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Last active May 16, 2024 13:26
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DXF Export

  • Priority 1: Save/Load Settings

    • Preserve the latest DXF export settings within a project: at the moment, for example, the attributes with the dxf layer names have to be selected again for each layer each export
      • PRs #56121 (layer attribute selection) and #56017 (force 2D setting).
    • Ability to save and re-import from DXF export settings: → New PR #56982 🆕️
      • Transfer of settings in another project
        • Saving of different export settings per project
    • Better design of the export dialog box:
      • The column «Output layer attribute» is currently hidden and cannot be displayed at the same time as the whole column «Layer» → PR #56082
  • Priority 3: Advanced Export Options

    • Possibility to export only the selected elements (current map selection or "all") → New PR #56775 🆕️
    • Possibility to override the export name of individual layers in the export mask → New PR #57016 🆕️
    • Create layers only if there is at least one element in this layer when exporting from a map section, all layers that exist in the entire data set are currently created, even when they're empty. → PR #56126
  • Priority 4: DXF Export as a Processing Tool

    • Deploy the DXF export function as a processing tool
    • Include the export in a model
    • Reuse in batch applications and automations.
    • Harmonize app dialog and processing alg: PRs #56147 and PR #57200 🆕️
  • Fixes:

    • Fix bug on fieldsComboBox, DXF Export algorithm → PR #56971 🆕️
    • Remove layers with no valid datasource from dialog's layer tree, just as the corresponding processing alg does. Commit a0d9c7 (PR #57016)
    • Avoid non-spatial vector layers in DXF Export alg → PR #56851 🆕️
  • Others:

    • New issue: App dialog and processing alg harmonization #56853 🆕️
    • New issue: Layer title provenance #57012 🆕️
    • Documentation: PR #8995 🆕️
    • Documentation: PR #9095 🆕️

🚨️: Not yet merged / waiting for a response

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