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Created November 15, 2023 12:19
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Delete old GitHub Actions workflow runs
# This is a script to remove old GitHub Actions workflow runs for a given workflow path
# It is helpful for cleaning up old workflow runs after you renamed the workflow
# Get workflow IDs with path = $path_workflow
workflow_ids=($(gh api repos/$org/$repo/actions/workflows --paginate | jq '.workflows[] | select(.path == '\"$workflow_path\"') | .id'))
echo "Found ${#workflow_ids[@]} workflows with path $workflow_path"
for workflow_id in "${workflow_ids[@]}"; do
echo "Listing runs for the workflow ID $workflow_id"
run_ids=($(gh api repos/$org/$repo/actions/workflows/$workflow_id/runs --paginate --jq '.workflow_runs[].id'))
for run_id in "${run_ids[@]}"; do
echo "Deleting Run ID $run_id"
gh api repos/$org/$repo/actions/runs/$run_id -X DELETE >/dev/null
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