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Created October 18, 2012 16:20
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Basic Hello World Genetic Algorithm
var ga = new GA();
function GA() {
this.generation = [
"Gekmo+ xosmd!",
"Gekln, worle'",
"Fello, wosld!",
"Gello, wprld!",
"Geldo, zorld!"
// "Hello, world!"
this.globalyOptimus = "Hello, world!"
GA.prototype.processGeneration = function() {
Math.nearestAndEven = function (v) {
return (this.floor(v) % 2 === 0) ? this.floor(v) : this.ceil(v);
GA.prototype.mateNextGeneration = function() {;
// Private
function getStrongestGenes() {
var matesCount = Math.nearestAndEven(this.generation.length / 2),
costs = [],
strongest = [];
// Todo : Use reduce
for(var i in this.generationCost) {
for(i = 0; i < matesCount; i++) {
return strongest;
function compare(a, b) {
return a - b;
GA.prototype.measureGenerationCost = function() {
this.generationCost = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.generation.length; i++) {
this.generationCost[, this.generation[i])] = this.generation[i];
return this.generationCost;
function getChromosomeCost(chromosome) {
// Character, Optimal character, Difference
var c, oc = null,
diff = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < chromosome.length; i++) {
c = chromosome[i];
oc = this.globalyOptimus[i];
diff += Math.abs(oc.charCodeAt(0) - c.charCodeAt(0));
return diff;
var _ = require('./vendors/underscore.js');
this.generation = [
"Gekmo+ xosmd!",
"Gekln, worle'",
"Fello, wosld!",
"Gello, wprld!",
"Geldo, zorld!"
this.globalyOptimus = "Hello, world!"
exports.isGenerationPerfect = function() {
return _.contains(this.generation, this.globalyOptimus);
exports.processGeneration = function() {
console.log('Current generation :');
/* Get the nearest and even number for the given value.
* v - value
* c - add, if the number is an integer, whether to take the nearest greater (true) or lesser (false) even number (default: true);
* * Return the nearest and even number.
Math.nearestAndEven = function (v, c) {
c = (c === false) ? -1 : 1;
n = (this.floor(v) % 2 === 0) ? this.floor(v) : this.ceil(v);
n += (n % 2 === 0) ? 0 : c;
return n;
String.prototype.replaceAt=function(i, c) {
return this.substr(0, i) + c + this.substr(i + c.length);
exports.getGeneration = function() {
return this.generation;
exports.mateNextGeneration = function() {
parents =;
this.generation = mate(parents);
// Private
function getStrongestChromosomes() {
/* Divides the population by two and get the nearest even number.
* Only the strongest half of the population will be in-breeding.
var matesCount = Math.nearestAndEven(this.generation.length / 2),
strongest = [];
/* Select strongest chromosomes
* For every mate we want to select :
* We look for the chromosome with the lowest cost, select it,
* and delete it from the generationCost array.
for(i = 0; i < matesCount; i++) {
min = _.min(this.generationCost, function(chromosome) { return chromosome.cost; });
delete this.generationCost[this.generationCost.indexOf(min)];
return strongest;
function mate(parents) {
/* Each time parents mate, they give breed to 2 offsprings.
* A mating has a X% chance to give [2-10] (Y % 2) more offsprings, increasing the population
* During crossover, the childs have a Z% chance of mutation.
var X = 10,
Y = 0,
Z = 20,
numberOfOffsprings = 2,
offsprings = [];
for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i += 2) {
Y = Math.nearestAndEven(Math.random() * 4 + 1);
* Apply the X% chance of having more offsprings
if(_.random(0, 100) <= X) {
numberOfOffsprings += Y;
* We loop with a step of two, as the crossover method will generate two offsprings.
for(var j = 0; j < numberOfOffsprings; j += 2) {
offsprings = offsprings.concat(crossover([parents[i], parents[i + 1]], Z));
return offsprings;
* Will generate two new offsprings
function crossover(parents, mutationChances) {
var start = 0,
end = parents[0].length,
pivot = Math.round(Math.random() * end),
offsprings = [],
chromatids = [];
for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
chromatids.push(parents[i].slice(start, pivot));
chromatids.push(parents[i].slice(pivot, end));
* We generate the two offspring with the chromatid extracted from the parents chromosomes
offsprings.push(chromatids[0] + chromatids[3]);
offsprings.push(chromatids[2] + chromatids[1]);
for(var i = 0; i < offsprings.length; i++) {
* Apply the Z% chance of mutating
if(_.random(0, 100) <= mutationChances) {
offsprings[i] = mutateOffspring(offsprings[i]);
return offsprings;
function mutateOffspring(offspring) {
var mutationPosition = _.random(0, offspring.length - 1),
direction = _.random(0, 1),
mutationDirection = [-1, 1];
/* Replace a unique random character in the string by the next or the previous one on the ASCII table*/
offspring = offspring.replaceAt(mutationPosition, String.fromCharCode(offspring.charCodeAt(mutationPosition) + mutationDirection[direction]));
return offspring;
exports.measureGenerationCost = function() {
this.generationCost = [];
var chromosomeCost = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.generation.length; i++) {
chromosomeCost =, this.generation[i]);
identity : this.generation[i],
cost : chromosomeCost
chromosomeCost = null;
return this.generationCost;
function getChromosomeCost(chromosome) {
// Character, Optimal character, Difference
var c, oc = null,
diff = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < chromosome.length; i++) {
c = chromosome[i];
oc = this.globalyOptimus[i];
diff += Math.abs(oc.charCodeAt(0) - c.charCodeAt(0));
return diff;
var ga = require('./ga.js');
console.time('Hello world generation');
while (!ga.isGenerationPerfect()) {
if (ga.isGenerationPerfect) {
console.log('Optimal generation is : ');
console.timeEnd('Hello world generation');
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