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Last active June 7, 2016 13:42
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  • Save gaelicWizard/d9bc1ba809269724ce34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gaelicWizard/d9bc1ba809269724ce34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Schedule the following script to decline all Itanium updates, then e-mail a report. Original by Mark @ TechNet Script Center.
[string]$WsusServer = ([]::GetHostByName('localhost')).hostname,
[bool]$UseSSL = $False,
[int]$PortNumber = 80,
[bool]$TrialRun = $True,
[bool]$EmailLog = $True,
[string]$SMTPServer = "",
[string]$From = "wsusadmins@company.tld",
[string]$To = "wsusadmins@company.tld",
[string]$Subject = "WSUS :: Declining Itanium Updates"
$script:CurrentErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$Style = "<Style>BODY{font-size:12px;font-family:verdana,sans-serif;color:navy;font-weight:normal;}" + `
"TABLE{border-width:1px;cellpadding=10;border-style:solid;border-color:navy;border-collapse:collapse;}" + `
"TH{font-size:12px;border-width:1px;padding:10px;border-style:solid;border-color:navy;}" + `
If($TrialRun){$Subject += " Trial Run"}
Function SendEmailStatus($From, $To, $Subject, $SMTPServer, $BodyAsHtml, $Body)
{ $SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $From, $To, $Subject, $Body
$SMTPMessage.IsBodyHTML = $BodyAsHtml
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SMTPServer
If($? -eq $False){Write-Warning "$($Error[0].Exception.Message) | $($Error[0].Exception.GetBaseException().Message)"}
rv SMTPClient
rv SMTPMessage
#Connect to the WSUS 3.0 interface.
[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null
$WsusServerAdminProxy = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer($WsusServer,$UseSSL,$PortNumber);
If($? -eq $False)
{ Write-Warning "Something went wrong connecting to the WSUS interface on $WsusServer server: $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"
{ $Body = ConvertTo-Html -head $Style -Body "Something went wrong connecting to the WSUS interface on $WsusServer server: $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" | Out-String
$Body = $Body.Replace("<table>`r`n</table>", "")
SendEmailStatus -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -BodyAsHtml $True -Body $Body
$ErrorActionPreference = $script:CurrentErrorActionPreference
#$ItaniumUpdates = $WsusServerAdminProxy.SearchUpdates('Itanium') | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined}
#$ItaniumUpdates += $WsusServerAdminProxy.SearchUpdates('ia64') | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined}
#Although the above seems faster it also seaches in the description of the update so use the below just to search the title!
$ItaniumUpdates = $WsusServerAdminProxy.GetUpdates() | ?{-not $_.IsDeclined -and $_.Title -match ìia64|itaniumî}
If($TrialRun -eq $False){$ItaniumUpdates | %{$_.Decline()}}
$Table = @{Name="Title";Expression={[string]$_.Title}},`
@{Name="KB Article";Expression={[string]::join(' | ',$_.KnowledgebaseArticles)}},`
@{Name="Product Title";Expression={[string]::join(' | ',$_.ProductTitles)}},`
@{Name="Product Family";Expression={[string]::join(' | ',$_.ProductFamilyTitles)}}
$ItaniumUpdates | Select $Table
{ $Body = $ItaniumUpdates | Select $Table | ConvertTo-HTML -head $Style
SendEmailStatus -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -BodyAsHtml $True -Body $Body
{"No Itanium Updates found that needed declining. Come back next 'Patch Tuesday' and you may have better luck."}
$ErrorActionPreference = $script:CurrentErrorActionPreference
# Script by [Mark](, posted [Automatically Declining Itanium Updates in WSUS](
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