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Last active November 4, 2020 14:41
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[Highlight Code Class] Easy Highlight HTML and PHP Code #php #class #syntaxlightning
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* [Highlight Code] Easy Highlight HTML and PHP Code #php #class #syntaxlightning */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class highlight {
private static $highlight = array();
private static $start_line = 0;
private static $cache_path = null;
private static $show_line_number = false;
private static $body = '';
private static $cast = '#038C8C';
private static $null = '#0000FF';
private static $bool = '#D8C300';
private static $self = '#1D6F0C';
private static $quote = '#FF0000';
private static $class = '#000000';
private static $parent = '#1D6F0C';
private static $number = '#A4AC21';
private static $comment = '#FEA500';
private static $tag_open = '#F00000';
private static $keywords = '#008000;';
private static $function = '#0000FF';
private static $variable = '#2071ED';
private static $constant = '#8C4D03';
private static $tag_close = '#F00000';
private static $operators = '#0000FF';
private static $semi_colon = '#000000';
private static $parenthesis = '#038C8C';
private static $return_type = '#E3093F';
private static $php_function = '#6367A7';
private static $curly_braces = '#7F5217';
private static $parameter_type = '#E3093F';
private static $square_bracket = '#F46164';
private static $custom_function = '#A611AA';
private static $multi_line_comment = '#FEA500';
private static $self_ptrn = '/(?<!\$|\w)self/';
private static $cast_ptrn = '/(\(\s*(int|string|float|array|object|unset|binary|bool)\s*\))/';
private static $bool_ptrn = '/\b(?<!\$)true|false/i';
private static $null_ptrn = '/\b(?<!\$)(null)\b/';
private static $class_ptrn = '/(class|extends|implements)\s+([\w\\\]+)/';
private static $quote_ptrn = '/(.*?)(?<!\\\\)(\'|(?<!((style)=))")/';
private static $parent_ptrn = '/(?<!\$|\w)parent\b/';
private static $number_ptrn = '/(?<! style="color:#)\b(\d+)\b/';
private static $comment_ptrn = '/(?<!http:|https:)\/\/.*|(?<!color:)#.*/';
private static $variable_ptrn = '/\$(\$*)[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*/';
private static $function_ptrn = '/(?<=\s|^)(function)(?=\s)/';
private static $constant_ptrn = '/\b(?<!(\#|\$))([A-Z_]+)(?!<\/\w+>\()\b/';
private static $keywords_ptrn = '/(?<!\$|\w)((a(bstract|nd|rray\s*(?=\()|s))|
private static $operators_ptrn = '/((?<! (style|class))\=|\.|\!|\+|\%|-(?!\w+:)|(?<!https|http)[^a-z+]:|\@|\||\?|&gt;|&lt;|&amp;)/';
private static $semi_colon_ptrn = '/(?<![&lt|&gt|&amp]);/';
private static $parenthesis_ptrn = '/\(|\)/';
private static $return_type_ptrn = '/(?<=\:\<\/span\>)\s*(?:\<\w+ \w+="\w+:#\w+" \w+="\w+"\>\?\<\/\w+\>)*(string|bool|array|float|int|callable|void)/';
private static $curly_braces_ptrn = '/[\{\}]/';
private static $parameter_type_ptrn = '/(?<!\w)(string|bool|array|float|int|callable)\s*(?=\<span style="[\w:#-;]+" class="(variable|operators)"\>[\$|&amp;])/';
private static $square_bracket_ptrn = '/\[|\]/';
private static $multi_line_comment_ptrn = '/\/\*|\*\//';
* check and highlight user defined or php pre defined function
* @param string $code
* @return string
private static function isFunction($code) {
$php_func = self::$php_function;
$custom_func = self::$custom_function;
return preg_replace_callback('/([n|t]?.?)\b(\w+)(?=\s\(|\()/', function (array $arg) use ($php_func, $custom_func) {
$back = $arg[1];
$func = $arg[2];
if ($back == 'n ' || $back == 't;' || $back == ':' && $func != 'array') {
return $back . '<span style="color:' . $custom_func .'" class="custom_function">' . $func . '</span>';
} elseif (function_exists($func)) {
return $back . '<span style="color:' . $php_func .'" class="php_function">' . $func . '</span>';
} else {
return $arg[0];
}, $code);
* displays line numbers
* @param bool $switch
* @param int $start_line
public static function showLineNumber($switch, $start_line = 0) {
self::$start_line = $start_line;
self::$show_line_number = $switch;
* adds html attributes to line table > tr
* @param int $line
* @param array $attributes
* @param bool $override
public static function setHighlight($line, array $attributes = array(), $override = false) {
if ($override) self::$highlight = array();
self::$highlight[$line] = $attributes;
* @param string $name
* @param string $default
* @return int (2 used $name, 1 used $default, 0 none, -1 no theme.json file found)
public static function theme($name, $default = null) {
#$theme_file = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'theme.json';
#if (file_exists($theme_file)) {
#$_theme = file_get_contents($theme_file);
$_theme = '{
"adilbo": {
"body": { "background": "#2b303b", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#26A6A6"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"bool": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"self": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"quote": { "color": "#BCD42A" },
"class": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#6e7a94", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"variable": { "color": "#aec2e0" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#26A6A6" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#DAEFA2" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#6e7a94", "font-style": "italic" }
"dark": {
"body": { "background": "#000000", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#1CC3E8"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#68C244" },
"bool": { "color": "#68C244" },
"self": { "color": "#68C244" },
"quote": { "color": "#BCD42A" },
"class": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#494B4D", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"variable": { "color": "#aec2e0" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#F08D24" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#DAEFA2" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#494B4D", "font-style": "italic" }
"purple": {
"body": { "background": "#2E2B2C", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#C491C4"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"bool": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"self": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"quote": { "color": "#B866FA" },
"class": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#696363", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"variable": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#dee3ec" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#DAEFA2" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#696363", "font-style": "italic" }
"light": {
"body": { "background": "#FFFFFF", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#4ea1df"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#f66153" },
"bool": { "color": "#f66153" },
"self": { "color": "#f66153" },
"quote": { "color": "#4ea1df" },
"class": { "color": "#000000" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#555555" },
"variable": { "color": "#555555" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#555555" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#555555" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#555555" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#808dd3" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" }
"brown": {
"body": { "background": "#36312C", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#95CC5E"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#DB784D" },
"bool": { "color": "#DB784D" },
"self": { "color": "#DB784D" },
"quote": { "color": "#F8BB39" },
"class": { "color": "#EBD1B7" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#EBD1B7" },
"variable": { "color": "#EBD1B7" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#555555" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#EBD1B7" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#EBD1B7" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#60A365" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" }
"clean": {
"body": { "background": "#FFFFFF", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#445588"},
"cast": { "color": "#038C8C" },
"null": { "color": "#008080" },
"bool": { "color": "#008080" },
"self": { "color": "#008080" },
"quote": { "color": "#DD1144" },
"class": { "color": "#555555" },
"parent": { "color": "#FF5D38" },
"number": { "color": "#A4AC21" },
"comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#F00000" },
"function": { "color": "#555555" },
"variable": { "color": "#008080" },
"constant": { "color": "#8C4D03" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#F00000" },
"operators": { "color": "#ED1153" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#555555" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#555555" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#555555" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#E3093F" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#F46164" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#445588" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#bbbbbb", "font-style": "italic" }
"blue": {
"body": { "background": "#131c26", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#88B7FF"},
"cast": { "color": "#C71FC1" },
"null": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"bool": { "color": "#1591D7" },
"self": { "color": "#88B7FF" },
"quote": { "color": "#6db679" },
"class": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"parent": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"number": { "color": "#FF4F51" },
"comment": { "color": "#B7B7B7", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#EF62FC" },
"function": { "color": "#88B7FF" },
"variable": { "color": "#DB97E4" },
"constant": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#EF62FC" },
"operators": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#555555" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"return_type": { "color": "#FE648A" },
"php_function": { "color": "#6367A7" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#f2368a" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#FFC13B" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#B7B7B7", "font-style": "italic" }
"git": {
"body": { "background": "#FFFFFF", "width": "100%" },
"keywords": { "color": "#a71d5d"},
"cast": { "color": "#C71FC1" },
"null": { "color": "#FFFFFF" },
"bool": { "color": "#1591D7" },
"self": { "color": "#5555555" },
"quote": { "color": "#183691" },
"class": { "color": "#795da3" },
"parent": { "color": "#555555" },
"number": { "color": "#FF4F51" },
"comment": { "color": "#969896", "font-style": "italic" },
"tag_open": { "color": "#555555" },
"function": { "color": "#a71d5d" },
"variable": { "color": "#555555" },
"constant": { "color": "#0086b3" },
"tag_close": { "color": "#555555" },
"operators": { "color": "#a71d5d" },
"semi_colon": { "color": "#555555" },
"parenthesis": { "color": "#555555" },
"return_type": { "color": "#0086b3" },
"php_function": { "color": "#0086b3" },
"curly_braces": { "color": "#555555" },
"parameter_type": { "color": "#0086b3" },
"square_bracket": { "color": "#555555" },
"custom_function": { "color": "#795da3" },
"multi_line_comment": { "color": "#969896", "font-style": "italic" }
$theme = json_decode($_theme, true);
$return_int = isset($theme[$name]) ? 2 : (isset($theme[$default]) ? 1 : 0);
if ($return_int !== 0) {
$properties = ($return_int == 2) ? $theme[$name] : $theme[$default];
foreach ( $properties as $property => $styles) {
$style = '';
if (isset($styles['color'])) {
$style = $styles['color'] . ';';
$styles = array_map(function($keyword, $attributes) {
return $keyword . ':' . $attributes . ';';
}, array_keys($styles), $styles);
$style .= implode($styles);
self::$$property = $style;
return $return_int;
#return -1;
* processes supplied text
* @param $code
* @param $file_name
* @param $cache
* @return string
private static function format($code, $file_name, $cache) {
$code = str_replace(
array('<?php', '<?=', '?>', '\\\\'),
$code = htmlspecialchars($code, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$new_code = null;
$start_number = self::$start_line;
$is_MLQ = false; #is_multi_line_quote
$is_MLC = false; #is_multi_line_comment
$QO = false; #quote_opened
$QT = null; #qoute_type
$line_number = self::$show_line_number;
foreach (preg_split('/\n/', $code) as $lines) {
$lines = preg_replace(
'<span style="color:' . self::$semi_colon .'" class="semi_colon">$0</span>',
#single line comment
$SLC = false;
#$gui_line_number = ($line_number) ? '<td>' . $start_number . '</td><td>' : '<td>'; // BUG (need color for linesnumbers)
$gui_line_number = ($line_number) ? '<td style="color: ' . self::$function . '">' . $start_number . '</td><td>' : '<td>';
if (isset(self::$highlight[$start_number])) {
$highlight_attr = '';
foreach (self::$highlight[$start_number] as $key => $values) {
$highlight_attr .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $values . '"';
$gui_highlight = '<tr' . $highlight_attr . '>';
} else {
$gui_highlight = '<tr>';
$new_code .= $gui_highlight . $gui_line_number;
if ( ! $is_MLQ) {
if ($is_MLC) {
$lines = '<font style="color:' . self::$multi_line_comment .'" class="strip multi_line_comment">' . $lines . '</font>';
$comment = self::$multi_line_comment;
$lines = preg_replace_callback(self::$multi_line_comment_ptrn, function(array $matches) use (&$is_MLC, $comment) {
if ($matches[0] == '*/') {
$is_MLC = false;
return $matches[0] . '</font>';
} else {
$is_MLC = true;
return '<font style="color:' . $comment . '" class="strip multi_line_comment">' . $matches[0];
}, $lines);
if ( ! $is_MLC) {
if ($is_MLQ) {
$lines = '<font style="color:' . self::$quote .'" class="strip quote">' . $lines . '</font>';
$quote = self::$quote;
$lines = preg_replace_callback(self::$quote_ptrn, function(array $matches) use (&$QO, &$is_MLQ, &$SLC, &$QT, $quote) {
if ($QO) {
if ($QT == $matches[2]) {
$is_MLQ = false;
$QO = false;
return $matches[0] . '</font>';
return $matches[0];
} else {
if ((strpos($matches[1], '//') !== false) || (strpos($matches[1], '#') !== false) || $SLC) {
$SLC = true;
return $matches[0];
$QO = true;
$QT = $matches[2];
$is_MLQ = true;
return $matches[1] . '<font style="color:' . $quote . '" class="strip quote">' . $matches[2];
}, $lines);
$pattern = array(
preg_replace('/\s\s+/', '', self::$keywords_ptrn),
$replacement = array(
'<span style="color:' . self::$operators .'" class="operators">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$number .'" class="number">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$class .'" class="number">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$keywords .'" class="keyword">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$function .'" class="function">$1</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$variable .'" class="variable">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$cast .'" class="cast">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$constant .'" class="constant">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$parenthesis .'" class="parenthesis">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$curly_braces .'" class="curly_braces">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$square_bracket .'" class="square_bracket">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$null .'" class="null">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$self .'" class="self">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$parent .'" class="parent">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$bool .'" class="bool">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$comment .'" class="strip comment">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$parameter_type .'" class="parameter_type">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$return_type .'" class="return_type">$0</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$tag_open .'" class="tag long">&lt;?php</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$tag_open .'" class="tag short">&lt;?=</span>',
'<span style="color:' . self::$tag_close .'" class="tag clode">?></span>',
$lines = self::isFunction($lines);
$lines = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $lines);
$new_code .= $lines . '</td></tr>';
$new_code .= '<tr class="last-map"><td></td><td></td></tr>';
#$new_code = str_replace(array('\"', '\\\'', ' '), array('"', '\'', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), $new_code); // BUG (need two spaces)
$new_code = str_replace(array('\"', '\\\'', ' '), array('"', '\'', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), $new_code);
$style = '.strip font,.strip span{color:inherit !important;all:initial !important;all:unset !important}';
$pretty = '<table style="' . self::$body .'">'. $new_code . '</table><style>' . $style . '</style>';
if ($cache) {
self::cache($file_name, $pretty);
return $pretty;
* caches formatted strings and handles gc
* @param $name
* @param string $new_cache
* @return string
private static function cache($name, $new_cache = null) {
$file = self::$cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_x86';
if ($new_cache == null) {
@$content = file_get_contents($file);
$content = (array)json_decode($content);
if ((isset($content[$name])) && ($content[$name][0] == filemtime($name))) {
return file_get_contents(self::$cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $content[$name][1]);
} else {
if (!is_dir(self::$cache_path)) {
file_put_contents($file, '');
@$content = file_get_contents($file);
$content = (array)json_decode($content);
if ((!isset($content[$name])) || ((isset($content[$name])) && ($content[$name][0] != filemtime($name)))) {
$_name = time() + mt_rand(10, 200);
$content[$name] = array(filemtime($name), $_name);
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($content));
file_put_contents(self::$cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_name, $new_cache);
return '';
* check if code is a file or a string then renders accordingly
* @param string $code
* @param bool $is_file
* @return string
public static function render($code, $is_file = false, $cache = false, $expire = null) {
if ($is_file) {
self::$cache_path = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.caches';
if ($is_file) {
if ($cache) {
$cached = self::cache($code);
if ($cached != '') return $cached;
return self::format(file_get_contents($code), $code, $cache);
return self::format($code, null, false);
/** theme
* @param (string) name of theme base on json file.
* @param (string) default theme to use if @param1 was not found.
* @return (int) (2 used @param1, 1 used @param2, 0 none, -1 no theme.json file found)
highlight::theme('dark', 'adilbo'); // adilbo, dark, purple, light, brown, clean, blue
/** showLineNumber
* @param (bool) displays line number if true.
* @param (int) line at wich code rendering begins.
* @return (void)
highlight::showLineNumber(true); // gets the color of function
/** setHighlight
* @param (int) line to highlight
* @param (array) attributes to add to line eg (array('class' => 'className'))
* @param (bool) allows only one(last called) highlight.
highlight::setHighlight(17, array('class' => 'highlight'), false);
highlight::setHighlight(18, array('class' => 'highlight'), false);
highlight::setHighlight(19, array('class' => 'highlight'), false);
highlight::setHighlight(20, array('class' => 'highlight'), false);
/** highlight
* @param (string) file name or string of PHP code to be highlighted
* @param (bool) set to true if @param1 is a file
* @param (bool) allow caching of processed text (work for files only)
echo '<style>.highlight{background:crimson}</style>';
echo '<pre>' . highlight::render('index.php', true, false) . '</pre>';
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