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Created June 15, 2024 02:44
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alias_input_from_shiny <- function(
input = "actionLink",
update = NULL,
new_input = NULL,
new_update = NULL
) {
if (is.null(update)) {
update <- paste0("update", toupper(substr(input, 1, 1)), substring(input, 2))
exists(input, envir = asNamespace("shiny")),
exists(update, envir = asNamespace("shiny"))
if (is.null(new_input)) {
new_input <- snakecase::to_snake_case(input)
new_input <- sub("_input", "", new_input)
new_input <- paste0("input_", new_input)
if (is.null(new_update)) {
new_update <- snakecase::to_snake_case(update)
new_update <- sub("_input", "", new_update)
if (!grepl("^update_", new_update)) {
new_update <- paste0("update_", new_update)
# Input call ----
input_call <- rlang::call2(input, .ns = "shiny")
new_input_fmls <- input_fmls <- rlang::fn_fmls(eval(input_call[[1]]))
# Replace inputId in new fn definition with id
names(new_input_fmls)[names(input_fmls) == "inputId"] <- "id"
# Pass new input fmls to shiny function
input_fmls[names(input_fmls) != "..."] <- rlang::syms(setdiff(names(new_input_fmls), "..."))
if ("..." %in% names(input_fmls)) {
input_fmls["..."] <- rlang::pairlist2("..." = )
inner_input_call <- rlang::call2(input, !!!input_fmls, .ns = "shiny")
# Update call ----
update_call <- rlang::call2(update, .ns = "shiny")
new_update_fmls <- update_fmls <- rlang::fn_fmls(eval(update_call[[1]]))
# Replace inputId in new fn definition with id
names(new_update_fmls)[names(update_fmls) == "inputId"] <- "id"
update_fmls[names(update_fmls) != "..."] <- rlang::syms(setdiff(names(new_update_fmls), "..."))
inner_update_call <- rlang::call2(update, !!!update_fmls, .ns = "shiny")
# Move session argument to the end of `update` function
new_update_fmls <- c(
rlang::pairlist2("..." = ),
new_update_fmls[setdiff(names(new_update_fmls), c("id", "...", "session"))],
# Replace `session` with a call to `get_current_session()`
new_update_fmls[names(new_update_fmls) == "session"] <- rlang::expr(get_current_session())
# create a new function with rlang
new_input_fn <- rlang::new_function(new_input_fmls, inner_input_call)
new_update_fn <- rlang::new_function(new_update_fmls, inner_update_call)
fn_text <- function(fn) {
fn <- rlang::expr_text(fn)
fn <- sub("... = ", "...", fn, fixed = TRUE)
fn <- sub("session = get_current_session", "session = get_current_session()", fn, fixed = TRUE)
code <- glue::glue(r"(
#' @inherit shiny::{input} params return title description details sections references
#' @inheritParams input_action_button
#' @family Shiny input aliases
#' @export
{new_input} <- {fn_text(new_input_fn)}
#' @inherit shiny::{update} params return title description details sections references
#' @param ... Ignored, included for future expansion.
#' @family Shiny update aliases
#' @export
{new_update} <- {fn_text(new_update_fn)}
code <- grkstyle::grk_style_text(code)
alias_output_from_shiny <- function(
output = "verbatimTextOutput",
render = NULL,
new_output = NULL,
new_render = NULL
) {
if (is.null(render)) {
render <- sub("Output$", "", output)
render <- paste0("render", toupper(substr(render, 1, 1)), substring(render, 2))
cli::cli_inform("Guessing render function: {.fn shiny::{render}}")
exists(output, envir = asNamespace("shiny")),
exists(render, envir = asNamespace("shiny"))
new_output <- new_output
new_render <- new_render
if (is.null(new_output)) {
new_output <- snakecase::to_snake_case(output)
new_output <- sub("_output", "", new_output)
new_output <- paste0("output_", new_output)
if (is.null(new_render)) {
new_render <- snakecase::to_snake_case(render)
# new_render <- sub("_input", "", new_render)
# if (!grepl("^update_", new_render)) {
# new_render <- paste0("update_", new_render)
# }
# Output call ----
output_call <- rlang::call2(output, .ns = "shiny")
new_output_fmls <- output_fmls <- rlang::fn_fmls(eval(output_call[[1]]))
# Replace outputId in new fn definition with id
names(new_output_fmls)[names(output_fmls) == "outputId"] <- "id"
# Pass new input fmls to shiny function
output_fmls[names(output_fmls) != "..."] <- rlang::syms(setdiff(names(new_output_fmls), "..."))
if ("..." %in% names(output_fmls)) {
output_fmls["..."] <- rlang::pairlist2("..." = )
inner_output_call <- rlang::call2(output, !!!output_fmls, .ns = "shiny")
# render call ----
render_call <- rlang::call2(render, .ns = "shiny")
new_render_fmls <- render_fmls <- rlang::fn_fmls(eval(render_call[[1]]))
# Replace inputId in new fn definition with id
names(new_render_fmls)[names(render_fmls) == "inputId"] <- "id"
render_fmls[names(render_fmls) != "..."] <- rlang::syms(setdiff(names(new_render_fmls), "..."))
inner_render_call <- rlang::call2(render, !!!render_fmls, .ns = "shiny")
# Move session argument to the end of `update` function
# new_render_fmls <- c(
# new_render_fmls["id"],
# rlang::pairlist2("..." = ),
# new_render_fmls[setdiff(names(new_render_fmls), c("id", "...", "session"))],
# new_render_fmls["session"]
# )
if ("session" %in% names(new_render_fmls)) {
# Replace `session` with a call to `get_current_session()`
new_render_fmls[names(new_render_fmls) == "session"] <- rlang::expr(get_current_session())
# create a new function with rlang
new_output_fn <- rlang::new_function(new_output_fmls, inner_output_call)
new_render_fn <- rlang::new_function(new_render_fmls, inner_render_call)
fn_text <- function(fn) {
fn <- rlang::expr_text(fn)
fn <- sub("... = ", "...", fn, fixed = TRUE)
fn <- sub("session = get_current_session", "session = get_current_session()", fn, fixed = TRUE)
code <- glue::glue(r"(
#' @inherit shiny::{output} params return title description details sections references
#' @inheritParams output_text
#' @seealso [{new_render}()] to reactively update the `new_output()`.
#' @family Shiny output aliases
#' @export
{new_output} <- {fn_text(new_output_fn)}
#' @inherit shiny::{render} params return title description details sections references
#' @section Aliased from Shiny: `r docs_callout_shiny_alias("{new_render}", "{render}")`
#' @seealso [{new_output}()] to create an output in the UI.
#' @family Shiny render aliases
#' @export
{new_render} <- {fn_text(new_render_fn)}
code <- grkstyle::grk_style_text(code)
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