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Forked from jthomasmock/gist_to_carbon.R
Last active May 10, 2022 22:08
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gist_to_carbon <- function(
file = "code.png",
bg = "#4A90E2",
bg_alpha = 1,
theme = "shades-of-purple",
font = "Fira+Code",
lang = "auto",
drop_shadow = TRUE,
width = 680,
width_auto_adjust = TRUE,
imgur = TRUE
) {
fonts <- c("IBM+Plex+Mono", "Hack", "Fira+Code", "Source+Code+Pro")
langs <- c("python", "r", "yaml", "markdown", "text", "auto")
themes <- c("cobalt", "nord", "seti", "night-owl", "monokai", "material", "vscode", "verminal", "synthwave-84", "shades-of-purple")
if (!(nchar(bg) == 7 && grepl("#", bg))) stop("The background must be a 6 unit hex value preceded by #, like #4A90E2", call. = FALSE)
if (!(lang %in% langs)) stop(paste("Language must be one of", langs), call. = FALSE)
if (!(theme %in% themes)) stop(paste("Theme must be one of", themes), call. = FALSE)
if (!(font %in% fonts)) stop(paste("Font must be one of", fonts), call. = FALSE)
bcol <- col2rgb(bg)
bg_txt <- glue::glue("rgba%28{bcol[1]}%2C{bcol[2]}%2C{bcol[3]}%2C{bg_alpha}%29")
drop_shadow <- if (isTRUE(drop_shadow)) {
} else if (identical(drop_shadow, FALSE)) {
} else if (length(drop_shadow) > 0) {
ds_values <- c(20, 68)
for (i in seq_along(drop_shadow)) ds_values[i] <- drop_shadow[i]
} else {
width_auto_adjust <- if (isTRUE(width_auto_adjust)) "true" else "false"
carbon_query <- glue::glue("bg={bg_txt}&t={theme}&fm={font}&lang={lang}{drop_shadow}&width={width}&wa={width_auto_adjust}")
carbon_url <- glue::glue("{gist_id}?{carbon_query}")
cli::cli_inform("{.url {carbon_url}}")
b <- chromote::ChromoteSession$new(
# set the screen size to avoid clipped code
width = width * 1.5,
height = width * 10
# Navigate to carbon url
# Enable background transparency in the screenshot
b$Emulation$setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride(color = list(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0))
# Hide the copy button
b$Runtime$evaluate("document.querySelector('.copy-button').style.display = 'none'")
# Screenshot time!
b$screenshot(filename = file, selector = "#export-container", scale = 3)
if (!imgur) {
imgur_url <- as.character(knitr::imgur_upload(img))
list(local = file, imgur = imgur_url)
# Code image at: ![](
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