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Last active February 7, 2020 07:37
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[Backup mySQL & ZIP] Backup you mySQL Database #php #class #backup
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* [Backup mySQL & ZIP] Backup you mySQL Database #php #class #backup */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$config = array(
'backup_version' => '1.0.0', // version of the backup app
'backup_db_host' => 'localhost', // the mySQL host name - most time localhost
'backup_db_port' => 3306, // the mySQL host port - most time 3306
'backup_db_user' => 'root', // the mySQL user name
'backup_db_pass' => 'root', // the mySQL password
'backup_db_name' => 'PLM', // database name from config.php
'backup_use_drop' => true, // use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS in dump file
'backup_include_tables' => array(), // array with tables to include (if used 'backup_exclude_tables' is ignored)
'backup_exclude_tables' => array('ignore'), // array with tables to exclude
'backup_file_path' => __dir__ . '/BACKUP', // no '/' slash at the end
'backup_use_zip' => false, // false = save .sql / true = make ZIP from .sql
'backup_use_password' => true, // use password only for ZIP archive
'backup_zip_password' => '', // the password for the ZIP archive (HINT: This uses System ZIP and not PHP ZIP function!)
* TODO: download ZIP or SQL and import uploaded ZIP or SQL to a given database
// INI
$backup = new backup($config);
$dump = $backup->db();
echo '<pre>';
echo var_dump($dump);
echo '</pre>';
class backup {
public $config = null;
// for ZIP only
private $datasec = array();
private $ctrl_dir = array();
private $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // end of Central directory record
private $old_offset = 0;
public function __construct($config) {
$this->config = $config;
public function db() {
// avoid script runtime timeout
$max_execution_time = ini_get("max_execution_time");
set_time_limit(0); // 0 = no timelimit
// connecz to db
$mysqli = @mysqli_connect($this->config['backup_db_host'].':'.$this->config['backup_db_port'], $this->config['backup_db_user'], $this->config['backup_db_pass']);
if ( mysqli_connect_errno() ) {
return array('warning' => 'no mysql login possible');
// select db
// Alternate: $mysqli->query('USE ' . $this->config['backup_db_name']);
if ( ! $mysqli->select_db($this->config['backup_db_name']) ) {
return array('warning' => 'can not select db');
// set charset
if ( ! $mysqli->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'") ) {
return array('warning' => 'can not set charset to utf8');
// build dump header
$tables = array();
$contents = PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- adilbo mySQL Dump' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- version ' . $this->config['backup_version'] . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Host: ' . $this->config['backup_db_host'] . ':' . $this->config['backup_db_port'] . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Generation Time: ' . date('r') . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Server version: ' . $mysqli->server_info . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- PHP Version: ' . phpversion() . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
$contents .= 'SET time_zone = "+00:00";' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
// build table dump output
$contents .= '-- --------------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Database: `' . $this->config['backup_db_name'] . '`' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
// integrate hint for mac if zip password is used
if ( empty($this->config['backup_zip_password']) ) {
$contents .= '-- Hint:' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- To extract ZIP on Mac OS don\'t use system unzip,' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- it only works with extern unzip software like:' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- and' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- --------------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
// get tables
// Alternate: 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $this->config['backup_db_name']
// Alternate: 'SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA LIKE \'' . $this->config['backup_db_name'] .'\''
$results_data = $mysqli->query( 'SHOW TABLES' );
// ups, no tables to backup in this db
if ( count($results_data->fetch_array()) < 1 ) {
return array('warning' => 'no tables in the db');
// only use include tables
if ( count($this->config['backup_include_tables']) > 0 ) {
while ( $row = $results_data->fetch_array() ) {
if ( in_array($row[0], $this->config['backup_include_tables']) ) {
$tables[] = $row[0];
} else {
// OR use all except the exclude tables
while ( $row = $results_data->fetch_array() ) {
if ( !in_array($row[0], $this->config['backup_exclude_tables']) ) {
$tables[] = $row[0];
// no tables left :-o
if ( count($tables) < 1 ) {
return array('warning' => 'no table found');
// build table dump
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$res_status = $mysqli->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE \'' . $table . '\'');
$row_status = $res_status->fetch_array();
$contents .= '-- --------------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Table `' . $table . '`' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Creation: ' . $row_status['Create_time'] . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Last update: ' . $row_status['Update_time'] . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
if ( $this->config['backup_use_drop'] == true ) {
$contents .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table . ';'. PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
$results_data = $mysqli->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table);
while ( $row = $results_data->fetch_array() ) {
$contents .= $row[1] . ';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$results_data = $mysqli->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
$row_count = $results_data->num_rows;
$fields = $results_data->fetch_fields();
$fields_count = count($fields);
$insert_head = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (';
for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_count; ++$i) {
$insert_head .= '`' . $fields[$i]->name . '`';
if ( $i < $fields_count - 1 ) {
$insert_head .= ', ';
$insert_head .= ')';
$insert_head .= ' VALUES' . PHP_EOL;
if ( $row_count > 0 ) {
$r = 0;
while ( $row = $results_data->fetch_array() ) {
if ( $r == 0 ) {
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '-- Data for table `' . $table . '`' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= '--' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
if ( ($r % 400) == 0 ) {
$contents .= $insert_head;
$contents .= '(';
for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_count; ++$i) {
$row_content = $this->mysqli_escape_mimic($row[$i]); // my\/sqli_real_escape_string
$row_content = str_replace('\'\'', 'NULL', $row_content);
switch ($fields[$i]->type){
case 8: case 3:
$contents .= $row_content;
$contents .= '\'' . $row_content . '\'';
if ( $i < $fields_count - 1 ) {
$contents .= ', ';
if ( ($r+1) == $row_count || ($r % 400) == 399 ) {
$contents .= ');' . PHP_EOL;
$contents .= PHP_EOL;
} else {
$contents .= '),' . PHP_EOL;
// create the backup path if not exists
if ( !is_dir($this->config['backup_file_path']) ) {
mkdir ($this->config['backup_file_path'], 0777, true);
// build backup file names
$backup_file_name = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '__backup__db__'.$this->create_guid();
$backup_file_name_with_path = $this->config['backup_file_path'] . '/' . $backup_file_name;
// write dump in .sql file
if ( !($fp = fopen($backup_file_name_with_path . '.sql' ,'w+')) or !($result = fwrite($fp, $contents)) ) {
return false;
// use file to generate a zip archive
if ( $this->config['backup_use_zip'] == true ) {
// if password is given use system zip function
if ( $this->config['backup_use_password'] == true and !empty($this->config['backup_zip_password']) ) {
exec('zip -P ' . $this->config['backup_zip_password'] . ' ' . $backup_file_name_with_path . '.zip' . ' ' . $backup_file_name . '.sql');
} else {
// use zip helfer function in this file
#$zip = new zip();
$backup_archive_name = $this->config['backup_file_path'] . '/';
$this->add_file($backup_file_name_with_path . '.sql', $backup_file_name . '.sql');
if ( !($fd = @fopen($backup_file_name_with_path . '.zip', 'w+b')) or !($ok = fwrite($fd, $this->file())) ) {
return false;
// delete the .sql file (there is still the zip archive)
@unlink($backup_file_name_with_path . '.sql');
// reset script runtime timeout
set_time_limit($max_execution_time); // set it back to the old value
// return the sql dump data
return $contents;
// alternate for my\/sqli_real_escape_string
// idea from -
private function mysqli_escape_mimic($input) {
return array_map(__METHOD__, $input);
if(!empty($input) && is_string($input)) {
$search = array("\\", "\x00", "\n", "\r", "'", '"', "\x1a");
$replace = array("\\\\", "\\0", "\\n", "\\r", "\'", '\"', "\\Z");
return str_replace($search, $replace, $input);
return $input;
// create GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
// idea from
private function create_guid() { //
$guid = '';
$namespace = rand(11111, 99999);
$uid = uniqid('', true);
$data = $namespace;
$data .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
$data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
$hash = strtoupper(hash('ripemd128', $uid . $guid . md5($data)));
$guid = substr($hash, 0, 8) . '-' .
substr($hash, 8, 4) . '-' .
substr($hash, 12, 4) . '-' .
substr($hash, 16, 4) . '-' .
substr($hash, 20, 12);
return $guid;
private function add_file($data, $name) {
$fp = fopen($data,"r");
#$data = fread($fp,filesize($data));
if (filesize($data) > 0) $data = fread($fp,filesize($data));// NEW FROM adilbo
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
#$zdata = gzcompress($data);
if (function_exists('gzcompress')) $zdata = gzcompress($data,9); else $zdata = $data;// NEW FROM adilbo
$zdata = substr ($zdata, 2, -4);
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00";
$fr .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$fr .= pack("V",$crc);
$fr .= pack("V",$c_len);
$fr .= pack("V",$unc_len);
$fr .= pack("v",strlen($name));
$fr .= pack("v", 0);
$fr .= $name;
$fr .= $zdata;
$fr .= pack("V",$crc);
$fr .= pack("V",$c_len);
$fr .= pack("V",$unc_len);
$this->datasec[] = $fr;
$new_offset = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00";
$cdrec .="\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$cdrec .= pack("V",$crc);
$cdrec .= pack("V",$c_len);
$cdrec .= pack("V",$unc_len);
$cdrec .= pack("v",strlen($name));
$cdrec .= pack("v",0);
$cdrec .= pack("v",0);
$cdrec .= pack("v",0);
$cdrec .= pack("v",0);
$cdrec .= pack("V",32);
$cdrec .= pack("V",$this->old_offset);
$this->old_offset = $new_offset;
$cdrec .= $name;
$this->ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
private function file() {
$data = implode('',$this->datasec);
$ctrldir = implode('',$this->ctrl_dir);
$data .
$ctrldir .
$this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
pack("v", sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) .
pack("v", sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) .
pack("V", strlen($ctrldir)) .
pack("V", strlen($data)) .
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