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Last active November 16, 2022 11:23
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It is a template for a bash script for parsing arguments. It also accepts simple arguments (getops), but also complex arguments.
# Function for helping with usage
function usage
echo "Usage: $script_name -f arg_1 -s arg_2 -t arg_3"
echo ""
echo " -f | --first_arg : First argument(Mandatory)"
echo " -s | --second_arg : Second argument(Mandatory)"
echo " -t | --third_arg : Third argument(Optional)"
echo " -h | --help : Help argument"
# Function for running
function run
parse_arguments "$@"
echo "First argument - "
echo "Second argument - "
echo "Third argument - "
# Function to warn an invalid option
function invalid
echo "$script_name: invalid option -- $1"
echo "Try '$script_name --help' for more information"
# Function for parsing arguments
function parse_arguments
# Parsing arguments
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
case "$1" in
-f | --first_arg ) first_arg="$2"; shift;;
-s | --second_arg ) second_arg="$2"; shift;;
-t | --third_arg ) third_arg="$2"; shift;;
-h | --help ) usage; exit;;
* ) invalid $1; exit;; # Invalid option
# Mandatory arguments
if [[ -z "$first_arg" || -z "$second_arg" ]]; then
echo "Invalid arguments. Some of them are mandatory."
# Set default value for optional arguments
if [[ -z "$third_arg" ]]; then
run "$@"
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