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Created November 3, 2023 21:05
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  • Save gaborcsardi/7ed05c7e8c93e61a55783793c4f3fde7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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upkeep issue


  • usethis::use_readme_rmd()
  • usethis::use_roxygen_md()
  • usethis::use_github_links()
  • usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages()
  • usethis::use_tidy_github_labels()
  • usethis::use_tidy_style()
  • urlchecker::url_check()


  • usethis::use_package_doc()
  • usethis::use_testthat(3)
  • Align the names of R/ files and test/ files


  • Remove check environments section from
  • Use lifecycle instead of artisanal deprecation messages


  • Handle and close any still-open master --> main issues
  • usethis:::use_codecov_badge("r-lib/crayon")
  • Update pkgdown site using instructions at
  • Update lifecycle badges with more accessible SVGs: usethis::use_lifecycle()


  • Update copyright holder in DESCRIPTION: person("Posit Software, PBC", role = c("cph", "fnd"))
  • Run devtools::document() to re-generate package-level help topic with DESCRIPTION changes
  • usethis::use_tidy_logo()
  • usethis::use_tidy_coc()
  • Use pak::pak("r-lib/crayon") in README
  • Consider running usethis::use_tidy_dependencies() and/or replace compat files with use_standalone()
  • Use cli errors or file an issue if you don't have time to do it now
  • usethis::use_standalone("r-lib/rlang", "types-check") instead of home grown argument checkers; or file an issue if you don't have time to do it now
  • Change files ending in .r to .R in R/ and/or tests/testthat/
  • Add alt-text to pictures, plots, etc; see for examples


  • usethis::use_mit_license()
  • usethis::use_package("R", "Depends", "3.6")
  • usethis::use_tidy_description()
  • usethis::use_tidy_github_actions()
  • devtools::build_readme()
  • Re-publish released site if needed
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