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Last active January 4, 2016 19:59
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Save gadenbuie/8670772 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Linear First-Order Difference Equations for Cobweb Model (Shiny App)
# s(k) = s(0) + b*p(k-1)
# d(k) = d(0) - a*p(k)
# p(k) = -b/a*p(k-1) + (d0-s0)/a
cobweb = function(params){
# Create data frame of prices, and supply and demand stocks
s0 = params[1]
d0 = params[2]
a = params[3]
b = params[4]
p0 = params[5]
k = params[6]
# Initialize data frame as model
model = data.frame(p = p0, s = s0, d = d0)
# Iteratively calculate price and supply and demand for k iterations
for(i in 1:k){
# Calculate price at p(i+1)
p_next = -b/a*model[i,'p'] + (d0 - s0)/a
# Calculate demand at time i+1 from price at p(i+1)
d_next = d0 - a * p_next
# Calculate supply at time i+1 from price at p(i)
s_next = s0 + b * model[i, 'p']
# Add new values to our model data
model = rbind(model, c(p_next, d_next, s_next))
plot_cobweb = function(params){
s0 = params[1]
d0 = params[2]
a = params[3]
b = params[4]
p0 = params[5]
k = params[6]
# Create the model data up to k iterations
model = cobweb(params)
# Initialize plot
plot_max = round((max(model)+5)/5)*5
plot(c(0, plot_max), c(0, plot_max), ann=F, bty='n', type='n')
title(xlab='Price', ylab='Units')
# Plot supply-price curve
abline(s0, b, col='blue', lwd=2)
text(0, s0, 'Supply', col='blue', pos=3)
# Plot demand-price curve
abline(d0, -a, col='orange', lwd=2)
text(0, d0, 'Demand', col='orange', pos=3)
# Add cobweb
for(i in 1:k){
# Line segment from [p(i), s(i+1)] to [p(i+1), d(i+1)]
segments(x0 = model[i, 'p'], y0 = model[(i+1), 's'],
x1 = model[i+1, 'p'], y1 = model[(i+1), 'd'],
col=ifelse(i==k, 'red', 'black'))
# Line segment from [p(i+1), d(i+1)] to [p(i+1), s(i+2)]
segments(x0 = model[i+1, 'p'], y0 = model[i+1, 'd'],
x1 = model[i+1, 'p'], y1 = model[i+2, 's'])
# Shiny server functions that capture user input
# and call the functions above when user changes inputs
shinyServer(function(input,output) {
sliderValues <- reactive({
c(input$s0, input$d0, input$a, input$b, input$p0, input$k)
output$cobwebPlot <- renderPlot({
output$cobwebTable <- renderTable({
# Define UI for dataset viewer application
# Application title
headerPanel("Cobweb Model"),
sliderInput('s0', 'Initial Supply s(0):',
min = 0, max = 25, step = 1, value = 1),
sliderInput('d0', 'Initial Demand d(0):',
min = 0, max = 25, step = 1, value = 12),
sliderInput('a', 'Demand price sensitivity (a):',
min = 0, max = 2, step = 0.01, value = 1, ticks=F),
sliderInput('b', 'Supply price sensitivity (b):',
min = 0, max = 2, step = 0.01, value = 0.7, ticks=F),
sliderInput('p0', 'Initial price p(0):',
min = 0, max = 25, step = 0.25, value = 14),
sliderInput('k', 'Iterations',
min = 1, max = 15, step = 1, value = 1,
animate=animationOptions(interval = 500, loop=T)),
helpText('Based on the discrete-time cobweb model.',
'Seems to work best if you set iterations to ~10',
'and then explore parameters. Press the play triangle',
'under iterations to cycle through each step.')
tabPanel('Plot', plotOutput('cobwebPlot')),
tabPanel('Table', tableOutput('cobwebTable'))
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To run this app, first make sure that you have R installed.

Then, at the command line (using on Mac or by running cmd on Windows), type R and hit enter to start R.

Once in R, make sure you have Shiny installed by running


To start up a local web sever so that you can view the Cobweb Model shiny app, just run


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If you happen to get a download has nonzero exit status when you run the runGist command, then run the following and try again.

options('download.file.extra' = '--no-check-certificate')

As mentioned here

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