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Last active October 21, 2020 15:56
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  • Save gadgetchnnel/c8dfcb117ad3850a043865b7e708154c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gadgetchnnel/c8dfcb117ad3850a043865b7e708154c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A way to enable a compact header in Home Assistant without changing your current theme
class CompactHeaderEnabler {
enableCompactHeader(compactHeaderTheme = "compact-header"){
let root = document.querySelector("html");"--card-mod-theme", compactHeaderTheme);
setTimeout(() => {
let theme = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("selectedTheme") || "{}");
this.fireEvent("settheme",theme, document.querySelector("home-assistant"));
fireEvent(ev, detail, entity) {
ev = new Event(ev, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
composed: true,
ev.detail = detail || {};
const header = new CompactHeaderEnabler();
card-mod-theme: compact-header
card-mod-root-yaml: |
ha-app-layout$: |
/* This corrects top padding for the view. */
#contentContainer {
padding-top: 48px !important;
paper-tabs$: |
/* This hides tab scroll arrows, remove next 3 lines if you want them. */
paper-icon-button {
display: none;
/* This makes it so arrows are only displayed when needed. */
.not-visible {
display: none;
.: |
/* This shifts the unused portion of the header up. */
app-toolbar:not([class="edit-mode"]) {
margin-top: -64px;
z-index: 1;
/* This shifts the menu button back down. */
app-toolbar:not([class="edit-mode"]) ha-button-menu {
margin-top: 110px
/* This shifts the voice button back down. */
app-toolbar:not([class="edit-mode"]) mwc-icon-button[label] {
/* Uncomment line below to hide voice button. */
/* display: none; */
margin-top: 110px
/* This shifts the options button back down. */
app-toolbar:not([class="edit-mode"]) ha-menu-button {
/* Uncomment line below to hide options button. */
/* display: none; */
margin-top: 110px
/* This hides the menu button when sidebar is open. */
menu-button[style="visibility: hidden;"] {
display: none;
/* This adds room for the menu button when sidebar is open. */
:host-context(home-assistant-main[expanded]) paper-tabs {
margin-left: 60px !important;
/* This leaves space for the buttons on the right of the tabs bar.
Change 112px to 56px if you don't use voice icon. */
paper-tabs {
margin-right: 112px !important;
/* This corrects the sizing of the view. */
#view {
min-height: calc(100vh - 48px) !important;
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