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Created October 23, 2017 12:30
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Flask SQLAlchemy Pagination without count query
def optimised_pagination(query, per_page, page):
'''A more efficient pagination for SQLAlchemy
Fetch one item before offset (to know if there's a previous page)
Fetch one item after limit (to know if there's a next page)
The trade-off is that the total items are not available, but if you don't need them
there's no need for an extra COUNT query
offset_start = (page - 1) * per_page
query_offset = max(offset_start - 1, 0)
optimistic_items = query.limit(per_page + 1).offset(query_offset).all()
if page == 1:
if len(optimistic_items) == per_page + 1:
# On first page, there's no optimistic item for previous page
items = optimistic_items[:-1]
# The number of items on the first page is fewer than per_page
items = optimistic_items
elif len(optimistic_items) == per_page + 2:
# We fetched an extra item on both ends
items = optimistic_items[1:-1]
# An extra item only on the head
# This is the last page
items = optimistic_items[1:]
# This total is at least the number of items for the query, could be more
total = offset_start + len(optimistic_items)
return Pagination(query, page, per_page, total, items)
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