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Created August 18, 2016 17:20
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Function Export-StructuralUnitTestFromCommand {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$stringBuilder = New-object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
$BuiltInParameters = ([Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters)
process {
foreach ($cmd in $command)
$null = $stringBuilder.Clear()
$cmdName = $cmd.Name
$cmdDefaultParameterSet = $cmd.DefaultParameterSet
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine(@"
Describe '$cmdName' {
#getting Command Metadata
`$command = (Get-Command '$cmdName')
It 'has $cmdDefaultParameterSet as Default parameterSet' {
`$command.defaultParameterSet | Should be '$cmdDefaultParameterSet'
$outputTypes = $cmd.OutputType
foreach ($outputType in $outputTypes)
$outputTypeName = $outputType.Name
#It 'Output the Type $outputType'
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine(@"
It 'contains an outputType of Type $outputTypeName' {
`$command.OutputType.Type -contains [$outputTypeName] | should be `$true
$parameterSets = $cmd.ParameterSets
foreach ($ParameterSet in $parameterSets)
$ParameterSetName = $ParameterSet.Name
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine(@"
Context 'ParameterSetName $ParameterSetName' {
It 'has a parameter Set of Name $ParameterSetName' {
`$command.ParameterSets.Name -contains '$ParameterSetName' | Should be $true
`$ParameterSet = `$command.ParameterSets | Where-Object { `$_.'Name' -eq '$ParameterSetName' }
$parameters = $ParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin $BuiltInParameters}
foreach ($parameter in $parameters)
$ParameterName = $parameter.Name
$TypeName = $parameter.ParameterType.ToString()
$isMandatory = $parameter.isMandatory
$ValueFromPipeline = $parameter.ValueFromPipeline
$ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
$ValueFromRemainingArguments = $parameter.ValueFromRemainingArguments
$Position = $parameter.Position
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine(@"
`$Parameter = `$ParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object { `$_.'Name' -eq '$ParameterName' }
It 'has compatible parameter $ParameterName' {
`$Parameter | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
`$Parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should be $TypeName
`$Parameter.IsMandatory | Should be `$$([bool]$isMandatory)
`$Parameter.ValueFromPipeline | Should be `$$([bool]$ValueFromPipeline)
`$Parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should be `$$([bool]$ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)
`$Parameter.ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should be `$$([bool]$ValueFromRemainingArguments)
`$Parameter.Position | Should be $Position
#Closing Context block
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine(' }')
#Closing Describe Statement
$null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine('}')
Write-Output $stringBuilder.ToString()
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