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Created August 11, 2020 20:55
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command /wbchn [<text>]:
permission: op
execute command "/npc sel %{name3}%"
wait 1 tick
set {name3} to arg 1
execute command "/npc rename %arg 1%"
command /wbchs [<text>]:
permission: op
execute command "/npc sel %{name3}%"
wait 1 tick
execute command "/npc skin %arg 1%"
command /wbcha:
permission: op
execute command "/npc sel %{name3}%"
wait 1 tick
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's helmet slot to leather helmet
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's helmet slot to chainmail helmet
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's helmet slot to iron helmet
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's helmet slot to golden helmet
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's helmet slot to diamond helmet
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's chestplate slot to leather chestplate
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's chestplate slot to chainmail chestplate
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's chestplate slot to iron chestplate
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's chestplate slot to golden chestplate
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's chestplate slot to diamond chestplate
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's legging slot to leather leggings
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's legging slot to chainmail leggings
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's legging slot to iron leggings
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's legging slot to golden leggings
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's legging slot to diamond leggings
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's boot slot to leather boots
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's boot slot to chainmail boots
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's boot slot to iron boots
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's boot slot to golden boots
chance of 5%:
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
set loop-entity's boot slot to diamond boots
on any move:
add 1 to {m.%player%}
if {m.%player%} is not set:
set {m.%player%} to 0
if {m.%player%} > 999:
if {attacked.%player%} is not true:
execute command "/wdr %player%"
clear {m.%player%}
on join:
clear {m.%player%}
clear {attacked.%player%}
on quit:
clear {m.%player%}
clear {attacked.%player%}
on damage:
victim is a player
attacker is a player
set {attacked.%attacker%} to true
set {attacked.%victim%} to true
wait 4 seconds
clear {attacked.%attacker%}
clear {attacked.%victim%}
command /test:
set {players::*} to all players
set {random} to random element out of {players::*}
broadcast "[debug] random player is %{random}%"
command /wdr [<player>]:
aliases: report, watchreport, watchdogreport, wdreport
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&6&lWatchDog &r&8>> &rPlease select a player for bot-check."
send "&6&lWatchDog &r&8>> &rChecking %arg 1% for KillAura (bot)"
loop all entities:
set {name3} to random integer between 11111 and 9999999
create a citizen named {name3} at arg
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
loop 4 times:
hide loop-entity from all players
loop 360 times:
execute command "/wbcha"
reveal loop-entity to arg 1
set {_ploc} to location of arg 1
set {check.%arg 1%} to true
set yaw of {_ploc} to random integer between 0 and 360
set pitch of {_ploc} to random integer between -90 and 90
set {_v} to cylindrical vector 1.2, loop-number-2, 1
teleport loop-entity to {_ploc} ~ {_v}
mod(loop-number-2, 16) = 0
wait 1 ticks
remove loop-entity from {bots::*}
delete {botcheck::%arg 1%}
delete {check.%arg 1%}
if {bost.%arg 1%} > 5:
kick arg 1 due to "&cYou are kicked from %nl% &cReason: &rWATCHDOG CHEAT DETECTION &7&o[CR-%random integer between 11111 and 999999%] %nl% &aLearn about more on"
broadcast "[WATCHDOG CHEAT DETECTION] A player has been removed from server for hacking or abuse. &7&o(CR-%random integer between 11111 and 999999%)"
wait 1 tick
delete {bost.%arg 1%}
set {hacking.%arg 1%} to true
send "&cWATCH DOG CHEAT DETECTION: &aThank you for reporting &c%arg%&a, they were successfully kicked for KillAura!"
if {hacking.%arg 1%} isn't set:
send "&cWATCH DOG CHEAT DETECTION: Please do not false report other players! They were NOT hacking."
clear {hacking.%arg 1%}
clear loop-entity's helmet slot
clear loop-entity's chestplate slot
clear loop-entity's legging slot
clear loop-entity's boot slot
hide loop-entity from all players
execute command "/wbchn %random integer between 11111 and 99999999%"
hide loop-entity from all players
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs Bassa123"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs zombit"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs Fleki"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs Natasha_10"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs tanea"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs HappilyMeg"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs PadshiyAngei"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs keylyn"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs in_your_heart"
chance of 5%:
execute command "/wbchs LePireRqux"
command /wdfix:
permission: op
loop all entities:
uncoloured name of loop-entity is {name3}
reveal loop-entity to player
clear {running}
on npc left click:
if {check.%player%} is true:
add 1 to {bost.%player%}
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