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Created March 28, 2014 14:27
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Example of adding custom details to buyCRED purchases.
* Step 1 - Create custom Shortcode
* Creates a custom buyCRED shortcode that includes
* the marker attribute that is passed on to the gateway.
* @version 1.0
add_shortcode( 'mycred_custom_buy', 'mycred_render_custom_buy_shortcode' );
function mycred_render_custom_buy_shortcode( $atts, $title = 'Buy Points' ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'mycred' ) ) return 'myCRED is not installed';
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'gateway' => '',
'amount' => '',
'gift_to' => false,
'marker' => '',
'class' => 'mycred-buy-link button large custom',
'login' => 'Please login to buy points'
), $atts ) );
// Load myCRED
$mycred = mycred();
// If we are not logged in
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) return '<div class="mycred-buy login">' . $mycred->template_tags_general( $login ) . '</div>';
$url = get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . '/';
$args = array(
'mycred_buy' => $gateway,
'amount' => $mycred->number( $amount ),
'token' => wp_create_nonce( 'mycred-buy-creds' ),
'marker' => $marker
// Classes
$classes = explode( ' ', $class );
if ( empty( $classes ) )
$classes = array( 'mycred-buy-link', 'button large', 'custom' );
$classes[] = $gateway;
$title = $mycred->template_tags_general( $title );
// Element to return
$element = '<a href="' . add_query_arg( $args, $url ) . '" class="' . implode( ' ', $classes ) . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a>';
return $element;
* Step 2 - Inject Marker
* Next we inject our marker into the data sent to the gateway.
* You would need to add a filter for each gateway you want this to support.
* filter: mycred_{gateway id}_extra. Replace gateway with the gateway name.
* Replace - with _ and remember to always return a result!
* @version 1.0
add_filter( 'mycred_paypal_standard_extra', 'mycred_inject_marker_for_gateway', 10, 6 );
function mycred_inject_marker_for_gateway( $extra, $cost, $from, $to, $gateway_prefs, $mycred ) {
// Only add marker if it is set and not empty
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['marker'] ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['marker'] ) )
return sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['marker'] );
return $extra;
* Step 3 - Insert a custom payment column
* Finally we will insert a custom column on the payment log to
* show if a marker has been used for this payment.
* @version 1.0
add_filter( 'mycred_buycred_log_columns', 'mycred_adjust_purchase_log_columns' );
function mycred_adjust_purchase_log_columns( $columns ) {
$columns['column-marker'] = 'Marker';
return $columns;
add_action( 'mycred_payment_log_column-marker', 'mycred_payment_column_marker' );
function mycred_payment_column_marker( $log_entry ) {
$data = maybe_unserialize( $log_entry->data );
if ( isset( $data['sales_data'] ) ) {
list ( $buyer_id, $payer_id, $amount, $cost, $currency, $token, $other ) = explode( '|', $data['sales_data'] );
// Marker is saved under "other" last in the array.
echo $other;
else {
echo 'n/a';
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