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Last active July 26, 2018 14:18
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Slide 14 - daily emergency access performance, Jan to July 2015
data <- read.csv("df.csv", header = TRUE)
data$X <- NULL
# Code that converts all the columns names to lowercase
df_tolower <- function(x) {
colnames(x) <- tolower(colnames(x))
df <- df_tolower(data )
# subseting data set ###########################################################################################
dt_rmds<- df[c("pat_code","start_datetime", "end_datetime", "ward_code", "spell.number", "episode.order")]
colname_ct <- function(df, colname){
df[,colname] = as.POSIXct(df[,colname])
dt_rmds_ct <- dt_rmds %>%
colname_ct("start_datetime") %>%
# selecting the jan - july ##
dt_jan_jul <- subset(dt_rmds_ct, (start_datetime >= "2015-01-01 00:00:00" & start_datetime <= "2015-07-27 23:59:00") |
(end_datetime >= "2015-01-01 00:00:00" & end_datetime <= "2015-07-27 23:59:00"))
# calculating total time by using difftime ############
# length of stay for the emergency department ############
# creating a new variable - under 4 hrs and above 4 hrs ##
dt_los <- dt_jan_jul %>%
filter(ward_code == "A&E") %>%
mutate(Los = difftime(end_datetime, start_datetime, units = c("min"))) %>%
mutate(Time = as.Date(end_datetime)) %>%
mutate(One_week = lubridate::round_date(dt_jan_jul$Time, "7 days")) %>%
select(pat_code, Los, Time, One_Week)
dt_categ_4hr_perf <- dt_los %>%
mutate(hr_perf = case_when(
Los <= 240 ~ "under_4hrs",
Los >= 240 ~ "above_4hrs")) #
# This function allows you to vectorise multiple if and else if statements.
# It is an R equivalent of the SQL CASE WHEN statement.
# 240 equivalent of 4 hrs -> creating a new variable with 4 hrs or above 4 performance
sum_4hrs_perf <- dt_categ_4hr_perf %>%
group_by(Time, hr_perf) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Count = n()) %>%
spread(hr_perf, Count) %>%
mutate(N = under_4hrs + above_4hrs)
# Applying the qicharts #
plot3 <- qicharts2::qic(Time, under_4hrs,
n = N,
data = tail(sum_4hrs_perf,100),
chart = 'p',
ylab = "percent",
show.grid = TRUE,
#freeze = 1,
#part = 11,
multiply= 100,
#x.format = "%d-%m-%Y",
x.angle = 45,
xlab = " Compliance with 4hr emergency care standard, %",
title = "daily 4 hr emergency access performance, January to July 2015")
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