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Created February 7, 2023 14:29
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use skia_safe::{
use std::{boxed::Box, collections::HashMap};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
extern "C" {
pub fn emscripten_GetProcAddress(
name: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void;
pub fn emscripten_set_keydown_callback(
target: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
userData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
useCapture: i32,
callback: unsafe extern "C" fn(
eventTypeId: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
event: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
userData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> i32,
) -> i32;
pub fn emscripten_get_now() -> ::std::os::raw::c_double;
const CELL_WIDTH: f32 = 320.0;
const CELL_HEIGHT: f32 = 64.0;
const ROWS_PER_TILE: i32 = 10;
fn now() -> f64 {
unsafe { emscripten_get_now() }
static FONT: Lazy<Font> = Lazy::new(|| {
let inter_bytes = include_bytes!("./Inter.ttf");
let inter_data = unsafe { Data::new_bytes(inter_bytes) };
let typeface = Typeface::from_data(inter_data, None).unwrap();
let font = Font::new(typeface.clone(), Some(24.0));
struct GpuState {
context: DirectContext,
framebuffer_info: FramebufferInfo,
/// This struct holds the state of the Rust application between JS calls.
/// It is created by [init] and passed to the other exported functions. Note that rust-skia data
/// structures are not thread safe, so a state must not be shared between different Web Workers.
pub struct State {
gpu_state: GpuState,
surface: Surface,
recorder: PictureRecorder,
tile_cache: HashMap<i32, Image>
impl State {
fn new(gpu_state: GpuState, surface: Surface) -> Self {
State { gpu_state, surface, recorder: PictureRecorder::new(), tile_cache: HashMap::new() }
fn set_surface(&mut self, surface: Surface) {
self.surface = surface;
fn set_tile(&mut self, index: i32, image: Image) { // -> &Image
self.tile_cache.insert(index, image);
// self.tile_cache.get(&index).unwrap()
/// Load GL functions pointers from JavaScript so we can call OpenGL functions from Rust.
/// This only needs to be done once.
fn init_gl() {
unsafe {
gl::load_with(|addr| {
let addr = std::ffi::CString::new(addr).unwrap();
emscripten_GetProcAddress(addr.into_raw() as *const _) as *const _
/// Create the GPU state from the JavaScript WebGL context.
/// This needs to be done once per WebGL context.
fn create_gpu_state() -> GpuState {
let context = skia_safe::gpu::DirectContext::new_gl(None, None).unwrap();
let framebuffer_info = {
let mut fboid: gl::types::GLint = 0;
unsafe { gl::GetIntegerv(gl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &mut fboid) };
FramebufferInfo {
fboid: fboid.try_into().unwrap(),
format: skia_safe::gpu::gl::Format::RGBA8.into(),
GpuState {
/// Create the Skia surface that will be used for rendering.
fn create_surface(gpu_state: &mut GpuState, width: i32, height: i32) -> Surface {
let backend_render_target =
BackendRenderTarget::new_gl((width, height), 1, 8, gpu_state.framebuffer_info);
&mut gpu_state.context,
fn create_cell_picture() -> Picture {
let mut picture_recorder = PictureRecorder::new();
let canvas = picture_recorder.begin_recording(Rect { left:0., top: 0., right: CELL_WIDTH, bottom: CELL_HEIGHT}, None);
let mut bg_paint = Paint::default();
let mut border_paint = Paint::default();
canvas.draw_rect(Rect {left: 0., top: 0., right: CELL_WIDTH, bottom: CELL_HEIGHT}, &bg_paint);
canvas.draw_line(Point {x: CELL_WIDTH, y: 0. },Point {x: CELL_WIDTH, y: CELL_HEIGHT }, &border_paint);
canvas.draw_line(Point {x: 0., y: CELL_HEIGHT },Point {x:CELL_WIDTH, y: CELL_HEIGHT }, &border_paint);
let picture = picture_recorder.finish_recording_as_picture(None).unwrap();
pub extern "C" fn init(width: i32, height: i32) -> Box<State> {
let mut gpu_state = create_gpu_state();
let surface = create_surface(&mut gpu_state, width, height);
// let cell_picture = create_cell_picture();
let state = State::new(gpu_state, surface);
pub extern "C" fn resize_surface(state: *mut State, width: i32, height: i32) {
let state = unsafe { state.as_mut() }.expect("got an invalid state pointer");
let surface = create_surface(&mut state.gpu_state, width, height);
fn paint_tile(tile_offset: i32, canvas: &mut Canvas, tile_width: f32) {
// let start = now();
let mut text_paint = Paint::default();
text_paint.set_color4f(Color4f { r: 1., g: 1., b: 1., a: 1.}, None);
// text_paint.set_anti_alias(true);
// let mut bg_paint = Paint::default();
// bg_paint.set_style(PaintStyle::Fill);
// bg_paint.set_color4f(Color4f {r: 0.094, g: 0.12, b: 0.15, a: 1.}, None);
// bg_paint.set_anti_alias(true);
let mut border_paint = Paint::default();
border_paint.set_color4f(Color4f {r: 0.19, g: 0.24, b: 0.29, a: 1.} , None);
// println!("tile setup - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
let start_row = tile_offset * ROWS_PER_TILE;
let end_row = ROWS_PER_TILE + start_row;
// background
// canvas.draw_rect(Rect {left: 0., top: 0., right: tile_width, bottom: TILE_HEIGHT}, &bg_paint);
// println!("tile bg - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
// horizontal lines
for row in start_row..end_row {
let y = CELL_HEIGHT * (row - start_row + 1) as f32;
canvas.draw_line(Point {x: 0., y },Point {x: tile_width, y }, &border_paint);
// println!("tile horizontal lines - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
// vertical lines
for col in 0..7 {
let vertical_line_x = CELL_WIDTH * (col + 1) as f32;
canvas.draw_line(Point {x: vertical_line_x, y: 0. },Point {x: vertical_line_x, y: TILE_HEIGHT }, &border_paint);
// println!("tile vertical lines - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
// text
for row in start_row..end_row {
let y = CELL_HEIGHT * (row - start_row) as f32;
let row_string = row.to_string();
for col in 0..7 {
let x = CELL_WIDTH * col as f32;
// let col_string = col.to_string();
// let start = now();
// slow
// let s: String = rand::thread_rng()
// .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric)
// .take(7)
// .map(char::from)
// .collect();
let s = format!("{}-{}", row_string, col.to_string());
// let text_blob = TextBlob::from_str(&row_string, &FONT).unwrap();
// canvas.draw_text_blob(text_blob, (x + 20., y + 40.), &text_paint);
canvas.draw_str(&row_string, (x + 20., y + 40.), &FONT, &text_paint);
// println!("hh draw {}", now() - start);
// println!("tile text - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
const USE_GPU: bool = true;
fn raster_tile(state: &mut State, tile_offset: i32) -> Image { //, paint: &Paint, font: &Font
// let vv = state.surface.recording_context().unwrap();
// &surf.from_backend_render_target(ColorType::RGBA8888, &BackendFormat::new_gl(state.gpu_state.framebuffer_info.format, state.gpu_state.framebuffer_info.format))
// let surf = SurfaceCharacterization::default();
if USE_GPU == true {
let mut surf = create_surface(&mut state.gpu_state, state.surface.width(), TILE_HEIGHT as i32);
let characterization = surf.characterize().unwrap();
let mut display_list_recorder = DeferredDisplayListRecorder::new(&characterization);
let canvas = display_list_recorder.canvas();
paint_tile(tile_offset, canvas, state.surface.width() as f32);
let display_list = display_list_recorder.detach().unwrap();
// println!("tile draw display list - {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
let image = surf.image_snapshot();
// println!("IS GPU?? {}", image.is_texture_backed());
// println!("tile image - {}", now() - start);
} else {
let mut recorder = PictureRecorder::new();
let canvas = recorder.begin_recording(Rect { left:0., top: 0., right: state.surface.width() as f32, bottom: TILE_HEIGHT}, None);
paint_tile(tile_offset, canvas, state.surface.width() as f32);
let picture = recorder.finish_recording_as_picture(None).unwrap();
let image = Image::from_picture(&picture, ISize { width: state.surface.width(), height: TILE_HEIGHT as i32}, None, None, skia_safe::image::BitDepth::U8, Some(ColorSpace::new_srgb())).unwrap();
// println!("IS GPU?? {}", image.is_texture_backed());
pub extern "C" fn on_animation_frame(state: *mut State) {
let state = unsafe { state.as_mut() }.expect("got an invalid state pointer");
state.surface.canvas().clear(Color4f {r: 41., g: 55., b: 66., a: 1.});
let mut tile_border = Paint::default();
tile_border.set_color4f(Color4f {r: 1., g: 0., b: 0., a: 1.}, None);
let surface_height = state.surface.height();
let surface_width = state.surface.width();
let tiles_on_screen = (surface_height as f32 / TILE_HEIGHT).ceil() as i32;
for tile_offset in 0..tiles_on_screen {
// println!("tile offset {}", tile_offset);
let image = raster_tile(state, tile_offset);
let y = TILE_HEIGHT * tile_offset as f32;
state.surface.canvas().draw_image(&image, Point { x: 0., y}, None);
state.surface.canvas().draw_rect(Rect {left: 0., top: y, right: surface_width as f32, bottom: y + TILE_HEIGHT }, &tile_border);
state.set_tile(tile_offset, image);
println!("tile draw {}", tile_offset);
// let font = Font::new(TYPEFACE.clone(), Some(56.0));
// let mut text_paint = Paint::default();
// text_paint.set_color(Color::BLACK);
// text_paint.set_anti_alias(true);
// let text_blob = TextBlob::from_str("HEYYYYYYY", &font).unwrap();
// state.surface.canvas().draw_text_blob(&text_blob, (10., 200.), &text_paint);
pub extern "C" fn on_translate(state: *mut State, scroll: i32) {
// let start = now();
let state = unsafe { state.as_mut() }.expect("got an invalid state pointer");
state.surface.canvas().clear(Color4f {r: 0.094, g: 0.12, b: 0.15, a: 1.});
let mut tile_border = Paint::default();
tile_border.set_color4f(Color4f {r: 1., g: 0., b: 0., a: 1.}, None);
let surface_height = state.surface.height();
let surface_width = state.surface.width();
let scroll_offset = scroll % TILE_HEIGHT as i32;
let start_tile = (scroll as f32 / TILE_HEIGHT).floor() as i32;
let tiles_on_screen = ((surface_height + scroll_offset) as f32 / TILE_HEIGHT).ceil() as i32;
let end_tile = start_tile + tiles_on_screen;
// println!("setup {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
for tile_offset in start_tile..end_tile {
// let image = raster_tile(state, tile_offset);
let maybe_image = state.tile_cache.get(&tile_offset);
let image = match maybe_image {
Some(image) => image,
None => {
let start = now();
let image = raster_tile(state, tile_offset);
state.set_tile(tile_offset, image);
println!("draw tile with offsest {} took {}ms.", tile_offset, now() - start);
let y = TILE_HEIGHT * (tile_offset - start_tile) as f32 - scroll_offset as f32;
state.surface.canvas().draw_image(&image, Point { x: 0., y}, None);
state.surface.canvas().draw_rect(Rect {left: 0., top: y, right: surface_width as f32, bottom: y + TILE_HEIGHT }, &tile_border);
// println!("loop {}", now() - start);
// let start = now();
// let start = now();
// println!("flush {}", now() - start);
/// The main function is called by emscripten when the WASM object is created.
fn main() {
// blitting part of canvas to another place
// let canvas = state.surface.canvas();
// let dst_info = ImageInfo::new_n32_premul(ISize {width: 20, height: 20}, None);
// let mut dst_pixels = vec![0; dst_info.compute_byte_size(20 * 4)];
// let src_point = IPoint::new(10, 10);
// let suc = canvas.read_pixels(&dst_info, &mut dst_pixels, 20 * 4, src_point);
// if suc == false {
// panic!("read pixels failed");
// }
// let offset = IPoint::new(0, 40);
// let suc = canvas.write_pixels(&dst_info, &dst_pixels, 20 * 4, offset);
// if suc == false {
// panic!("write pixels failed");
// }
// println!("successed?");
// state.surface.flush();
// let data = Data::new_bytes(text.as_bytes().to_vec());
// for x in &font_mgr.family_names() {
// println!("family name {:?}", x);
// }
// println!("{:#?}",);
// let mut text_paint = Paint::default();
// let mut font = Font::default();
// let typeface = Typeface::from_name("Arial", FontStyle::new(Weight::from(400), Width::from(16), Slant::Upright)).unwrap();
// println!("typeface {:?} {:?}", typeface.family_name(), typeface.is_italic());
// // panic!("hey");
// font.set_typeface(typeface);
// text_paint.set_color(Color::BLACK);
// surface.canvas().draw_str(text, (10., 10. ), &font, &text_paint);
// surface.canvas().draw_str(text, (500., 500. ), &font, &text_paint);
// surface.canvas().draw_str(text, (-50., 50. ), &font, &text_paint);
// // surface.canvas().draw_text_blob(blob, origin, paint)
// //
// let blob = TextBlob::from_str(text, &font).unwrap();
// surface.canvas().draw_text_blob(blob, (x + 5., 80. ), &text_paint
// let mut recorder = PictureRecorder::new();
// let mut canvas_recorder = state.recorder.begin_recording(Rect { left:0., top: 0., right: 1000., bottom: 1000.}, None);
// let image = Image::new_raster_n32_premul(100, 100);
// let mut image_canvas = Canvas::image(&image);
// for col in 0..10 {
// for row in 0..100 {
// let canvas: Canvas = {
// if row % 20 == 0 && row != 0 {
// let image = Image::new_raster_n32_premul(100, 100);
// let mut image_canvas = Canvas::new_from_image(&image);
// return &mut image_canvas
// }
// return &mut image_canvas;
// };
// let y = row as f32 * CELL_HEIGHT + scroll as f32;
// let x = col as f32 * CELL_WIDTH;
// render_cell(&mut canvas_recorder, &f_paint, x, y);
// }
// }
// let picture = state.recorder.finish_recording_as_picture(None).unwrap();
// picture.playback(state.surface.canvas());
// let image = Image::from_picture(&picture, ISize { width: 500, height: 500}, None, Some(&Paint::default()), skia_safe::image::BitDepth::U8, Some(ColorSpace::new_srgb())).unwrap();
// state.surface.canvas().draw_image(&image, Point { x: 200., y: 200.}, None);
// println!("{} - {}", state.surface.height(), state.surface.width());
// state.set_picture(picture);
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