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Last active May 30, 2022 20:42
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  • Save gaelcolas/7385b15aba0f5ebad97dd502250dc5f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gaelcolas/7385b15aba0f5ebad97dd502250dc5f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing a task file for git public/private repo release structure
Executes git with the provided arguments.
This command executes git with the provided arguments and throws an error
if the call failed.
Specifies the arguments to call git with. It is passes as an array of strings,
e.g. @('tag', 'v2.0.0').
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('config', '', 'MyName')
Calls git to set user name in the git config.
Git does not throw an error that can be caught by the pipeline. For example
this git command error but does not throw 'hello' as one would expect.
PS> try { git describe --contains } catch { throw 'hello' }
fatal: cannot describe '144e0422398e89cc8451ebba738c0a410b628302'
So we have to determine if git worked or not by checking the last exit code
and then throw an error to stop the pipeline.
function Invoke-SamplerGit
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The catch is triggered only if 'git' can't be found.
Write-Verbose -Message ('#> {0} {1}' -f 'git', ($Argument -join ' '))
&git $Argument | Foreach-Object -Process {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
Write-Error -Message $_
elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_))
Write-Verbose -Message $_
This will trigger an error if git returned an error code from the above
execution. Git will also have outputted an error message to the console
so we just need to throw a generic error.
Write-Error -Message "git returned exit code $LASTEXITCODE indicating failure."
# Base directory of all output (default to 'output')
$OutputDirectory = (property OutputDirectory (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'output')),
$BuiltModuleSubdirectory = (property BuiltModuleSubdirectory ''),
$VersionedOutputDirectory = (property VersionedOutputDirectory $true),
$ChangelogPath = (property ChangelogPath ''),
$ReleaseNotesPath = (property ReleaseNotesPath (Join-Path $OutputDirectory '')),
$ProjectName = (property ProjectName ''),
$ModuleVersion = (property ModuleVersion ''),
$GalleryApiToken = (property GalleryApiToken ''),
$NuGetPublishSource = (property NuGetPublishSource ''),
$PSModuleFeed = (property PSModuleFeed 'PSGallery'),
$SkipPublish = (property SkipPublish ''),
$PublishModuleWhatIf = (property PublishModuleWhatIf ''),
# Sub-Folder (or absolute path) of the Chocolatey build output folder (relative to $OutputDirectory)
# Contain the path to one or more Chocolatey packages.
# This variable here is used to determine if the repository is building a Chocolatey package.
$ChocolateyBuildOutput = (property ChocolateyBuildOutput 'choco'),
# Build Configuration object
$BuildInfo = (property BuildInfo @{ })
# Synopsis: Create ReleaseNotes from changelog and update the Changelog for release
task pull_tags_from_public_repo {
# Get the vales for task variables, see
. Set-SamplerTaskVariable
# $ReleaseTag = "v$ModuleVersion"
# Assuming a public repo on GitHub, a GithubToken
# Assuming a private repo NOT on GitHub
# Assuming you're running in your local clone of the private repo
$publicRepo = $BuildInfo.GitHubConfig.PublicRepo
if ($publicRepo)
" Public Repo = '$publicRepo'`r`n"
Write-Build Red 'No Public Repo configured in Build.yml/GitHubConfig.PublicRepo.'
[string] $currentLocalBranch = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('branch','--show-current')
if ($currentLocalBranch -ne 'main' )
Write-Build White 'Checking out main branch.'
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('checkout', 'main', '--quiet')
Write-Build DarkGray 'Reverting to latest code on local repo.'
Write-Build DarkGray $(Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('fetch', 'origin'))
Write-Build DarkGray $(Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('reset', '--hard', 'origin/main'))
# list tags from Public repo
# (git for-each-ref --sort=creatordate --format '%(refname) %(objectname)' refs/tags).Foreach{$_ -replace 'refs/tags/'}
$remoteTags = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('ls-remote', '--tags', $publicRepo)
Write-Build DarkGray $_
$id,$tagname = $_ -split '\s+'
$tagname = $tagname -replace 'refs/tags/'
Write-Verbose -Message ('Tag {0} at commit id {1}' -f $tagname,$id)
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($id) -and -not (git show-ref -s $tagname))
Write-Build White ('Missing tag ''{0}'' for commitid ''{1}''.' -f $tagname,$id)
# Content from remote/public repo can't be retrieved without checkout (need access to object)
$null = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('tag', $tagname, $id) -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Build Green ('Tag ''{0}'' added.' -f $tagname)
Write-Build Yellow ('Error adding tag ''{0}'' at id {1}.' -f $tagname, $id)
elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($id))
Write-Build DarkGray ('Tag ''{0}'' is already present at ''{1}''.' -f $tagname,$id)
Write-Build DarkGray ' '
task Save_Git_Work {
# Get the vales for task variables, see
. Set-SamplerTaskVariable
[string] $saveToBranch = 'save/wip{0}' -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmm')
# Save unstaged changed if any.
[string[]] $unstagedChangedFiles = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('diff', '--name-only')
[string[]] $stagedChangedFiles = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('diff', '--name-only', '--cached')
if ($unstagedChangedFiles.count -gt 0 -or $stagedChangedFiles.Count -gt 0)
Write-Build Yellow "Committing changes to [$($unstagedChangedFiles -join ',')]."
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('commit', '-a', '-m', "Saving changes for '$saveToBranch'...")
Write-Build Green "Changes committed as '$saveToBranch'."
$commitsBehind, $commitsAhead = (Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('rev-list', '--left-right', '--count', 'origin/main...main')) -split '\s+'
if ([int]$commitsAhead -gt 0)
Write-Build Yellow "Saving your $commitsAhead commits to a new local branch named 'save/wip_$pullRequestId'."
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('branch', $saveToBranch)
task git_hard_reset_origin_main {
# Get the vales for task variables, see
. Set-SamplerTaskVariable
Write-Build Yellow 'This task meant to run on a local clone of the origin repo.'
[string] $currentLocalBranch = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('branch','--show-current')
if ($currentLocalBranch -ne 'main' )
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('checkout', 'main', '--quiet')
# Get the repo back to origin main HEAD (that assumes the current local repo is the private one)
Write-Build White 'fetching origin.'
Write-Build DarkGray $(Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('fetch', 'origin'))
Write-Build White 'Resetting to origin/main.'
Write-Build DarkGray $(Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('reset', '--hard', 'origin/main'))
task Pull_public_GitHub_PR_to_local_private {
# Get the vales for task variables, see
. Set-SamplerTaskVariable
Write-Build Yellow 'This task is meant to run on a local clone of the private repo (in a public/private relase scenario).'
Write-Build DarkGray 'It should be used in a public/private repo to pull a public PR.'
$originUrl = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('remote', 'geturl', 'origin')
if ($originUrl -match 'github')
Write-Build Red 'The origin url ''{0}'' contains github and cannot be considered as the local clone of your private repo.'
$publicRepo = $BuildInfo.GitHubConfig.PublicRepo
if ($publicRepo)
" Public Repo = '$publicRepo'`r`n"
Write-Build Red 'No Public Repo configured in Build.yml/GitHubConfig.PublicRepo.'
$pullRequestId = Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the Pull Request ID you would like to pull? (i.e. 379)'
$remoteHeadId,$null = (Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('ls-remote', $publicRepo, 'HEAD') -ErrorAction Stop) -split '\s+'
$prBranch = "pr/publicpr#$pullRequestId"
# If the public remote is already configured, just skip (no override)
$publicRemoteUrl = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('remote', 'get-url', 'public') -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Build Green ('The remote ''public'' is already set to ''{0}''' -f $publicRemoteUrl)
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('remote', 'add', 'public', $publicRepo, '--quiet')
# Validate it worked and report
$publicRemoteUrl = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('remote', 'get-url', 'public') -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Build Green ('Added remote ''public'' with URL ''{0}''.' -f $publicRemoteUrl)
# Create the public PR branch or throw
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('branch', $prBranch) -ErrorAction Stop
# the prBranch already exists, let's move to the branch
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('checkout', $prBranch, '--quiet') -ErrorAction Stop
$publicPRCommitId, $ref = (Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('ls-remote', 'public', "pull/$pullRequestId/head")) -split '\s+'
# Get latest local commit
$localHeadId = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('rev-parse', 'HEAD')
Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('pull', 'public', "refs/pull/$pullRequestId/head", '--track' ) # Make sure our local head is the same as remote origin head
# $null = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('fetch', 'public', "pull/$pullRequestId/head:$prBranch") -ErrorAction Stop
# $null = Invoke-SamplerGit -Argument @('cherry-pick', "$($localHeadId)..$($prHead)")
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