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Created July 21, 2009 09:02
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(31) bUGs BUgs bUGS bUgS bLAnk BlAnK BlANK BLank buGS bugS bUGS bUGs dCao2 ; from hashbreaker
(31) lINeS lInUX ligHTtpD lIb leheY LIBRaRY libcRyPt linK layer LeSK linus laYOuT \j|39 ; from dariencrane
(31) LehEy LENGtH layoUt liB liGhTTpD liFo lISp lIBRARy LInk LIBcRYpt LesS lAYER =@zT= ; from seibert
from math import log
from sys import argv, maxint
import hashlib
#import json
import simplejson as json
import httplib
def hamming(a, b, bits=160):
x = a ^ b
return sum((x >> i & 1) for i in xrange(bits))
def asciify(s):
return s.encode('ASCII', 'replace')
contest_hash = "1249c4b7f578204f10798c0269f8488280fb9981"
lowest = [(maxint, None, None)]
for page in xrange(20):
print "Page: %s" % (page+1)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/search.json?q=+to%%3Aengineyard&page=%s" % (page+1))
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
results = json.loads(data)
for result in results['results']:
entry = asciify(result['text'][12:].strip())
from_user = result['from_user']
user_hash = hashlib.sha1(entry).hexdigest()
distance = hamming(long(contest_hash, 16), long(user_hash, 16))
if distance == 0: continue
if distance < lowest[0][0]:
lowest = [(distance, entry, from_user)]
elif distance == lowest[0][0]:
lowest.append((distance, entry, from_user))
print "(%s) %s ; from %s" % (distance, entry, from_user)
print "\n\nLowest:"
for low in lowest:
print "\t(%s) %s ; from %s" % low
from math import log
from sys import argv
import hashlib
def hamming(a, b, bits=160):
x = a ^ b
return sum((x >> i & 1) for i in xrange(bits))
if __name__ == "__main__":
contest_hash = "1249c4b7f578204f10798c0269f8488280fb9981"
user_string = ' '.join(argv[1:])
user_hash = hashlib.sha1(user_string).hexdigest()
distance = hamming(long(contest_hash, 16), long(user_hash, 16))
print "Distance: %s" % distance
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