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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Coffee and Cream Problem Simulation
# # Temperature of the room
# # Initial temperature of the coffee
# T.cream # Temperature of the cream
# k # Cooling rate constant
# T.d # Desired coffee temperature
temp <- function(T.init,, k, x){
# Newton's cooling law temperature function
return( + (T.init -*exp(-k*x))
coffeeCream <- function(params){
# delay = delay from time zero to add cream to coffee
# ratio = ratio of cream to coffee (ie. 100-ratio% coffee, ratio% cream) = params[1]
T.d = params[2] = params[3]
T.cream = params[4]
ratio = params[5]
k = params[6]
t.end = params[7]
delay = params[8]
if(delay < 0){
stop('coffeeCream(): delay must be >= 0')
# Initialize plot window with blank plot
ylim=c(min(32, T.cream),(, xlim=c(0,t.end))
# Draw horizontal lines for temperatures and vertical grid lines
abline(, lty=2)
abline(h=T.d, lty=5, col='red')
abline(h=T.cream, col='blue')
abline(v=seq(0,t.end, 10), col='grey', lty=3)
# Draw cooling curves
if(delay == 0){
# if delay == 0, then cream added immediately
segments(x0=0,, x1=0, y1=(1-ratio)**T.cream,
col='blue', lwd=2)
# Draw cooling curve from new initial mixed temperature
curve(temp((1-ratio)**T.cream,, k, x),
from=0, to=t.end, add=TRUE)
} else if(delay > 0){
# If delay > 0, cream is added after some cooling period
# Calculate temperature of coffee and then mixture after delay period
tempAtDelay <- temp(,, k, delay)
tempAfterCream <- (1-ratio)*tempAtDelay+ratio*T.cream
# Draw cooling curve up to delay
curve(temp(,, k, x), from=0, to=delay, add=TRUE)
# Add cream
segments(x0=delay, y0=tempAtDelay,
x1=delay, y1=tempAfterCream, col='blue', lwd=2)
# Allow to cool further
curve(temp(tempAfterCream,, k, x-delay),
from=delay, to=t.end, add=TRUE)
# Draw reference curve of immediate mixing
curve(temp((1-ratio)**T.cream,, k, x),
from=0, to=t.end, add=TRUE, col=402, lty=3)
# source coffeeCream(params) function
shinyServer(function(input,output) {
sliderValues <- reactive({
c(input$, input$T.d, input$, input$T.cream,
input$ratio, input$k, input$t.end, input$delay)
output$coffeeCreamPlot <- renderPlot({
# Define UI for dataset viewer application
# Application title
headerPanel("Coffee and Cream"),
sliderInput('', 'Initial Temp of Coffee:',
min = 75, max = 175, step = 5, value = 175),
sliderInput('T.d', 'Desired Temp of Coffee:',
min = 50, max = 125, step = 5, value = 100),
sliderInput('', 'Room Temperature:',
min = 60, max = 80, step = 1, value = 68),
sliderInput('T.cream', 'Temp of Cream:',
min = 32, max = 60, step = 2, value = 34),
sliderInput('ratio', '% of cream in mixed liquid (5% = 0.05):',
min = 0, max = 0.25, step = 0.05, value = 0.15),
sliderInput('k', 'Rate of cooling coefficient:',
min = 0.01, max = 0.1, step = 0.005, value = 0.08),
sliderInput('t.end', 'End time:',
min = 20, max = 80, step=10, value = 50),
sliderInput('delay', 'Delay before adding coffee:',
min=0, max=50, step=1, value=0,
animate=animationOptions(interval=500, loop=T)),
helpText('When should I add cream to my coffee?')
tabPanel('Plot', plotOutput('coffeeCreamPlot'))
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To run this app, first make sure that you have R installed. I highly recommend you also install the excellent R Studio.

Then, open R Studio to start R. Or, at the command line (using on Mac or by running cmd on Windows), type R and hit enter to start R.

Once in R, make sure you have Shiny installed by running


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options('download.file.extra' = '--no-check-certificate')

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