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Created August 11, 2020 20:57
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[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! It looks like you are using some plugin(s) that alter how Skript works (addons).
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Here is full list of them:
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! skRayFall v1.9.20 ( TuSKe v1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3 ( SkQuery v3.6.4MH Skellett v1.9.5a-minehut (
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! We could not identify which of those are specially related, so this might also be Skript issue.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! You should try disabling those plugins one by one, trying to find which one causes it.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! If the error doesn't disappear even after disabling all listed plugins, it is probably Skript issue.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! In that case, you will be given instruction on how should you report it.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! On the other hand, if the error disappears when disabling some plugin, report it to author of that plugin.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Only if the author tells you to do so, report it to Skript's issue tracker.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace:
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.NullPointerException
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.rayfall.eyesniper2.skrayfall.citizens.effects.EffCreateCitizen.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute2(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.onCommand(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.Bukkit.dispatchCommand(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.Skript.dispatchCommand(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.check(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$1.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInFlying.a(SourceFile:122)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInFlying$PacketPlayInPositionLook.a(SourceFile:18)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$1(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.aZ(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.v(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0(
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Version Information:
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.5-alpha6-MH (custom version)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Flavor: selfbuilt-unknown
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Date: unknown
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.16.1
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_212 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.212-b04)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! OS: Linux amd64 5.4.0-26-generic
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Server platform: Paper
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current item: Created NPC named: {name3}(as java.lang.String) Loaction: [[direction:at]] (the 1st argument >>$11@14b5a156: entity -> location) Type:entity
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current trigger: command /wdr (simple event) (, line -1)
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Language: english
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Link parse mode: DISABLED
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! End of Error.
[20:46:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
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