPath( CString( _T("@scripts/") + Context.Arguments[0].GetString() ) );
DWORD dwSize = 0;
LPVOID pData = CFile::GetData( (LPCTSTR)strPath, &dwSize );
if ( pData )
CString strScript = CString((CHAR*)pData, dwSize);
CFile::FreeData( pData );
CJavascript *pJs = *GetJs();
_ASSERT( pJs );
pJs->Compile( (LPCTSTR)strScript );
return Context.Return.SetTrue();
return Context.Return.SetFalse();
static INT SetInterval( LPVOID ctx )
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
_ASSERT( Context.Arguments.GetSize() == 2 &&
Context.Arguments[0].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TString &&
Context.Arguments[1].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TNumber );
STimer timer( new TTimer() );
timer->nShots = -1;
timer->strCall = Context.Arguments[0].GetString();
timer->lLast = CLowTime::TimeGetTickApp();
timer->lInterval = Context.Arguments[1].GetInteger();
timer->dwId = 1000 + GetTimers().GetCount();
GetTimers().SetAt( timer->dwId, timer );
return Context.Return.Set( (INT)timer->dwId );
static INT KillInterval( LPVOID ctx )
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
_ASSERT( Context.Arguments.GetSize() == 1 &&
Context.Arguments[0].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TNumber);
STimer timer;
DWORD dwId = (DWORD)(Context.Arguments[0].GetInteger());
GetTimers().Lookup( dwId, timer );
_ASSERT( timer.Get() );
if ( timer.Get() )
GetTimers().RemoveKey( dwId );
return 0;
static INT SetTimeout( LPVOID ctx )
CJavascript::CContext Context(ctx);
_ASSERT( Context.Arguments.GetSize() == 2 &&
Context.Arguments[0].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TString &&
Context.Arguments[1].GetType() == CJavascript::CArgument::TNumber );
STimer timer( new TTimer() );
timer->nShots = 1;
timer->strCall = Context.Arguments[0].GetString();
timer->lLast = CLowTime::TimeGetTickApp();
timer->lInterval = Context.Arguments[1].GetInteger();
timer->dwId = 1000 + GetTimers().GetCount();
GetTimers().SetAt( timer->dwId, timer );
return Context.Return.Set( (INT)timer->dwId );
static void Assign(CJavascript& Js)
Js.MapFunction( Include, _T("include") );
Js.MapFunction( AuraCallNative, _T("AuraCallNative") );
Js.MapFunction( CLowGrx_GrxGetAppSize, _T("CLowGrx_GrxGetAppSize") );
Js.MapFunction( CContainer_EnableProcessMessageHandler, _T("CContainer_EnableProcessMessageHandler") );
Js.MapFunction( SetInterval, _T("setInterval") );
Js.MapFunction( KillInterval, _T("killInterval") );
Js.MapFunction( SetTimeout, _T("setTimeout") );
Js.MapFunction( KillInterval, _T("killTimeout") ); // killInterval = killTimeout
static void WndMessageHandler( LPMsg pMsg )
CJavascript *pJs = *GetJs();
if ( !pMsg || pMsg->message != 0 || !pJs )
if ( GetTimers().GetCount() > 0 )
POSITION pos = GetTimers().GetStartPosition();
INT lTime = CLowTime::TimeGetTickApp();
while ( pos )
STimer timer;
GetTimers().GetNextAssoc( pos, dwId, timer );
if ( lTime >= timer->lLast + timer->lInterval )
pJs->Eval( timer->strCall );
timer->lLast = lTime;
if ( timer->nShots > 0 )
if ( timer->nShots == 0 )
GetTimers().RemoveKey( dwId );
CString strTest = pJs->Eval( _T("( typeof(Aura) != 'undefined' && typeof(Aura.ProcessAppMessage) == 'function' )") );
if ( strTest == _T("true") )
CString strMessage = CString::FormatInline(
_T("_temp = {message:%d, wParam:%d, lParam:%d};"),
pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam );
pJs->Eval( (LPCTSTR)strMessage );
pJs->Eval( _T("_temp = Aura.ProcessAppMessage(_temp);") );
CString strResult = pJs->Eval( _T("_temp") );
if ( strResult != _T("false") && strResult != _T("undefined") )
pMsg->message = CStringConversion::ToInt(pJs->Eval( _T("_temp.message") ));
pMsg->lParam = CStringConversion::ToInt(pJs->Eval( _T("_temp.lParam") ));
pMsg->wParam = CStringConversion::ToInt(pJs->Eval( _T("_temp.wParam") ));
//var testDuration = 60; // v sekundach
Aura.OnDestroy = OnDestroy;
Aura.PostMenuIniLoad = PostMenuIniLoad;
Aura.PostInitMainWindow = PostInitMainWindow;
Aura.ProcessAppMessage = ProcessAppMessage;
function OnDestroy()
function PostMenuIniLoad()
Settings.MenuSet("menu.Main", "menu.Main.exit", "false");
function PostInitMainWindow()
Settings.Set('RuntimeSettings.m_strDebugMode', 'hopper');
Settings.Set('RootSettings.m_strLanguage', 'english.lang');
Io.CreateTextFile('$(Root)/hopper.txt', 'Hooper test started');
// setTimeout("CWnd.PostQuitMessage()", 10000);
var arrMessages = [];
var lLastMessage = 0;
var lStarted = 0;
function ProcessAppMessage(msg)
// ak je message platna, nemenime ju
if ( msg.message != 0 )
// volny cyklus, naplnime msg
// mame uz nejake spravy prichystane?
if ( arrMessages.length > 0 )
var newmsg = arrMessages.pop();
msg.message = newmsg.message;
msg.wParam = newmsg.wParam;
msg.lParam = newmsg.lParam;
return msg;
var lTime = CLowTime.TimeGetTickApp();
if ( lStarted == 0 )
lStarted = lTime;
if ( lTime - lStarted > testDuration*1000 ) // XX sekund
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmQuit, wParam:0, lParam:0});
// nova sprava 10x za sekundu
if ( lLastMessage == 0 )
lLastMessage = lTime;
if ( lTime - lLastMessage < 100 )
lLastMessage = lTime;
// prichystame spravu
var nRandom = CLowMath.MathRandom() % 100;
if ( nRandom < 5 ) // 5% - Left action button
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmKeyDown, wParam:CLowKeyb.VkAction1, lParam:1});
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmKeyUp, wParam:CLowKeyb.VkAction1, lParam:1});
} else if ( nRandom < 7 ) // 2% - Right action button
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmKeyDown, wParam:CLowKeyb.VkAction2, lParam:1});
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmKeyUp, wParam:CLowKeyb.VkAction2, lParam:1});
} else if ( nRandom < 12 ) // 5% - Mouse wheel
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmMouseWheel, wParam:CLowMath.MathRandom()%180-90, lParam:0});
else if ( nRandom < 20 )
var szScreen = CLowGrx.GrxGetAppSize();
var cpMouseA = {x: CLowMath.MathRandom() %, y: CLowMath.MathRandom() %};
var cpMouseB = {x: CLowMath.MathRandom() %, y: CLowMath.MathRandom() %};
var cpMouse = cpMouseA;
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmLButtonDown, lParam:MAKELONG(cpMouse.x, cpMouse.y), wParam:1});
for (var i=1; i<10; i++)
cpMouse.x = cpMouseA.x + (cpMouseB.x - cpMouseA.x)*i/10;
cpMouse.y = cpMouseA.y + (cpMouseB.y - cpMouseA.y)*i/10;
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmMouseMove, lParam:MAKELONG(cpMouse.x, cpMouse.y), wParam:1});
cpMouse = cpMouseB;
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmLButtonUp, lParam:MAKELONG(cpMouse.x, cpMouse.y), wParam:1});
else // 88% - Random mouse click
var szScreen = CLowGrx.GrxGetAppSize();
var cpMouse = {x: CLowMath.MathRandom() %, y: CLowMath.MathRandom() %};
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmLButtonDown, lParam:MAKELONG(cpMouse.x, cpMouse.y), wParam:1});
arrMessages.push({message:CWnd.WmLButtonUp, lParam:MAKELONG(cpMouse.x, cpMouse.y), wParam:1});
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