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Last active October 2, 2022 09:02
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Save gabrielu/755085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Sudoku Solver
* Usage: php sudoku_solver.php challenge.txt
* Sample contents of challenge.txt:
* 097600000
* 861000000
* 000080000
* 030000001
* 004500700
* 000060805
* 080090004
* 400005000
* 009801006
* @author Gabriel U. <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Gabriel U.
* Print grid in a user friendly way
* @param $grid {array}
* @param $plain {optional boolean} Default: TRUE. Display pretty table?
* @return void
function printGrid($grid, $plain = TRUE)
if (!$plain) echo "---------------------\n";
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
if (!$plain) echo "| ";
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if ($j > 0 && !$plain)
echo " ";
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) > 1 || count($grid[$i][$j]) == 0) {
if ($plain) echo '0'; else echo ' ';
} else {
echo implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
if (!$plain) echo " |";
echo "\n";
if ($i < $leni - 1 && !$plain)
echo "---------------------\n";
if (!$plain) echo "---------------------\n";
* Print grid possibilities in a user friendly way
* @param $grid {array}
* @return void
function printPossibilities($grid)
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if ($j > 0) echo ' ';
echo str_pad(implode('', $grid[$i][$j]), 9, ' ');
echo "\n";
* Clean rows
* Remove numbers from cells of possibilities using challenge numbers
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} If a change was made/found
function cleanRows(&$grid)
$cell_changed = FALSE;
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) { // loop through each row
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) { // loop through each column
$num = '';
// find single value column within row
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) == 1) {
// we have a single value on cell
$num = implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
// remove found value from all columns in row
if ($num != '') {
for ($j2=0; $j2<$lenj; $j2++) {
// skip the current column we're on when clearing
if ($j == $j2) continue;
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i][$j2]) && count($grid[$i][$j2]) > 1) {
$cell_changed = TRUE;
return $cell_changed;
* Clean columns
* Remove numbers from cells of possibilities using challenge numbers
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} If a change was made/found
function cleanColumns(&$grid)
$cell_changed = FALSE;
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[0]); $j<$lenj; $j++) { // loop through each column
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) { // loop through each row
$num = '';
// find single value row within column
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) == 1) {
// we have a single value on cell
$num = implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
// remove found value from all rows in column
if ($num != '') {
for ($i2=0; $i2<$leni; $i2++) {
// skip the current row we're on when clearing
if ($i == $i2) continue;
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i2][$j]) && count($grid[$i2][$j]) > 1) {
$cell_changed = TRUE;
return $cell_changed;
* Find/clean singletons within rows and columns
* Finds cells with multiple possibilities that contain a number not possible on
* any other cell within the same row/column.
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} If a change was made/found
function cleanSingletons(&$grid)
$cell_changed = FALSE;
// loop through rows
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
// hold number occurrences '$number' => $occurrence_count
$occurences = array('1' => 0, '2' => 0, '3' => 0, '4' => 0, '5' => 0, '6' => 0, '7' => 0, '8' => 0, '9' => 0);
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
foreach ($grid[$i][$j] as $num) {
foreach ($occurences as $num=>$count) {
// find numbers that only occured once on this row
if ($count == 1) {
for ($j=0; $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i][$j]) && count($grid[$i][$j]) > 1) {
$grid[$i][$j] = array($num => $num);
$cell_changed = TRUE;
// loop through columns
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[0]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
$occurences = array('1' => 0, '2' => 0, '3' => 0, '4' => 0, '5' => 0, '6' => 0, '7' => 0, '8' => 0, '9' => 0);
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
foreach ($grid[$i][$j] as $num) {
foreach ($occurences as $num=>$count) {
if ($count == 1) {
for ($i=0; $i<$leni; $i++) {
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i][$j]) && count($grid[$i][$j]) > 1) {
$grid[$i][$j] = array($num => $num);
$cell_changed = TRUE;
return $cell_changed;
* Find/clean 3x3 cell groups
* Finds cells with values and removes value from possibilities of cells within
* surrounding 3x3 cells.
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} If a change was made/found
function cleanGroups(&$grid)
$cell_changed = FALSE;
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
// find box with only 1 possibility
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) == 1) {
// remove this number from surrounding cells
$num = implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
$starting_row = 0;
if ($i >= 0 && $i <= 2) { // first 3 rows
} elseif ($i >= 3 && $i <= 5) { // second 3 rows
$starting_row = 3;
} elseif ($i >= 6 && $i <= 9) { // third 3 rows
$starting_row = 6;
$starting_column = 0;
if ($j >= 0 && $j <= 2) { // first 3 columns
} elseif ($j >= 3 && $j <= 5) { // second 3 columns
$starting_column = 3;
} elseif ($j >= 6 && $j <= 9) { // third 3 columns
$starting_column = 6;
for ($i2=$starting_row; $i2<$starting_row+3; $i2++) {
for ($j2=$starting_column; $j2<$starting_column+3; $j2++) {
// skip the cell which we originally found the number on
if ($i == $i2 && $j == $j2) continue;
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i2][$j2])) {
$cell_changed = TRUE;
return $cell_changed;
* Find/clean pair of values
* When cells on the same row/column have only two possibilities, the rest of
* the cells on the row/column cannot contain these values.
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} If a change was made/found
function cleanPairs(&$grid)
$cell_changed = FALSE;
// clean rows
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) == 2) {
for ($j2=$j+1; $j2<$lenj; $j2++) {
if ($grid[$i][$j2] == $grid[$i][$j]) {
// only these cells could possibly have this value so remove these values from other
// cell columns on this row
$possibilities = $grid[$i][$j];
for ($j3=0; $j3<$lenj; $j3++) {
if ($j3 == $j || $j3 == $j2) continue;
foreach ($possibilities as $num) {
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i][$j3])) {
$cell_changed = TRUE;
// clean columns
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[0]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) == 2) {
for ($i2=$i+1; $i2<$leni; $i2++) {
if ($grid[$i][$j] == $grid[$i2][$j]) {
$possibilities = $grid[$i][$j];
for ($i3=0; $i3<$leni; $i3++) {
if ($i3 == $i || $i3 == $i2) continue;
foreach ($possibilities as $num) {
if (in_array($num, $grid[$i3][$j])) {
$cell_changed = TRUE;
return $cell_changed;
* Check whether the grid was solved
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} Grid solved?
function isSolved($grid)
$rows = $columns = array();
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
$rows[$i] = 0;
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if (count($grid[$i][$j]) != 1)
return FALSE;
$rows[$i] += implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
if (!isset($columns[$j]))
$columns[$j] = 0;
$columns[$j] += implode('', $grid[$i][$j]);
// make sure that all rows and columns add up to 45
foreach ($rows as $sum) {
if ($sum != 45) return FALSE;
foreach ($columns as $sum) {
if ($sum != 45) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Make guesses on grid possibilities
* @param $grid {array}
* @param $possibilities_start {optional integer} Number of cell possibilities we will start checking from
* @param $tier {optional integer} The level of guess tiers we're in (branches of solutions)
* @return {array} Guessed grid array
// TODO: Speed up guessing by focusing on cells with least possibilities first
function guess($grid, $possibilities_start = 2, $tier = 1)
$guess_grid = $grid;
do {
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
$possibilities = count($grid[$i][$j]);
if ($possibilities > 1 && $possibilities <= $possibilities_start) {
// we have multiple possibilities on this cell
// let's try each possibility and see how it affects the rest of the grid
foreach ($grid[$i][$j] as $num) {
$guess_grid[$i][$j] = array($num => $num);
while (cleanRows($guess_grid) || cleanColumns($guess_grid) || cleanSingletons($guess_grid) || cleanGroups($guess_grid) || cleanPairs($guess_grid)) {}
// check if we got any empty cells to try the next guess
if (hasEmptyCell($guess_grid)) {
// let's return the guess grid to it's normal state
$guess_grid = $grid;
// this guess is no good. skip to the next guess
if (isSolved($guess_grid)) {
return $guess_grid;
} else {
$guess_grid = guess($guess_grid, $possibilities_start, $tier + 1);
if (isSolved($guess_grid)) {
return $guess_grid;
// none of the guesses worked. let's move on in the upper tier. return the grid we
// originally received
if ($tier > 1)
return $grid;
} while ($possibilities_start < 9 && !isSolved($guess_grid));
return $guess_grid;
* Check for cells with empty values/possibilities
* This is used for checking guesses
* @param $grid {array}
* @return {boolean} Whether we have an empty cell
function hasEmptyCell($grid)
for ($i=0, $leni=count($grid); $i<$leni; $i++) {
for ($j=0, $lenj=count($grid[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
if (empty($grid[$i][$j]))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Runtime
* Command line: php sudoku_solver.php challenge.txt
// start time tracking
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(' ', $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$starttime = $mtime;
$file = '';
// get file name/path from arguments
$file = $argv[1];
if (!file_exists($file)) {
die("Error: File does not exist.\n");
} else {
if (!is_file($file))
die("Error: File does not appear to be a regular file.\n");
// TODO: Verify that file contents are valid
$challenge = trim(file_get_contents($file));
$challenge = <<<END
$grid = array();
// prepare sudoku grid of possibilities
for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) {
for ($j=0; $j<9; $j++) {
$grid[$i][$j] = array();
for ($k=1; $k<=9; $k++) {
$grid[$i][$j][$k] = $k;
// update sudoku grid with values from challenge
$arr = explode("\n", $challenge);
for ($i=0, $leni=count($arr); $i<$leni; $i++) {
$arr[$i] = trim($arr[$i]);
for ($j=0, $lenj=strlen($arr[$i]); $j<$lenj; $j++) {
$num = $arr[$i][$j];
if ($num != 0) {
$grid[$i][$j] = array($num => $num);
// echo "\nChallenge\n=========\n";
// printGrid($grid);
// echo "\n\n";
while (cleanRows($grid) || cleanColumns($grid) || cleanSingletons($grid) || cleanGroups($grid) || cleanPairs($grid)) {}
if (!isSolved($grid)) {
// we didn't solve, time to guess
$guess_grid = guess($grid);
if (isSolved($guess_grid))
$grid = $guess_grid;
// end time tracking
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(' ', $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$endtime = $mtime;
$totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime);
// did we solve the grid?
if (isSolved($grid)) {
//echo "Solution\n=========\n";
//echo 'Solved in ' . $totaltime . " seconds\n";
} else {
echo "Sorry, could not solve challenge.\n";
echo "Possibilities\n=============\n";
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