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Last active September 7, 2021 01:36
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  • Save gadenbuie/140204f122240f397e68e610643a4190 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gadenbuie/140204f122240f397e68e610643a4190 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#' Restart RStudio
#' @id 6
#' @interactive
#' Go to Source File Location
#' @description Navigate to current source file in Files pane
#' @id 1
function(path = NULL) {
if (!rstudioapi::hasFun("executeCommand")) {
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
if (path == "") {
message("Current source file hasn't been saved yet")
if (fs::is_file(path)) {
path <- fs::path_dir(path)
if (!fs::dir_exists(path)) {
message("Directory does not exist: ", path)
owd <- setwd(path)
later::later(function() {
#' Preview Markdown Selection
#' @description Preview the selected markdown
#' @id 2
function() {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
if (!nzchar(ctx$selection[[1]]$text)) {
message("Nothing selected")
text <- vapply(ctx$selection, `[[`, "", "text")
tmprmd <- tempfile("md_preview_", fileext = ".Rmd")
cat(text, file = tmprmd, sep = "\n\n")
out <- rmarkdown::render(tmprmd, quiet = TRUE, output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(pandoc_args = c("--metadata", "pagetitle=preview")))
#' Drake - Load Project
#' @description Source "_drake.R"
#' @id 3
#' @interactive
function() {
drake_src <- here::here("_drake.R")
if (file.exists(drake_src)) {
rstudioapi::sendToConsole(paste0("source(\"", drake_src, "\")"))
else {
message("_drake.R file not found: ", drake_src)
#' Drake - Make
#' @description Run make.R as an RStudio job
#' @id 4
function() {
make <- here::here("make.R")
if (file.exists(make)) {
else {
message("Makefile does not exist: ", make)
#' Drake - Loadd Targets for Function
#' @description Load the targets used by the selected function
#' @id 5
function() {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
if (!nzchar(ctx$selection[[1]]$text)) {
message("Nothing selected")
if (!exists("plan", envir = globalenv())) {
stop("Please load a drake plan first.", call. = FALSE)
plan <- get("plan", globalenv())
args <- names(formals(ctx$selection[[1]]$text))
cache <- getOption("rstudio_drake_cache") %||% drake::drake_cache()
cache <- drake:::decorate_storr(cache)
targets <- intersect(args, plan$target)
cat("loading targets:", paste(targets, collapse = ", "))
drake::loadd(list = targets, envir = globalenv(), cache = cache)
#' New Temporary R Markdown Document
#' @id 7
function() {
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
rmarkdown::draft(tmp, template = "github_document", package = "rmarkdown", edit = FALSE)
#' Send to Terminal
#' @description Send current selection to the terminal
#' @id 8
function(command = NULL) {
if (is.null(command)) {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
sel <- ctx$selection[[1]]$text
command <- if (sel != "") {
if (is.null(command)) {
stop("Nothing selected", call. = FALSE)
term_list <- rstudioapi::terminalList()
term_running <- vapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalRunning, logical(1))
term_busy <- vapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalBusy, logical(1))
if (length(term_list) == 1L && term_running[[1]]) {
term_idx <- 1L
else {
term_info <- lapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalContext)
term_name <- vapply(term_info, `[[`, character(1), "caption")
term_shell <- vapply(term_info, `[[`, character(1), "shell")
term_busy <- c("", " (busy)")[term_busy + 1]
term_order <- order(term_name)
term_choices <- paste(sep = "", seq_along(term_list), ". ", term_name[term_order], ", ", term_shell[term_order], term_busy[term_order])
term_choices <- paste(term_choices, collapse = "\n")
term_choices <- paste("0. New Terminal", term_choices, sep = "\n")
choice <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(title = "Choose a Terminal", message = paste("Which Terminal?", term_choices, sep = "\n\n"), default = 0)
if (is.null(choice)) {
stop("Canceled by user", call. = FALSE)
choice <- as.integer(choice)
idx <- if (choice <= length(term_order) && choice != 0) {
if (!is.null(idx)) {
rstudioapi::terminalSend(term_list[[idx]], command)
else {
rstudioapi::terminalExecute(command, show = TRUE)
#' Download Latest RStudio Daily
#' @id 9
#' @interactive
function() {
ls <- xml2::read_html("")
ls <- rvest::html_nodes(ls, "#dir-rstudio li a")
ls <- rvest::html_attr(ls, "href")
urls <- paste0("", ls)
ls <- sub("rstudio/oss/", "", ls)
ls <- sub("/$", "", ls)
version <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(title = "Which version to download?", message = paste0("Choose your platform (RStudio Desktop)\n\n", paste0(sprintf("%2d. ", seq_along(ls)), ls, collapse = "\n")))
url <- urls[as.integer(version)]
x <- xml2::read_html(url)
x <- rvest::html_node(x, "tr:nth-child(1) .filename")
x <- rvest::html_node(x, "a")
x <- rvest::html_attr(x, "href")
outpath <- rstudioapi::selectDirectory(path = fs::path_home("Downloads"))
if (is.null(outpath)) {
message("Cancelled by user")
outpath <- file.path(outpath, basename(x))
download.file(x, destfile = outpath)
if (tolower(["sysname"]) == "darwin") {
system(paste("open", outpath))
else {
message("Downloaded to ", outpath)
#' Preview pkgdown Documentation
#' @description Builds pkgdown documentation in a session-specific temporary directory
#' @id 10
function() {
tmpdir <- getOption("pkgdown_preview_dir", NULL)
if (is.null(tmpdir)) {
tmpdir <- tempfile()
options(pkgdown_preview_dir = tmpdir)
pkgdown::build_site(override = list(destination = tmpdir), devel = TRUE)
invisible(file.path(tmpdir, "index.html"))
#' Random Names
#' Provides random names from the Wikipedia list of most popular given names
function() {
x <- readr::read_csv(
col_types = readr::cols(
gender = readr::col_character(),
region = readr::col_character(),
year = readr::col_character(),
number = readr::col_double(),
name = readr::col_character()
x <- split(x, x$gender)
x <- lapply(x, function(z) z[sample(seq_len(nrow(z)), 5), ])
x <-, x)
#' Create issue from reprex
#' Creates an issue from the selected or copied reprex.
#' @shortcut Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+R
#' @interactive
create_issue_from_reprex <- function(input = NULL, repo = NULL) {
if (is.null(repo)) {
repo_guess <- tryCatch(
usethis:::target_repo_spec("source", FALSE),
error = function(err) NULL
repo <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(
title = "Which repository?",
message = "Where should we create the issue? (owner/repo)",
default = repo_guess
if (is.null(input)) {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
selection <- ctx$selection[[1]]$text
input <- if (nzchar(selection)) {
c(strsplit(selection, "\n")[[1]], "")
body <- reprex::reprex(input = input, venue = "gh", html_preview = TRUE)
body <- paste(body, collapse = "\n")
body <- URLencode(body, reserved = TRUE)
url_new_issue <- glue::glue("{repo}/issues/new?body={body}")
- Name: Restart RStudio
id: 6
Binding: usethis:::restart_rstudio
Interactive: true
- name: Go to Source File Location
Description: Navigate to current source file in Files pane
id: 1
Interactive: false
Binding: |-
.browse_source_dir <- function(path = NULL) {
if (!rstudioapi::hasFun("executeCommand")) return(invisible())
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
if (path == "") {
message("Current source file hasn't been saved yet")
if (fs::is_file(path)) {
path <- fs::path_dir(path)
if (!fs::dir_exists(path)) {
message("Directory does not exist: ", path)
owd <- setwd(path)
later::later(function() {
- Name: Preview Markdown Selection
Description: Preview the selected markdown
id: 2
Interactive: false
Binding: |-
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
if (!nzchar(ctx$selection[[1]]$text)) {
message("Nothing selected")
text <- vapply(ctx$selection, `[[`, "", "text")
tmprmd <- tempfile("md_preview_", fileext = ".Rmd")
cat(text, file = tmprmd, sep = "\n\n")
out <- rmarkdown::render(
quiet = TRUE,
output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(
pandoc_args = c("--metadata", "pagetitle=preview")
- Name: Drake - Load Project
Description: Source "_drake.R"
id: 3
Interactive: true
Binding: |
drake_src <- here::here("_drake.R")
if (file.exists(drake_src)) {
rstudioapi::sendToConsole(paste0('source("', drake_src, '")'))
} else {
message("_drake.R file not found: ", drake_src)
- Name: Drake - Make
Description: Run make.R as an RStudio job
id: 4
Interactive: false
Binding: |
make = here::here("make.R")
if (file.exists(make)) {
} else {
message("Makefile does not exist: ", make)
- Name: Drake - Loadd Targets for Function
Description: Load the targets used by the selected function
Interactive: false
id: 5
Binding: |
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
if (!nzchar(ctx$selection[[1]]$text)) {
message("Nothing selected")
if (!exists("plan", envir = globalenv())) {
stop("Please load a drake plan first.", call. = FALSE)
plan <- get("plan", globalenv())
args <- names(formals(ctx$selection[[1]]$text))
cache <- getOption("rstudio_drake_cache") %||% drake::drake_cache()
cache <- drake:::decorate_storr(cache)
targets <- intersect(args, plan$target)
cat("loading targets:", paste(targets, collapse = ", "))
drake::loadd(list = targets, envir = globalenv(), cache = cache)
- Name: New Temporary R Markdown Document
Binding: |
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
template = "github_document",
package = "rmarkdown",
edit = FALSE
Interactive: false
- Name: Send to Terminal
Description: Send current selection to the terminal
Interactive: false
Binding: |
function(command = NULL) {
if (is.null(command)) {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
sel <- ctx$selection[[1]]$text
command <- if (sel != "") sel
if (is.null(command)) stop("Nothing selected", call. = FALSE)
term_list <- rstudioapi::terminalList()
term_running <- vapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalRunning, logical(1))
term_busy <- vapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalBusy, logical(1))
if (length(term_list) == 1L && term_running[[1]]) {
term_idx <- 1L
} else {
term_info <- lapply(term_list, rstudioapi::terminalContext)
term_name <- vapply(term_info, `[[`, character(1), "caption")
term_shell <- vapply(term_info, `[[`, character(1), "shell")
term_busy <- c("", " (busy)")[term_busy + 1]
term_order <- order(term_name)
term_choices <- paste(
sep = "",
seq_along(term_list), ". ",
term_name[term_order], ", ",
term_shell[term_order], term_busy[term_order]
term_choices <- paste(term_choices, collapse = "\n")
term_choices <- paste("0. New Terminal", term_choices, sep = "\n")
choice <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(
title = "Choose a Terminal",
message = paste("Which Terminal?", term_choices, sep = "\n\n"),
default = 0
if(is.null(choice)) stop("Canceled by user", call. = FALSE)
choice <- as.integer(choice)
idx <- if (choice <= length(term_order) && choice != 0) term_order[choice]
if (!is.null(idx)) {
rstudioapi::terminalSend(term_list[[idx]], command)
} else {
rstudioapi::terminalExecute(command, show = TRUE)
- Name: Download Latest RStudio Daily
Interactive: true
Binding: |
ls <- xml2::read_html("")
ls <- rvest::html_nodes(ls, "#dir-rstudio li a")
ls <- rvest::html_attr(ls, "href")
urls <- paste0("", ls)
ls <- sub("rstudio/oss/", "", ls)
ls <- sub("/$", "", ls)
version <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(
title = "Which version to download?",
message = paste0(
"Choose your platform (RStudio Desktop)\n\n",
paste0(sprintf("%2d. ", seq_along(ls)), ls, collapse = "\n")
url <- urls[as.integer(version)]
x <- xml2::read_html(url)
x <- rvest::html_node(x, "tr:nth-child(1) .filename")
x <- rvest::html_node(x, "a")
x <- rvest::html_attr(x, "href")
outpath <- rstudioapi::selectDirectory(path = fs::path_home("Downloads"))
if (is.null(outpath)) {
message("Cancelled by user")
outpath <- file.path(outpath, basename(x))
download.file(x, destfile = outpath)
if (tolower(["sysname"]) == "darwin") {
system(paste("open", outpath))
} else {
message("Downloaded to ", outpath)
- Name: Preview pkgdown Documentation
Description: Builds pkgdown documentation in a session-specific temporary directory
Interactive: false
Binding: |
tmpdir <- getOption("pkgdown_preview_dir", NULL)
if (is.null(tmpdir)) {
tmpdir <- tempfile()
options(pkgdown_preview_dir = tmpdir)
pkgdown::build_site(override = list(destination = tmpdir), devel = TRUE)
invisible(file.path(tmpdir, "index.html"))
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