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probably writing tests

Gabriel Falcão gabrielfalcao

probably writing tests
View GitHub Profile
#######b. ### ### .d####b.########################b d##############
### Y##b### ###d##P Y##b ### ### ####b d#### ###
### ###### ###Y##b. ### ### #####b.d##### ###
### d##P### ### "Y###b. ### ####### ###Y#####P### ###
#######P" ### ### "Y##b. ### ### ### Y###P ### ###
### T##b ### ### "### ### ### ### Y#P ### ###
### T##b Y##b. .d##PY##b d##P ### ### ### " ### ###
### T##b "Y#####P" "Y####P" ### ### ### ### ###
# ignore = [] # Skip formatting the specified files and directories
gabrielfalcao /
Created June 14, 2023 08:06
shell script to forward all the kubernetes service ports to localhost while automatically handling port numbers < 1024 (e.g.: 443 to 8443)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for json in $(kubectl get svc -o json | jq -c '.items[] | select(.kind == "Service") | {, port:.spec.ports[0].port}'); do
service=$(echo "${json}" | jq .name | tr -d '"')
remote_port=$(echo "${json}" | jq .port | tr -d '"')
if [ $((local_port)) -lt 1024 ]; then
local_port=$((local_port + 8000))
echo kubectl port-forward "service/${service}" "${local_port}:${remote_port}"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -exu

>>> from signal import Signals >>> possible_signals = [(name, getattr(signal, name)) for name in dir(Signals) if name == name.upper()] >>> valid_signals = [(name, signal) for name, signal in possible_signals if isinstance(signal, Signals)] >>> len(valid_signals) 41 >>> [(name, signal.real) for name, signal in valid_signals] [('SIGABRT', 6),

gabrielfalcao /
Created January 7, 2023 06:26 — forked from loretoparisi/
Extract all frames from a movie using ffmpeg
# Output a single frame from the video into an image file:
ffmpeg -i -ss 00:00:14.435 -vframes 1 out.png
# Output one image every second, named out1.png, out2.png, out3.png, etc.
# The %01d dictates that the ordinal number of each output image will be formatted using 1 digits.
ffmpeg -i -vf fps=1 out%d.png
# Output one image every minute, named out001.jpg, out002.jpg, out003.jpg, etc.
# The %02d dictates that the ordinal number of each output image will be formatted using 2 digits.
ffmpeg -i -vf fps=1/60 out%02d.jpg
gabrielfalcao / pub.asc
Created October 28, 2022 07:44
gabrielfalcao /
Created May 18, 2022 17:37
A very simple CLI script for code refactoring. Basically combines ack + gnu-sed
echo "Replacing $original with $replacement"
ack -l $original * | cut -d: -f1 | uniq | xargs gsed -i "s,$original,$replacement,g"
if [ -z $3 ]; then
original=`echo $original | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`