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Created June 26, 2012 15:14
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pulse width
#!/usr/bin/env python
from KDataPy.database import kdatadb
import KDataPy.util
import ROOT
import scipy.signal as sig
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#acquire data location from the database
db = kdatadb()
viewResults = db.view('proc/raw', key = 'mf10a002') #returns the location of all RAW .root files for this run
#create a KPulseAnalysisChain to remove the baseline and apply a highpass filter
bas = ROOT.KBaselineRemoval() #create a new baseline removal object
nyquist = 0.5/(2.016e-3) #the nyquist frequency for typical heat channels
(b,a) = sig.iirfilter(2, 2.5/nyquist, btype='highpass') #b/a parameters for a second order butterworth highpass filter @ 2.5 Hz
myFilter = ROOT.KIIRSecondOrder(a[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], b[2])
(b,a) = sig.iirfilter(2, 40.0/nyquist, btype='lowpass') #b/a parameters for a second order butterworth lowpass filter @ 40.0 Hz
myFilterLowPass = ROOT.KIIRSecondOrder(a[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], b[2])
chain = ROOT.KPulseAnalysisChain()
pulseWidths = [] #i will store my results in this array. i could use a ROOT Tree, if I want to save the results for later
minVals = []
minPos = []
#my analysis function is defined here - which will be called by the 'looppulse' function below.
def myAnalysis(pulse,pta,**kwargs):
global pulseWidths # type this in order to access the results array initiliazed above
global minVals
outputPulse = KDataPy.util.get_out(pta) #this gives you the output of the KPulseAnalysisChain defined above
#assume a negative going pulse
minval = np.amin(outputPulse)
minpos = np.argmin(outputPulse)
#find the 90% position
ninPos = 0
for i in range(minpos+1):
if outputPulse[i] <= 0.9 * minval: #remember, i'm assuming that min is a negative value
ninPos = i
#find the 10% position
tenPos = ninPos
for i in range(ninPos, len(outputPulse)):
if outputPulse[i] >= 0.1 * minval:
tenPos = i
pulseWidths.append(tenPos - ninPos)
#print 'position', minpos, 'width', tenPos-ninPos, 'amplitude', minval
#now loop through the files returned by the database
for row in viewResults:
doc = db[row['id']]
filename = doc['proc1']['file'] # full path to each file of interest
#find each H1 ZM1 pulse in the file, apply the "chain" and then pass the chain to your myAnalysis function
#KDataPy.util.plotpulse(filename, name="H1 ZM1", match=True, pta=chain, analysisFunction = myAnalysis)
KDataPy.util.looppulse(filename, name="H1 ZM1", match=True, pta=chain, analysisFunction = myAnalysis)
#analyze the results
plt.scatter(np.array(minVals), np.array(pulseWidths))
raw_input('hit the enter key to quit...')
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