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Last active November 27, 2016 18:32
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Outfit Caleidoscope script
#lang racket/gui
;;; Files part
(define (image-files-list dir)
(filter (lambda (p) (let ([ext (bytes->string/utf-8 (path-get-extension p))])
(or (string-ci=? ext ".jpg") (string-ci=? ext ".jpeg") (string-ci=? ext ".png"))))
(directory-list dir #:build? #t)))
(define images-top (map read-bitmap (image-files-list "top")))
(define images-bottom (map read-bitmap (image-files-list "bottom")))
(define images-coat (map read-bitmap (image-files-list "coat")))
(define all-combinations (cartesian-product images-bottom images-top images-coat))
(define combinations-count (length all-combinations))
(define (calc-scale src-w src-h dst-w dst-h)
(min (/ dst-w src-w) (/ dst-h src-h)))
(define (dump-all-combinations)
(define counter 0)
(for-each (lambda (comb)
(let* ([bmp-top (first comb)]
[bmp-bot (second comb)]
[bmp-coat (third comb)]
[res-w 1000]
[res-h 4500]
[bmp-res (make-bitmap res-w res-h)]
[bmp-tmp (make-bitmap res-w (/ res-h 3))]
[dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bmp-res])]
[dc1 (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bmp-tmp])]
[draw-bmp (lambda (bmp offset)
(let* ([w (send bmp get-width)]
[h (send bmp get-height)]
[scale (calc-scale w h res-w (/ res-h 3))])
(send dc1 set-scale scale scale)
(send dc1 draw-bitmap bmp 0 0)
(send dc draw-bitmap bmp-tmp 0 offset)
(send dc1 clear)))])
(draw-bmp bmp-top 0)
(draw-bmp bmp-bot (/ res-h 3))
(draw-bmp bmp-coat (/ (* res-h 2) 3))
(send bmp-res save-file (build-path "combinations" (string-append "comb" (number->string counter) ".jpg")) 'jpeg)
(set! counter (+ counter 1))))
;;; Main window section
(define main-window (new frame% [label "Outfit Caleidoscope"] [width 800] [height 600]))
; Make a static text message in the frame
(define msg (new message% [parent main-window]
[label "0"]))
; Close button
(new button% [parent main-window]
[label "Close"]
; Callback procedure for a button click:
[callback (lambda (button event)
(send main-window show #f))])
(define (show-done-msgbox)
(let ([d (new dialog% [parent main-window] [label "All done."] [width 300] [height 100])])
(new message% [parent d] [label "All combinations are written to disk."])
(new button% [parent d] [label "Ok"]
[callback (lambda (button event)
(send d show #f))])
(send d show #t)))
(new button% [parent main-window]
[label "Dump all"]
; Callback procedure for a button click:
[callback (lambda (button event)
;;; Horizontal panel section
(define current-combination 0)
(define h-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent main-window]))
(new button% [parent h-panel]
[label "Left"]
[callback (lambda (button event)
(set! current-combination (max 0 (- current-combination 1)))
(send msg set-label (number->string current-combination))
(send canvas-panel refresh-canvas-panel))])
;;; Vertical panel with canvases for images
(define canvas-panel%
(class vertical-panel%
(define canvas-top (new canvas% [parent this]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(let ([bmp-top (first (list-ref all-combinations current-combination))])
(send dc draw-bitmap bmp-top 0 0)))]))
(define canvas-bottom (new canvas% [parent this]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(let ([bmp-bottom (second (list-ref all-combinations current-combination))])
(send dc draw-bitmap bmp-bottom 0 0)))]))
(define canvas-shoes (new canvas% [parent this]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(let ([bmp-coat (third (list-ref all-combinations current-combination))])
(send dc draw-bitmap bmp-coat 0 0)))]))
(define/public (refresh-canvas-panel)
(send canvas-top refresh-now)
(send canvas-bottom refresh-now)
(send canvas-shoes refresh-now))))
(define canvas-panel (new canvas-panel% [parent h-panel]))
;;; End canvas-panel
;; "Right" button to h-panel
(new button% [parent h-panel]
[label "Right"]
[callback (lambda (button event)
(set! current-combination (min combinations-count (+ current-combination 1)))
(send msg set-label (number->string current-combination))
(send canvas-panel refresh-canvas-panel))])
;;; End h-panel
;;; Show the main window
(send main-window show #t)
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