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Last active April 11, 2024 08:59
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DXF Export enhancements

(Blog post draft)

At OPENGIS.CH, we've been working lately on improving the DXF Export QGIS functionality, and, in the meantime, we've also added nice UX enhancements for making it easier and much more powerful to use!

Let's see a short review:

  • DXF Export app dialog and processing algorithm are now completely harmonized.

    That is, you can use either the app dialog or the processing alg, both of them offer you equivalent functionality.

    (Screenshots or video pending ⏳)

  • Dialog settings can be now exported to an XML file to reuse multiple serttings per project or share them with colleagues.

    You can now have multiple settings available in XML format, so that you won't miss anything, even for large and complex projects.

  • All settings are now well remembered between dialog sessions, making it easier to reuse previous choices.

    QGIS users told us there were some dialog options that were not remembered correctly, but that's no longer the case!

  • "Output layer attribute" column is now always visible in the DXF Export layer tree.

    We've made sure that you won't miss it anymore.


  • Possibility to export only the current map selection.

    Filter features to be exported via layer selection, and even combine this filter with the existing 'map extent' one.



  • Empty layers are no longer exported to DXF.

    When applying spatial filters like feature selection and map extent, you might end up with empty layers to be exported. Well, those won't be exported anymore, producing cleaner DXF output files for you.

  • Possibility to override the export name of individual layers.

    It's often the case where your layer names are not clean and tidy to be displayed. From now on, you can specify how your output DXF layers should be named, without altering your original project layers.

    (Video pending ⏳)

We've also fixed some minor UX bugs and annoyances that were present when exporting layers to DXF format, so that we can enjoy using it!

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