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Created July 24, 2009 13:25
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score(Rolls) ->
NumberOfFrames = 10,
{ Score, _ } = lists:foldl(fun(_, { Score, FramesRolls }) ->
{ ScoreInFrame, RemainingFramesRolls } = score_frame(FramesRolls),
{ Score + ScoreInFrame, RemainingFramesRolls }
end, { 0, Rolls }, lists:seq(1, NumberOfFrames)),
score_frame([ 10, FirstNextFrame, SecondNextFrame | Rolls ]) ->
{ 10 + FirstNextFrame + SecondNextFrame, [ FirstNextFrame, SecondNextFrame | Rolls ] };
score_frame([ FirstCurrentFrame, SecondCurrentFrame, FirstNextFrame | Rolls ])
when FirstCurrentFrame + SecondCurrentFrame =:= 10 ->
{ FirstCurrentFrame + SecondCurrentFrame + FirstNextFrame, [ FirstNextFrame | Rolls ] };
score_frame([ FirstCurrentFrame, SecondCurrentFrame | Rolls ]) ->
{ FirstCurrentFrame + SecondCurrentFrame, Rolls }.
roll_many(Times, Pins) ->
[ Pins || _ <- lists:seq(1, Times) ].
should_score_0_for_all_zeros_test() ->
?assertEqual(0, score(roll_many(20, 0))).
should_score_20_for_all_ones_test() ->
?assertEqual(20, score(roll_many(20, 1))).
a_thrown_should_count_twice_after_a_spare_test() ->
?assertEqual(16, score([ 5, 5, 3 | roll_many(17, 0) ])).
a_frame_should_count_twice_after_a_strike_test() ->
?assertEqual(24, score([ 10, 3, 4 | roll_many(16, 0) ])).
should_score_10_when_a_string_is_followed_by_zeros_test() ->
?assertEqual(10, score([ 10 | roll_many(18, 0) ])).
a_frame_is_a_spare_when_a_zero_is_followed_by_a_10_test() ->
?assertEqual(20, score([ 0, 10, 5 | roll_many(17, 0) ])).
should_score_300_for_a_perfect_game_test() ->
?assertEqual(300, score(roll_many(12, 10))).
last_frame_with_a_spare_should_have_a_bonus_throw_test() ->
?assertEqual(13, score(roll_many(18, 0) ++ [ 5, 5, 3 ])).
last_frame_with_a_strike_should_have_two_bonus_throws_test() ->
?assertEqual(16, score(roll_many(18, 0) ++ [ 10, 3, 3 ])).
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